Wednesday, February 02, 2011

She's Lost Control: Analysis

Season 1, Episode 11: She's Lost Control


In constructing this site, I charged myself with re-watching every episode of the first two seasons of Being Erica twice. Firstly, to record the events, and secondly, my opinions.

I won't lie, sometimes it can feel like a bit of a drag, as I know the episodes pretty well now. However, I find She's Lost Control to be one of the most enjoyable episodes of the entire first two seasons.

I guess it's easy to, seeing as it probably has one of the most positive and uplifting endings with hugely positive steps forward for Erica in both her professional and personal lives.

However, it's also because it's one of the most entertaining episodes. Despite her unresolved feelings and love for Ethan, it's packed full of comedy right from the start - with Erica diving under the table to, unsuccessfully, try and hide from Ethan.

Throwing herself onto the floor to avoid Ethan kissing her was another highlight. As was Erica's very forward behaviour as they acted out their scene for drama class - leading to her spreading the rumour about Ethan being gay.

Her struggles to find the right candidate amongst some pretty sensational applications for the book launch interview is also amusing. Ultimately, we are afforded Andrea, who right from the moment she helps herself to wine on stage is a disaster in the making.

It culminates with her hilarious demonstration of 'domestic discipline' which Brent, amusingly, asking Erica if there is a website about. The way he then invites her out after dragging her off stage is also classic Brent - as was his jibe at Erica's "cheap knock off" shoes.

Dr. Tom is also in fine comic mood too - from his meditation and various yoga moves - providing a nice bit of physical comedy between Michael and Erin - to his usual facetious and sarcastic remarks to Erica.

"It's not like it's the first time," when Erica informs him of her kiss with Ethan was my personal favourite. His turn as Professor Thompson during her second time travelling experience was also good.

This episode also involves one of my favourite pieces of Dr. Tom rationalising - as he "opens Erica's eyes" to where she stands with Ethan. There's something even more meaningful about him helping her find happiness in love, and his explanations here work really well.

It's easy to forget that comedy and moments of laughter are part of the blend which makes Being Erica the uniquely brilliant show it is. It's also great credit to the actors who are equally adept at pulling off something funny as they are something emotional and heavy.

Indeed, this episode shows that off perfectly because, as well as the humour, it also involves two absolutely blinding conversations between Erica and Ethan. The concluding one, and before that, their blazing row on the streets outside the authors' festival.

Erica is in top form here, as she really spells it out to Ethan. From here on in, we get to see and understand a lot more about Ethan. My thoughts on him can wait for a later date, but his closed-off nature is something I worryingly see in myself.

Of course, the central theme of the episode was control - whether in the workplace or as Erica attempts to control the direction of the past and influence her present love life. It's always fun to see Erica on a "mission" as it were, desperately trying to stop something happening.

You'd have thought she'd have learnt from trying to break Josh and Sam up though, that going back in time and sticking her oar in isn't necessarily enough.

The idea of her being able to add to her list - as well as the two different time travelling experiences, including one from a time after we'd already met Erica - also helped contribute to the interest.

In theory, she could forever be expanding her list with regrets from much more recent times. We see a bit of that in the next episode, with the "do over" Dr. Tom provides for Erica. I love the whole expansion of the mechanics of the time travelling though.

As ever, discussing control makes me look at myself. I guess I'm one of those people who can be a bit of a perfectionist and often would lead groups in school or university to ensure that that's what I got.

Controlling? Maybe a little. However, I guess I would defend myself with the fact that I got a good grade for both myself and any colleagues, so my control had been helpful, right?

I recall I volunteered to be in charge of our last big group assignment for my degree, and really ensured I exerted the maximum control I could to get things how I wanted them. However, just as Erica says, I almost ended up pushing things too far.

It's a fine line, but I like her concluding thoughts that, really, it should be of great relief to us that we can only control ourselves. Why worry about the things we can't control? Accept we can't and focus on what we can change and alter.

Of course, before that, she learns of her promotion and then, the moment everyone had been waiting for - Erica and Ethan getting together. I think Erin looks really amazing in that scene, even if she's just dressed really casually in her hoodie. Just naturally beautiful.

Then there's that immortal line as she jumps into his arms and they kiss. "What took you so long?" I guess it's good writing that, at that moment, a fan can't help but be really pleased for Erica.

She's a character that's easy to love, and easy to empathise with in many ways. Watching her life turn around and become more positive, as it seems to be at the end of Episode 11, is pretty inspiring stuff to be honest. As bad at it may seem sometimes, things can turn around.

Now, does anyone know where I can find a therapist who specialises in time travel?

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