Monday, January 31, 2011

Mi Casa, Su Casa Loma: Analysis

Season 1, Episode 10: Mi Casa, Su Casa Loma


When was the last time you told somebody you loved them? How about when you told somebody you didn't like them? Now, how about the last time you told somebody you were jealous of them?

Not easy to remember, I know. After all, as Dr. Tom so rightly says, we don't talk about being jealous. It's not the done thing. It's not an attractive quality in someone, to covet someone else's life.

However, to a certain degree, we're all jealous of other people - even if we try and convince ourselves otherwise. Whether it's the kind of jealousy which plays a part in relationships - as we saw with Ryan over Ethan, or just the kind of envy emanating from Erica when she looks at Katie.

Her friendship with Katie forms the central theme of Episode 10, but it begins with a look at another friendship, namely her now strained one with Ethan. Of course, there's something comical about her trying to avoid him at the start, but there's a serious point to it.

After having so much difficulty in taking a leap, as Dr. Tom put it, she admitted her love for Ethan only for him to crush it. Is there anything worse than opening yourself up and laying your emotions out for someone, only for them to reject you?

Still, Erica's mind is then given the distraction of Katie's presence. Now, we've all got people who rub us up the wrong way, I dare say I am that person for some people I've met, and it's a challenge just to try and co-exist with them.

However, when that person is one of your oldest friends, and formerly one of the people you were closest to in life, what do you do? It's hard.

Now, in her previous appearance, I wasn't too complimentary about Katie, but I guess the whole point of the episode was to shed a bit more light on the character and be a bit more sympathetic towards her.

Obviously she is a bit self-involved, and she has no qualms with stealing Erica's words and ideas when pitching her idea to Julianne about The None. She's
clearly ruthless, and maybe that's why she's got to where she has with her career. That killer instinct.

However, I'm not sure she's as malicious as I first thought, maybe crass and tactless at times - like her comment about Erica's job being to make lattes. There was no need. However, was she intentionally lauding it over Erica? I don't know.
Mind you, the 'Merica Grange' anecdote was particularly funny.

We all know Erica is a sensitive creature - her mom told us in Episode 1 after all. Indeed, that's what makes her such a fun central character. She wears her heart on her sleeve and can so easily get annoyed and wound up through her stubbornness and principles.

Her ranting while pacing around Dr. Tom's office while he chuckles that Katie writing the book was "her idea" was typical of their relationship. I have to admit I'm one of those people who laughs at almost everything in life and, like Erica with Dr. Tom, others don't always welcome it.

However, he also gives her a chance for some therapy after her heated exchange with Julianne, so he knows just what she needs and is there for her when she needs him most. Incidentally, how clever was that overhead camera shot so we could see that Erica was going to head into Dr. Tom's office before she knew? Love it.

Just a word on Julianne. The more I watch the series, the more I find her just plain annoying and nasty in the early days. Indeed, I'm not even sure why Erica and her become so close in Season 2. I'm sure I'll remember when I see it.

However, once again, she showed herself up to be not only out of her depth in her job - too flighty and too impulsive, but also that she is almost like a school girl bully at times. Her pretend phone call about a "reality check" for Erica was uncalled for.

Throw in the stupid air quoting, management talk, and general attitude and I think I'd hate to work for her. Maybe in Season 2, with the events that occur, we only warm to her through pity?

Her comment about Erica playing in her 20s did have me worrying a bit though. Not looking forward to paying for that in my 30s, if Julianne is to be believed.

Of course, it's back to her teens where Dr. Tom sends Erica though, revisiting her time working at Casa Loma. I never knew this was a real place until I did a bit of research. I've actually learned a lot about Toronto and Ontaria just from watching this series. We don't get a lot of Canada-related stuff over here in the UK.

Watching her regret again, it's clear to see how Katie was indeed in Erica's shadow when they were younger, and how it was easy for her to feel "worthless" - the exact same word Erica tells Dr. Tom that Katie now makes her feel in the present day.

From people forgetting the party in Casa Loma was her idea, to Judith and Erica's quick bonding, to not getting to dance with Zach, she always seems to be overlooked. Indeed, after the party Zach doesn't even know Katie is, referring to her only as the "stress bunny."

Speaking of which, why is that so sexy? I know it's a classic costume, but us guys really do like girls dressed like that. Have to add too, that Sarah looks really great during the flashback.

I never really noticed her looks in the earlier episodes, maybe it's because they try and dress the actress to look older, as she is actually my age - nearly ten years younger than the character she plays. However, in the time travel she looks really hot.

It's quite obvious where things are going to go with Leo and Katie though. We've already seen a bit of chemistry between them during the party - and we know Leo is a bit of a player from Erica's perfect day on Toronto Island. The loose tail was also a bit obvious.

I'll let the writers off though, seeing as they do a sterling job. Notice the continuity from Episode 3 where Erica recalls a quote of Dr. Tom's coming from The Matrix - which she tells Ethan in this episode is the only sci-fi film she's ever got into it.

All the standard features are included too. A customary funny appearance by Dr. Tom, who has even got into the dressing up act himself as Freud - plus the funny accent. Erica's transition from holding onto the chair to dropping the case of beer was also cleverly done.

Also typical was Erica's reaction to seeing Leo - she couldn't stop smiling. And who was it who convinced her to hold the party, once more, in Casa Loma? It was Leo - and the chance to spend the evening with him partying.

Incidentally, a quick word on Halloween. It may be changing a little now, but it's just never caught on the same over here as in North America. Not sure why, but I've never made a big deal of it. Not that I'd dress up anyway, I've never liked fancy dress. I don't know why.

There are also plenty of time errors from Erica in this episode, whether it was her knowing so much about Judith despite them just meeting, calling Addison a "kid," or talking about a movie which was still just a book in 1993. They're always fun to include.

It was also clever of the writers to feature the River Phoenix news in the plot. I wasn't aware of this myself, being just six at the time, but I always think it's clever when they can add a bit of reality into a series like this with its time travelling aspect - even if it's to laugh at the comically big cell phone Zach boasts about.

Things come to a head when Erica catches Leo and Katie having sex of course, and it's down to Leo to spell out what's obvious to him, even if Erica can't see how Katie always plays second fiddle to her.

Then comes the awkwardness of trying to raise the issues of jealousy. How do you even begin to? If you accuse someone else of being so, it makes you arrogant. If you raise it as the jealous party yourself, it makes you look pathetic. It's a no win situation.

Perhaps Erica, realising that Katie has no reason to be jealous of her in the '90s, understands that she doesn't need to be the same in the present day. After all, the grass isn't always greener.

I also think too, that spending time comparing yourself to other people is always pointless - there will always be people better off than you, but there will always be people worse off than you. Just be happy to be who you are, whatever that means.

There's a nice conclusion, as the two friends seem to make up and look ahead to a better relationship in the future. Of course, with her feud with Katie put to rest, it only reminds Erica that she has another friendship that needs attention. And it will receive it.

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