Season 2, Episode 10: Papa Can You Hear Me?
Here's an incredibly predictable comment: I love this episode. For me, it's one of the best of Season 2 as Dr. Tom takes centre stage and gets to travel back in time to re-live his regret over his daughter, Sarah.
This is something we saw right at the start of Season 2, as Dr. Tom took Erica back in time to show how he and his daughter had fallen out. He also referred to her in Episode 4 and her love of taking risks.
It was a nice touch from the writers, therefore, to bring the matter back and deal with it to a certain extent towards the end of Season 2. And a clever way of showing the growth and development in the relationship between Dr. Tom and Erica.
Indeed, relationships are at the centre of this episode. I have to say, right from the outset, I disagree with Erica's assertion that relationships are solid. Maybe I'm wrong to, but I see them as very fragile. Capable of ending and breaking in an instant.
Plenty of relationships are put under the radar in this episode. We'll deal with the primary one between Dr. Tom and his daughter Sarah first of all though.
It's clearly a big issue for Dr. Tom, as he doesn't even know where his daughter is in the present day, or whether she's even alive. For a parent, that must be a nightmare.
I think one of the reasons I enjoy this episode so much as well is because I have a difficult relationship with my own parents. We're not close to say the least. I guess it's one of those things which begins in teenage years.
You just have to hope that as you mature and grow up, that you become closer again. It's not always the case though. Clearly Dr. Tom and Sarah, with their strawberry milkshakes with extra whipped cream, used to be close.
It's that classic parent-kid dilemma though. The parent wants their kid to be happy but they also want them to be the best they can be and think they know what's best for them. The kid disagrees and wants to live their own life and make their own choices. Cue confrontation.
I don't doubt that being a parent is the hardest job in the world, and I certainly doubt my own ability to be a father, if it were to ever happen.
I do feel lucky as a kid though that my parents have never been very pushy in terms of my future and been happy for me to do whatever I want.
On his return to the past, Dr. Tom sees how wrong he has been about Sarah - and realising how she has a talent for art which should be encouraged and nurtured rather than shut down. How he did he discover it? By taking the time to listen and understand.
Obviously Sarah's rant over dinner resonated with him, as he realises that the way he has been acting with Erica, controlling the direction of her therapy, has produced a similar negative reaction from her.
I liked the fact that he was able to keep the drawing of Sarah's though, proudly hanging it up on his wall in his office. However, he was clearly sad on his time travelling of the wasted and missed years that he will never be able to get back as he watched his talented daughter at work.
Great acting as ever from Michael, who is given more time than usual to shine. I also liked the different therapist interaction in this episode - with the return of Dr. Naadiah and Dr. Fred also making an appearance.
Ultimately, Dr. Tom - maybe in a sign of how he cares about Erica - does go and pay a visit to Kai, as she requested. Obviously something he said got through to the barista too, judging by his decision at the end to return to Goblins to work.
Speaking of Kai, the turbulent friendship between him and Erica takes another twist in this episode. Seriously, it's getting pretty boring by now.
They are going to be friends, they aren't going to be friends. They are going to talk about things, they aren't going to talk about things. Erica is going to go to Goblins for coffee, Erica isn't going to go for Goblins for coffee.
She, naively, thinks initially that things with Kai can go on as normal, despite her confessing feelings for him. She seems to have forgotten what happened during a similar thing in Season 1 when she told Ethan she loved him though.
How uncomfortable she now is around Ethan is a clear sign of the confused feelings she has though. The words of Sam about her relationship with Josh and the "made up" view he had of her clearly strike a chord too.
My own view is that most relationships break up because the two people aren't right for one another in the first place. The only difference is how long it takes for that to be discovered - sometimes it can take a couple of dates, sometimes months, sometimes years.
The other difference can be whether it is a discovery made internally or whether an external factor provides the catalyst for this discovery. I guess this is where Kai comes in, causing confusion and doubt in Erica's mind about what she really wants.
You'd think the fact her issues with Kai stops her from sleeping in the middle of the night, causing her to go to Goblins late, falling out with her therapist, and not wanting her boyfriend kissing her would give her some kind of indication though.
Of course, as is the way so often in Season 2, the episode ends with Erica saying she can't be friends with Kai. Talk about deja vu. You get the feeling it is the last desperate act to save her relationship with Ethan. The inevitable just keeps getting delayed.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Papa Can You Hear Me?
Season 2, Episode 10: Papa Can You Hear Me?
Episode Guide
Erica is sitting in her apartment kitchen sorting through her mail, and finds a flyer advertising an open mic night coming up at Goblins. She looks at it and narrates:
"Relationships, they're like pillars in our life. Providing support, defining the space in which we live."
Ethan then comes in and kisses her on the cheek. She is clearly uncomfortable with this, and he wonders if everything is OK. She tells him she's fine, but he replies that she's the worst liar on the planet.
Erica admits that she's a little distracted, explaining that The None is due to be published, that Alexis is late in owing her the third chapter of the sex book, Julianne is breathing down her back, and that she has forgotten to pick up the dry cleaning again.
He adds that the hydro bill they received for last month is crazy and wonders if there's anything else she wants to stress about. Erica takes his point and he puts his arms around her, saying he'll pick up the dry cleaning and assures her that everything will be OK.
Ethan once more goes to kiss her, which she finds awkward. He then goes, leaving a clearly distressed Erica thinking.
"We think of them as solid, immutable. The world may change around us but our relationships - they remain constant."
At River Rock, Julianne and Erica are walking in the office and discussing the sex book. Julianne asks her where chapter three is, with Erica replying that she hopes it's in her inbox. They laugh at this innuendo and Julianne then leaves.
Erica's attention is then caught by Kai, who has arrived unexpectedly in the office. She asks him what he's doing there and he tells her that he couldn't sleep the previous night because of what she had said to him.
Kai tells her that them becoming friends has been a big mistake and that he had come back to 2009 to lead a normal life rather than screw hers up. Erica is shocked by this, reminding him that he returned to re-do a regret.
He replies that he did at first, but that he then realised he could do a lot more than that and re-write his whole existence. Erica disagrees, but he tells her he can and had been until she showed up. Kai says that getting between her and Ethan was the 'old him' and he doesn't want to go down that road again.
Erica argues that she isn't asking him to, but he insists that they should have just stuck to coffee and small talk as he first suggested. She tells him he's overreacting, but Kai wonders if she thinks that saying she feels something for him doesn't change anything.
She states that it won't if they don't let it, but Kai instructs her to do herself a favour and stay away from him. He begins to go and, despite Erica's attempts to stop him, Kai tells her he's done with their screwed up situation and friendship and that "it's over." Erica watches him leave, stunned.
"Relationships, they feel so permanent, solid. So why are we always surprised to find out that, like everything else, they are not immune to change?"
Erica walks back into the office and sits down at her desk, sighing deeply. Brent, sitting at his desk, hears this, but the pair avoid making eye contact or speaking to one another. Eventually, Erica wheels over on her chair to speak to him.
He tells her that they can't talk at their desks. Erica wonders what he's talking, but Brent instructs her to count to 15 before she follows him and gets up from his chair before suggesting she actually counts to 20.
However, Erica gets up almost immediately after him and calls out Brent's name loudly. In his shock, he proceeds to knock over some stuff on the coffee lounge counter. He puts them back neatly as she joins him.
He reminds her that he said 20 seconds but she wonders what's gotten into him. Brent sticks up two fingers together, and Erica jokes he's become a cub scout. He explains that they represent the pause button, clarifying that he's referring to their friendship.
Erica doesn't understand what he means, and he suggests that River Rock is in the middle of a Cold War. Brent describes himself as being America and her the USSR. She tells him he's being ridiculous, but he advises that crossing enemy lines is a mistake and would complicate things.
She thinks he's being ridiculous, asking how long he and Julianne can continue their feud. Brent suggests that she blames Julianne and not him though, before leaving.
That evening, Erica arrives back at her apartment to find an angry Sam ranting to Ethan about the money she put into her and Josh's marriage. Erica asks what's going on and Sam hands her papers from Josh asking for a divorce.
Sam says that he wants to wipe her out and Ethan suggests that Josh and Claire were separated at birth. Erica is then shocked to discover that Josh is asking her sister for $80,000, claiming that he paid to send her through medical school.
A distraught Sam sits down on the couch, and bemoans how all the signs were there at the beginning of their relationship but that she hadn't wanted to see them. Ethan wonders what they were, and she replies that they never talked about anything important or about how she felt.
Erica listens to this, deep in thought, as Sam suggests that it was inevitable that they'd become like strangers. She says that he had a made-up idea of who she was in his mind, which intrigues Erica - who turns to look at Ethan.
Sam continues, calling herself pathetic for wanting to run away from the whole thing and describing how she had gone down to Goblins like some desperate loser to look for Kai.
Erica, now sitting beside her sister, tries to casually ask how it went. Sam tells her that Kai wasn't there and has quit - which shocks her. She explains that Dave told her that Kai had come in that morning and just walked out of the door without giving him any notice.
Her phone then rings, which she guesses is her lawyer calling her back, and she goes to take the call as Erica digests the news about Kai silently.
That night, Erica struggles to get to sleep. She quietly creeps out of her bedroom - as not to awake a sleeping Ethan - and heads to Goblins where she finds Dave. She tells him that she has heard Kai has quit and says that she really needs to talk to him.
Erica asks him if he has Kai's number, but Dave informs her that Kai doesn't want him giving his number to anyone, especially her. She pleads with him though, insisting something is going on with Kai as he loves his job.
Dave doubts this, as he hadn't even been given two weeks' notice by Kai. He also lets Erica know that Kai has quit his band, which she is astounded to hear. He comments that he doesn't know what's happening to Kai, and Erica replies that it's why she needs to talk to him.
He eventually relents and writes down Kai's address for her, explaining that he isn't answering his phone. Dave asks her not to say that she got it from him and a pleased Erica hugs and kisses him before hurriedly leaving.
She goes to his apartment and knocks on the door, trying to make herself heard over the loud music he is pumping out. Kai turns off the music and Erica opens the letterbox and tells him she has come a long way to see him.
Kai replies that she was uninvited but Erica says that she wants to talk and pleads with him to see her. He opens the door and allows Erica to enter. She admits that she has made everything really complicated for him and apologises for doing so.
He replies that it's not her but him, saying that he screws everything up. Erica asks him why he quit his job and Kai explains that he figured that if he disappeared then her and Ethan could go back to being in love and Travis could have a nice little musical career.
Erica says this isn't how therapy works but Kai insists he doesn't care and orders her to go. She tries to reason with him, but he reminds her that he instructed her to stay away. Kai tells her to stop trying to save him as it's not her job.
He says that if Dr. Fred can give up then so can she. Erica doubts that Dr. Fred has given up, but Kai disagrees - pointing to him not being there to lay down the law. He tells her that the next day he will inform Travis that he's quitting the band and then he will be going.
Kai turns the music back on loudly and lies down on his couch. Erica admits defeat and begins to walk backwards out of his apartment. However, she finds herself entering Dr. Tom's office. He is standing up, and seems more distressed than usual.
Dr. Tom invites her to sit down, and Erica exclaims that Kai won't listen and is being irrational and unreasonable and wonders why. He tells her that they are all valid questions but insists they're not for her or him to discuss, and once again asks Erica to sit.
She wonders why they can't talk about it though and, surprised at her attitude, Dr. Tom reminds her that in his office they talk about her - her life, her choices, and her list, which he picks up off his desk.
Erica suggests that Dr. Tom can't just ignore what's happening to Kai, who she says has no-one. She tells him that she feels responsible and that he should too, and reminds him that he let Dr. Fred send her into Kai's future for a reason.
Dr. Tom, agitated, throws her list down onto his desk and admits that it is a decision he has since come to regret. Erica asks why he agreed and he replies that he thought it would help her and provide some useful perspective.
He suggests that, instead, Erica has got completely caught up in Kai's life, a statement she finds unbelievable. Dr. Tom tells her that what she needs to do is focus on herself, and points for her to take a seat as he sits down on his chair.
Erica refuses to sit down though, and he is shocked at her disobedience. She states that it is her therapy and she should be allowed to decide what they talk about. Irritated, Dr. Tom tells her to drop it, saying she isn't Kai's doctor and it isn't her problem.
She replies that Kai's doctor is MIA and that he is drowning with Dr. Tom acting as if he doesn't care. Erica then suggests that he could talk to Kai and get through to him. He rejects this idea though, and says that they aren't going to discuss it any further.
He explains that, unlike Dr. Fred, he doesn't become involved in the lives of other patients. Erica wonders if this is a rule, and Dr. Tom replies that it's his rule. She accepts this, but turns to head for the door, saying that she's not doing therapy that day.
Dr. Tom calls for her to come back and, as Erica tries to twist the door knob, finds that it won't open. She asks him to open the door but he reiterates his request for her to come back and sit down.
Eventually she shouts at him to open the door and, shocked, Dr. Tom obeys. Erica storms out, leaving him swinging from side to side on his chair. He then angrily gets out of his chair and goes to follow her through the door.
However, instead he finds himself entering into Dr. Naadiah's office. She sits behind her desk and, after taking a moment to realise where he is, Dr. Tom slowly makes his way to sit down opposite her.
Dr. Naadiah asks him if everything is OK and he explains that him and Erica had a disagreement, saying that it wasn't the first and won't be their last. She recognises that they are a normal part of the process.
Dr. Tom says that the fight felt different and more like the ones he used to have with Sarah. She asks him in what way, and he explains that they would get going and there would never be any middle ground - always ending up in all out war.
He says that it never accomplished anything, before acknowledging that Dr. Naadiah knows where it led. She replies that he lost her and wonders if he's afraid that he might lose Erica. Dr. Tom says he doesn't know and doesn't even understand what just happened in his office.
She listens as Dr. Tom explains that he's aware that he was not a good father but that he is a good therapist. Dr. Naadiah agrees, but reminds him that even the best therapists miss things.
Annoyed, Dr. Tom asks her to tell him what the connection is and why he's having the same fight with Erica that he used to have with his daughter. Dr. Naadiah replies that there's only one way to find out and suddenly he finds himself transported back in time.
He is standing opposite Sarah, arguing, and holding her arm. He is shocked to see her and she tells him to let go of her arm, which she does. She begins to run back to her friends away from him, saying she's never coming home.
Dr. Tom chases after her, explaining that he just wants to talk to her. Sarah suggests that he never listens to her though, so there's no point. He asks her to wait and says that this time he will listen.
Sarah's boyfriend, Martin, reiterates that she doesn't want to talk to Dr. Tom and she adds that her father should get back to work. He replies that he doesn't care about work, removing his suit jacket and mobile phone and throwing them into a trash can to illustrate his point.
He then removes his watch, and throws it for Martin to keep. Dr. Tom insists that there will be no more work and Sarah wonders what's gotten into him and says he is embarrassing himself.
Dr. Tom tells her that he wants her to come and have some lunch with him, saying it'll just be for one hour. He pleads with her, and Sarah eventually agrees, telling Martin she'll meet him back at his van.
Martin advises Sarah not to let Dr. Tom mess with her again, but she insists that she'll be fine and instructs him to go. He warns her that that they will be leaving at 5pm and not to be late. He walks off and Dr. Tom and Sarah head off to get lunch at a diner.
They sit next to one another at the counter and he asks her if she remembers the place. Sarah replies that she does and isn't "brain dead." Dr. Tom absorbs the harshness of her tone, and she recognises it too.
She recalls how he used to bring her there every Sunday and that they'd get strawberry milkshakes, with Dr. Tom adding that they'd get extra whipped cream on top too. Sarah remembers how he would always let her eat his.
He comments that it seems like a lifetime ago and Sarah asks him what he wanted to talk about. Dr. Tom replies that he wants to talk about her, and she guesses that he's going to say that he hates her hair, clothes, friends and that she is ruining her life.
Dr. Tom interrupts her though and says that he wants to understand what happened and how the pair of them ended up like they are. Sarah replies that she doesn't know and that it just happened. He acknowledges that the problems between him and her mom didn't help.
However, she interrupts him and asks if they can just order. Dr. Tom agrees, but reiterates that he's just trying to understand, although Sarah says he never does and that he just believes what he wants, which he suggests she maybe does too.
They order their food, with Dr. Tom requesting two strawberry milkshakes with extra whipped cream, which Sarah smiles at.
Afterwards, they sit at the counter as he recounts how Sarah got lost as a kid at the CN Tower. They are then handed their bill and Dr. Tom goes to search for his wallet in his pocket, but is unable to find it.
He explains to Sarah that his wallet was in his jacket and wonders if she has any money with which to pay, promising to pay her back. However, she puts down some change on the counter which isn't enough.
Sarah then glances down to the other end of the counter where the owner is with other customers. She suggests that they go, although Dr. Tom is reluctant. However, she wonders if he has a better idea and tells him that their window is closing and they need to dine and dash.
They both get up and run out of the building, to the shock of the diner owner. They continue running through the city streets far away, eventually stopping for a breather and to sit down. Sarah says she can't believe her father did that, and Dr. Tom agrees.
She comments that it is so not him and he wonders if he can ask her something. Sarah agrees and Dr. Tom enquires where her and Martin are going. She says that she doesn't want to talk about it because they will just end up fighting, and he tells her to forget about it.
Sarah suggests she should get back, but Dr. Tom recalls that Martin said she had until 5pm and tells her he just wants to tag along with her and see how she spends her time. He says he won't interfere, but just sit and not say a word.
She wonders what it is that he thinks she does, suggesting stealing cars, vandalising private property, and begging. Dr. Tom says he has no idea what she does and that is why he's asking.
He is surprised when Sarah takes him to a life-drawing class. She jokes that she's sorry to disappoint him, and Dr. Tom wonders whether she comes to the class a lot. She replies that she comes two or three times a week.
She shows him a place to sit down behind an easel, and hands him a pencil with which to draw. They then spend the afternoon drawing a female model, with Dr. Tom taking the opportunity to watch his daughter working.
Afterwards, as Sam says goodbye to friends, Dr. Tom sits with his drawing, deep in thought. Sarah comes up to him and asks to see what he did. He shows her a rough drawing, which she describes as "very abstract."
He asks to see hers and Sarah reluctantly agrees, explaining that it is a bit rushed and that she could do better. She reveals a very well drawn piece, and Dr. Tom is impressed with its quality, telling her it's really good. They exit the building, with Dr. Tom looking regretful.
On the walk back to Martin's van, Sarah explains why the model from the class is one of her favourites. He asks her what she is going to do with her drawing and she tells him nothing. Dr. Tom asks if he can keep it, and she hands it to him.
She continues walking on, but he stops in his tracks. Sarah stops and turns around and Dr. Tom remarks that she really should have gone to art school. Unable to believe what she's hearing, she asks him if he's having a midlife crisis or has cancer.
He replies no, and she wonders why he now thinks she should go to art school having previously said that unless she went into commerce or pre-med she was on her own. Dr. Tom says he wishes he hadn't said that, accepting that it doesn't really help, although she tells him it does a little.
They return to where Martin is loading his van and they both agree they had a really nice time. They hug and Dr. Tom tells her to take care of herself and Sarah wishes him goodbye. As she walks away he tells her that he already knows where he is going hang her drawing and she smiles.
Sarah walks towards Martin's van, but then stops. She turns around and tells Dr. Tom that she isn't sure she wants to go. He takes this in and then watches on from a distance as she and Martin argue. As they do, a police car pulls up alongside him.
Dr. Naadiah, dressed as a police officer, gets out and he asks her what's going on and what she is trying to do. She replies that she's just come to say hello and that there's no need to get testy.
Dr. Tom states that they both know that he cannot change Sarah's path and that he can't influence her to make a different decision. Dr. Naadiah suggests that he thinks it's all about him and wonders why. He fails to understand this though and says he has no idea what she's talking about.
She asks him where Sarah is in the equation and Dr. Naadiah explains that he's not making the choice, but his daughter is. Dr. Tom insists that she knows that is pure semantics and asserts that the only reason Sarah has changed her mind is because he is a different person.
He concludes that it has everything to do with him, but he is cut short as Dr. Naadiah gestures to him that Sarah is making her way back over. Sarah asks what's going on and he tells her that he was explaining to the police officer about his lost wallet.
Dr. Tom thanks Dr. Naadiah, who tells him that the police will be sure to put every resource they have on it for him. She then watches as Dr. Tom and Sarah go.
They return to their home, and Dr. Tom calls out for his wife Marjorie as they enter, although she isn't there. Sarah says she's going to take a shower and begins to head up stairs.
He asks her what he should make them for dinner, although she suggests he means what should he order in. Dr. Tom replies that he sometimes cooks, although Sarah advises him to wait until Marjorie is home.
Dr. Tom sets to work in the kitchen though, and Sarah comes down after her shower, having changed into plain clothes. He's surprised by how different she looks and she informs him that she's put her clothes in the wash and that everything everything else she owns is in Martin's van.
She asks him what he's cooking and he explains that it's Fettuccini Bolognese and Sarah tries some - impressed with her dad's cooking. Marjorie then returns home and calls out for Dr. Tom, and he replies that "they" are in the kitchen, assuring Sarah that everything will be OK.
She joins them and is surprised to see Sarah, who explains that Dr. Tom said it would be OK if she came home with him. Her mom tells her that it is if she's here to stay. He says that Sarah has come for dinner, which he informs them is going to be ready.
Marjorie wonders what is up with Sarah this time though, suggesting she has either run out of money or had another fight with Martin. Hurt, Sarah says she's made a mistake coming back and Marjorie replies that it is one of many.
Dr. Tom calms them both down, and says that the fact Sarah is with them is a good thing. Marjorie shouts that she has a right to know why Sarah has come and whether she is going stay. He tells her to drop it, and goes to grab her arm, but she pulls away.
They are all shocked by his actions, and Dr. Tom asks Sarah if she can set the table, and she goes to the dining room. Alone, Marjorie turns to him and is angry, reminding him that they agreed to be a united front.
Dr. Tom calms her down and explains how he spent the day with Sarah and that he really believes they all have an opportunity and that he doesn't want to drive away their daughter again.
Marjorie comments that they have been down the same road before and he agrees they have failed. However, he asks if they can just have some dinner as a family.
They all sit around the table and he checks that the pasta isn't overcooked. Sarah tells him it's really good. Marjorie then asks if Sarah has thought about her plans now she is home. She replies that she hasn't, and her mom lets her know she's there if she needs any help with her resume or applying for university again.
Sarah reminds her that she just got back an hour ago, which Marjorie accepts, although states that they can think ahead. Dr. Tom comments that Sarah is, and that she has told him she wants to pursue art. Sarah adds that maybe she'd go to art school, and her mom takes this in.
Marjorie tells her that would be good, as Sarah has always liked art. She asks if she would study graphic design and Sarah replies she would a little before looking to her dad for help. Dr. Tom informs his wife that he thinks Sarah wants to do is become an artist.
However, this revelation displeases Marjorie, despite Dr. Tom showing her Sarah's drawing. She says that, although it is lovely, drawing is a hobby not a career. Dr. Tom asks her not to, as Sarah looks hurt.
Marjorie insists that it is true and wonders how many artists make a living and aren't forced to waitress or clean houses. Sarah hits back and says that there's more to life than money, stating that it's hard for her mom to understand that.
Dr. Tom advises Sarah not to antagnoise her mom and Marjorie suggests that he agrees with her. However, he replies that he doesn't, declaring that it is Sarah's life and that he doesn't think shutting down her talent for art is the right thing to do.
Marjorie is shocked and wonders since when he's thought this. Dr. Tom doesn't understand what she means and she tells Sarah that the previous night he had said that it killed him waking up every morning knowing his daughter was living on the streets and throwing away her whole life.
Dr. Tom shouts at her to stop, which shocks them both. Marjorie, upset, then gets up from the table and leaves the room. Sarah asks why he came looking for her, saying she was doing fine. He tells her he wanted to understand why things happened.
Sarah replies that it was because they won't let her live her life and that he thinks he can make decisions for her for the rest of her life forever. Dr. Tom denies this, and says he wants her to decide.
Upset, she reminds him she is an adult and that, for the first time, she can make her own decisions and he can't control her and she can do what she wants. Dr. Tom takes this in, as Sarah declares that she wants to get the hell out of the house and she storms out.
He remains seated, silently, for a moment, and then rolls up Sarah's drawing and gets up. He takes a look back around where an upset Marjorie paces around in another room. Dr. Tom then goes to leave the dining room but finds himself walking back into Dr Naadiah's office.
Dr. Tom slowly goes to sit down, still clutching the drawing. She goes to talk to him, but he asks her for a minute for reflection. He thanks her for taking him back and Dr. Naadiah recognises that it was hard for him.
He explains that he always assumed it was the problems between him and Marjorie that were to blame for what happened with Sarah. Dr. Naadiah asks what he thinks now and Dr. Tom replies that he now knows it was more complicated than that.
Dr. Tom describes how they had been scared that Sarah was just messing around and they had thought that she didn't want to grow up. He concludes that, in fact, that was exactly what she was trying to do.
Dr. Naadiah reminds him that Sarah accused him of wanting to make decisions for her forever and Dr. Tom wonders if that's what he is doing with Erica - making her decisions for her. She asks him what he thinks and he suggests that the fact can't be denied that Kai has become a distraction.
She concedes that he maybe has, but wonders if that should preclude Kai from being a necessary part of Erica's journey, especially if she wants him to be. Dr. Tom gets up and goes to leave, before stopping and asking her when she knew he was ready.
Dr. Naadiah replies that he knew and had let her know, and he digests this and thanks her before exiting her office.
Later that evening, Dr. Tom meets up outside Kai's apartment with a waiting Dr. Fred, handing him a coffee as he joins him. Dr. Fred asks what happens to doctors who crash and burn and Dr. Tom replies that it's the same as what happens to those who quit.
Dr. Fred tells him he heard about that, and Dr. Tom concedes that it was not his finest moment. He suggests what they do isn't easy, and Dr. Fred rolls his eyes in exasperation and agrees. He tells Dr. Tom he can't get through to Kai and has tried everything he can think of.
Dr. Tom says that sometimes a little help is needed, saying that he had required some too. Dr. Fred states that no one is offering, but Dr. Tom tells him he now is. He tells Dr. Fred that it may not change anything but, if he wants him to, he will be happy to give it a try.
Dr. Fred invites Dr. Tom be his guest, joking that Kai may not, but concedes that he might as well try. Dr. Tom hands him his coffee to hold and heads towards Kai's apartment where he knocks on his door. Inside, Kai is playing his guitar and stops for a second on hearing the door.
He resumes playing though, only for the knocking on the door to become louder. Kai shouts to hold on for a second and becomes angry when the knocking continues. He opens the door to Dr. Tom and asks what he wants.
Dr. Tom smiles, and jokes that he was expecting someone more charming for a rock star. He asks Kai whether he can come in, and explains that he's Erica's therapist. Kai allows him to enter and sits down, suggesting that he is now being tag-teamed.
He guesses that Dr. Fred has sent him in to talk him back to the straight and narrow and convince him that he's destroying his life. Dr. Tom replies by asking Kai if Erica ever mentioned that she had a brother.
Kai tells him no, and Dr. Tom explains that her brother died ten years ago in a tragic accident and that Erica tried to go back and prevent it by turning therapy into something it isn't. Kai wonders if it worked, and Dr. Tom wonders whether he thinks it did.
He sits down beside Kai and asks him to explain exactly what he wants. Kai says he wants to disappear and Dr. Tom wonders why and what he figures that is going to do. Kai states that it will make everything better for everyone, including himself.
Dr. Tom suggests that Kai has already tried that, pointing to how he ran away from his whole life only to be running again. He wonders where it will end, and Kai replies that it will with Travis still alive. Dr. Tom says that just because Kai wants that to happen doesn't mean it will.
He advises Kai that it may be something he needs to face and Kai wonders if he is done. Dr. Tom replies no and, standing up, tells Kai to be sure. He says that before he makes any big changes and starts messing around with his past to make sure he's making the right choices.
Dr. Tom goes to leave, quoting to Kai on his way to the door to: "Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act." Kai considers this and Dr. Tom departs.
The next morning at River Rock, Erica is bemoaning Alexis's use of the apostrophe to Julianne, who reminds her that it is what she gets paid for. She goes and then Brent heads towards the elevator with a group of girls.
One of them spots Erica and suggests asking her whether she knows where they can go for dinner. Erica turns around having heard her name, but Brent stops her talking to Erica and ushers the girls into the elevator.
Julianne sees this snub and suggests Erica is hurting. Erica replies that she can't believe she thought she was actually friends with Brent. Julianne responds by saying she figured out he couldn't be trusted when she found his nail file sticking straight out of her back.
She recognises it's awful for Erica, but suggests that it is what it is. Erica suggests that if she could just talk to him away from work, but Julianne stops her and tells Erica to accept that her friendship with Brent has probably changed for good. She hands her some work and leaves her to consider this.
Erica heads for the copy room but, when she opens the door, she finds herself entering Dr. Tom's office. He has his back to her as he tries to hang the framed drawing of Sarah's on the wall behind his desk.
Dr. Tom greets her by asking what she thinks, as he worries that it's uneven. Erica is unimpressed though, and stands with her hand on her hip. She suggests that he didn't get her message when she walked out of his office the previous day.
He tells her he got it loud and clear and that she was right to be upset. Erica is surprised to hear this, and Dr. Tom informs her that the answer to her question of when she is allowed to decide what they talk about is when she's ready.
Dr. Tom concludes that, apparently, that time is now and he sits down on his chair and suggests they talk about Kai. Erica shuts the door and accepts, although wonders what the catch is. He insists there isn't one and asks her to be seated.
Erica does so and describes to him how Kai is withdrawing from everything and that she feels like it's her fault. Dr. Tom wonders why, suggesting that it's because she told Kai that she feels something for him.
She replies that Kai thinks that it changes everything and, although she told him it doesn't have to, he doesn't listen. Dr. Tom checks that Erica thinks Kai is wrong and that, after her confession, she believes they can continue to be just friends.
Erica confirms so, saying she made it very clear to Kai, and Dr. Tom interjects - recalling that she told Kai that she's not breaking up with Ethan. He then chuckles, and she wonders what he finds amusing.
Dr. Tom replies that it's funny because a year ago the pair of them couldn't have had such a conversation because he would have shut it down and Erica would have dropped it and done as she was told.
She laughs at this and he suggests that things are different now, that she is different, and that it is a sign. Erica asks what it's a sign of, and Dr. Tom replies change. He describes how, in his office, there is a feeling that time stands still, with him accepting that it does in a way.
However, he tells her that their patient-therapist relationship and Erica jumps in saying that it is evolving. Dr. Tom concurs and he recalls the saying of 'change or die', telling her it is the same for relationships too.
He concludes that if relationships aren't allowed to change then they risk being destroyed. Dr. Tom then tells Erica that the question facing them is whether she can accept that her relationship with Kai is changing.
Erica replies that she has a crush on a damaged rock star from the future and states that she's not going to throw away everything she has for nothing, concluding that she's not stupid. Dr. Tom listens to this and suggests to her that she has her answer.
Struggling to contain her emotions, Erica nods her head and closes her eyes for a second. She stands up and goes to walk out, and Dr. Tom gets to his feet too. Erica looks back at the drawing on the wall and comments on its beautiful and how it's very raw in a good way.
Dr. Tom, appreciative of her thoughts, agrees, and Erica leaves. He turns to look at the drawing himself and think, and she narrates:
"Change is inevitable. The only constant is that nothing is constant and our best defence is to change how we deal with it."
Erica heads to Goblins, explaining to Dave that she has just come to order coffee. However, she notices he has a strange look on his face. He informs her that Kai is back, and then Kai joins them.
She wonders if he's just there to pick up his last pay cheque and Kai replies that he's come to beg for his job back. Dave agrees, and leaves. Erica admits her surprise, and he comments that he thought she would be happy.
Erica insists she is and asks him what changed. Kai explains that Dr. Tom paid him a visit and that they had an interesting conversation. She is surprised to hear that Dr. Tom spoke with him and Kai replies that he thought Dr. Tom had done so because of her.
She confirms that she asked him to but that Dr. Tom had said no. Kai concludes that he must have changed his mind and a pleased Erica agrees. He tells her that some of the things Dr. Tom said made him reconsider and that he thinks he'll stick around for a while and do some thinking about what he wants to do next.
He jokes that the last thing he needs is another regret and smiles, and Erica agrees. She then broaches the subject of their situation and what he had said about them not talking to one another. Kai admits that he overreacted but Erica disagrees.
She says that he was right and informs him that she really needs to focus on Ethan and her. Kai tries to disguise his disappointment and says that he understands and that Erica needs to her what feels right.
Erica thanks him and goes to leave, and he checks that he'll still see her for her morning coffee. She smiles and points to him before going, leaving Kai deep in thought.
Episode Guide
Erica is sitting in her apartment kitchen sorting through her mail, and finds a flyer advertising an open mic night coming up at Goblins. She looks at it and narrates:
"Relationships, they're like pillars in our life. Providing support, defining the space in which we live."
Ethan then comes in and kisses her on the cheek. She is clearly uncomfortable with this, and he wonders if everything is OK. She tells him she's fine, but he replies that she's the worst liar on the planet.
Erica admits that she's a little distracted, explaining that The None is due to be published, that Alexis is late in owing her the third chapter of the sex book, Julianne is breathing down her back, and that she has forgotten to pick up the dry cleaning again.
He adds that the hydro bill they received for last month is crazy and wonders if there's anything else she wants to stress about. Erica takes his point and he puts his arms around her, saying he'll pick up the dry cleaning and assures her that everything will be OK.
Ethan once more goes to kiss her, which she finds awkward. He then goes, leaving a clearly distressed Erica thinking.
"We think of them as solid, immutable. The world may change around us but our relationships - they remain constant."
At River Rock, Julianne and Erica are walking in the office and discussing the sex book. Julianne asks her where chapter three is, with Erica replying that she hopes it's in her inbox. They laugh at this innuendo and Julianne then leaves.
Erica's attention is then caught by Kai, who has arrived unexpectedly in the office. She asks him what he's doing there and he tells her that he couldn't sleep the previous night because of what she had said to him.
Kai tells her that them becoming friends has been a big mistake and that he had come back to 2009 to lead a normal life rather than screw hers up. Erica is shocked by this, reminding him that he returned to re-do a regret.
He replies that he did at first, but that he then realised he could do a lot more than that and re-write his whole existence. Erica disagrees, but he tells her he can and had been until she showed up. Kai says that getting between her and Ethan was the 'old him' and he doesn't want to go down that road again.
Erica argues that she isn't asking him to, but he insists that they should have just stuck to coffee and small talk as he first suggested. She tells him he's overreacting, but Kai wonders if she thinks that saying she feels something for him doesn't change anything.
She states that it won't if they don't let it, but Kai instructs her to do herself a favour and stay away from him. He begins to go and, despite Erica's attempts to stop him, Kai tells her he's done with their screwed up situation and friendship and that "it's over." Erica watches him leave, stunned.
"Relationships, they feel so permanent, solid. So why are we always surprised to find out that, like everything else, they are not immune to change?"
Erica walks back into the office and sits down at her desk, sighing deeply. Brent, sitting at his desk, hears this, but the pair avoid making eye contact or speaking to one another. Eventually, Erica wheels over on her chair to speak to him.
He tells her that they can't talk at their desks. Erica wonders what he's talking, but Brent instructs her to count to 15 before she follows him and gets up from his chair before suggesting she actually counts to 20.
However, Erica gets up almost immediately after him and calls out Brent's name loudly. In his shock, he proceeds to knock over some stuff on the coffee lounge counter. He puts them back neatly as she joins him.
He reminds her that he said 20 seconds but she wonders what's gotten into him. Brent sticks up two fingers together, and Erica jokes he's become a cub scout. He explains that they represent the pause button, clarifying that he's referring to their friendship.
Erica doesn't understand what he means, and he suggests that River Rock is in the middle of a Cold War. Brent describes himself as being America and her the USSR. She tells him he's being ridiculous, but he advises that crossing enemy lines is a mistake and would complicate things.
She thinks he's being ridiculous, asking how long he and Julianne can continue their feud. Brent suggests that she blames Julianne and not him though, before leaving.
That evening, Erica arrives back at her apartment to find an angry Sam ranting to Ethan about the money she put into her and Josh's marriage. Erica asks what's going on and Sam hands her papers from Josh asking for a divorce.
Sam says that he wants to wipe her out and Ethan suggests that Josh and Claire were separated at birth. Erica is then shocked to discover that Josh is asking her sister for $80,000, claiming that he paid to send her through medical school.
A distraught Sam sits down on the couch, and bemoans how all the signs were there at the beginning of their relationship but that she hadn't wanted to see them. Ethan wonders what they were, and she replies that they never talked about anything important or about how she felt.
Erica listens to this, deep in thought, as Sam suggests that it was inevitable that they'd become like strangers. She says that he had a made-up idea of who she was in his mind, which intrigues Erica - who turns to look at Ethan.
Sam continues, calling herself pathetic for wanting to run away from the whole thing and describing how she had gone down to Goblins like some desperate loser to look for Kai.
Erica, now sitting beside her sister, tries to casually ask how it went. Sam tells her that Kai wasn't there and has quit - which shocks her. She explains that Dave told her that Kai had come in that morning and just walked out of the door without giving him any notice.
Her phone then rings, which she guesses is her lawyer calling her back, and she goes to take the call as Erica digests the news about Kai silently.
That night, Erica struggles to get to sleep. She quietly creeps out of her bedroom - as not to awake a sleeping Ethan - and heads to Goblins where she finds Dave. She tells him that she has heard Kai has quit and says that she really needs to talk to him.
Erica asks him if he has Kai's number, but Dave informs her that Kai doesn't want him giving his number to anyone, especially her. She pleads with him though, insisting something is going on with Kai as he loves his job.
Dave doubts this, as he hadn't even been given two weeks' notice by Kai. He also lets Erica know that Kai has quit his band, which she is astounded to hear. He comments that he doesn't know what's happening to Kai, and Erica replies that it's why she needs to talk to him.
He eventually relents and writes down Kai's address for her, explaining that he isn't answering his phone. Dave asks her not to say that she got it from him and a pleased Erica hugs and kisses him before hurriedly leaving.
She goes to his apartment and knocks on the door, trying to make herself heard over the loud music he is pumping out. Kai turns off the music and Erica opens the letterbox and tells him she has come a long way to see him.
Kai replies that she was uninvited but Erica says that she wants to talk and pleads with him to see her. He opens the door and allows Erica to enter. She admits that she has made everything really complicated for him and apologises for doing so.
He replies that it's not her but him, saying that he screws everything up. Erica asks him why he quit his job and Kai explains that he figured that if he disappeared then her and Ethan could go back to being in love and Travis could have a nice little musical career.
Erica says this isn't how therapy works but Kai insists he doesn't care and orders her to go. She tries to reason with him, but he reminds her that he instructed her to stay away. Kai tells her to stop trying to save him as it's not her job.
He says that if Dr. Fred can give up then so can she. Erica doubts that Dr. Fred has given up, but Kai disagrees - pointing to him not being there to lay down the law. He tells her that the next day he will inform Travis that he's quitting the band and then he will be going.
Kai turns the music back on loudly and lies down on his couch. Erica admits defeat and begins to walk backwards out of his apartment. However, she finds herself entering Dr. Tom's office. He is standing up, and seems more distressed than usual.
Dr. Tom invites her to sit down, and Erica exclaims that Kai won't listen and is being irrational and unreasonable and wonders why. He tells her that they are all valid questions but insists they're not for her or him to discuss, and once again asks Erica to sit.
She wonders why they can't talk about it though and, surprised at her attitude, Dr. Tom reminds her that in his office they talk about her - her life, her choices, and her list, which he picks up off his desk.
Erica suggests that Dr. Tom can't just ignore what's happening to Kai, who she says has no-one. She tells him that she feels responsible and that he should too, and reminds him that he let Dr. Fred send her into Kai's future for a reason.
Dr. Tom, agitated, throws her list down onto his desk and admits that it is a decision he has since come to regret. Erica asks why he agreed and he replies that he thought it would help her and provide some useful perspective.
He suggests that, instead, Erica has got completely caught up in Kai's life, a statement she finds unbelievable. Dr. Tom tells her that what she needs to do is focus on herself, and points for her to take a seat as he sits down on his chair.
Erica refuses to sit down though, and he is shocked at her disobedience. She states that it is her therapy and she should be allowed to decide what they talk about. Irritated, Dr. Tom tells her to drop it, saying she isn't Kai's doctor and it isn't her problem.
She replies that Kai's doctor is MIA and that he is drowning with Dr. Tom acting as if he doesn't care. Erica then suggests that he could talk to Kai and get through to him. He rejects this idea though, and says that they aren't going to discuss it any further.
He explains that, unlike Dr. Fred, he doesn't become involved in the lives of other patients. Erica wonders if this is a rule, and Dr. Tom replies that it's his rule. She accepts this, but turns to head for the door, saying that she's not doing therapy that day.
Dr. Tom calls for her to come back and, as Erica tries to twist the door knob, finds that it won't open. She asks him to open the door but he reiterates his request for her to come back and sit down.
Eventually she shouts at him to open the door and, shocked, Dr. Tom obeys. Erica storms out, leaving him swinging from side to side on his chair. He then angrily gets out of his chair and goes to follow her through the door.
However, instead he finds himself entering into Dr. Naadiah's office. She sits behind her desk and, after taking a moment to realise where he is, Dr. Tom slowly makes his way to sit down opposite her.
Dr. Naadiah asks him if everything is OK and he explains that him and Erica had a disagreement, saying that it wasn't the first and won't be their last. She recognises that they are a normal part of the process.
Dr. Tom says that the fight felt different and more like the ones he used to have with Sarah. She asks him in what way, and he explains that they would get going and there would never be any middle ground - always ending up in all out war.
He says that it never accomplished anything, before acknowledging that Dr. Naadiah knows where it led. She replies that he lost her and wonders if he's afraid that he might lose Erica. Dr. Tom says he doesn't know and doesn't even understand what just happened in his office.
She listens as Dr. Tom explains that he's aware that he was not a good father but that he is a good therapist. Dr. Naadiah agrees, but reminds him that even the best therapists miss things.
Annoyed, Dr. Tom asks her to tell him what the connection is and why he's having the same fight with Erica that he used to have with his daughter. Dr. Naadiah replies that there's only one way to find out and suddenly he finds himself transported back in time.
He is standing opposite Sarah, arguing, and holding her arm. He is shocked to see her and she tells him to let go of her arm, which she does. She begins to run back to her friends away from him, saying she's never coming home.
Dr. Tom chases after her, explaining that he just wants to talk to her. Sarah suggests that he never listens to her though, so there's no point. He asks her to wait and says that this time he will listen.
Sarah's boyfriend, Martin, reiterates that she doesn't want to talk to Dr. Tom and she adds that her father should get back to work. He replies that he doesn't care about work, removing his suit jacket and mobile phone and throwing them into a trash can to illustrate his point.
He then removes his watch, and throws it for Martin to keep. Dr. Tom insists that there will be no more work and Sarah wonders what's gotten into him and says he is embarrassing himself.
Dr. Tom tells her that he wants her to come and have some lunch with him, saying it'll just be for one hour. He pleads with her, and Sarah eventually agrees, telling Martin she'll meet him back at his van.
Martin advises Sarah not to let Dr. Tom mess with her again, but she insists that she'll be fine and instructs him to go. He warns her that that they will be leaving at 5pm and not to be late. He walks off and Dr. Tom and Sarah head off to get lunch at a diner.
They sit next to one another at the counter and he asks her if she remembers the place. Sarah replies that she does and isn't "brain dead." Dr. Tom absorbs the harshness of her tone, and she recognises it too.
She recalls how he used to bring her there every Sunday and that they'd get strawberry milkshakes, with Dr. Tom adding that they'd get extra whipped cream on top too. Sarah remembers how he would always let her eat his.
He comments that it seems like a lifetime ago and Sarah asks him what he wanted to talk about. Dr. Tom replies that he wants to talk about her, and she guesses that he's going to say that he hates her hair, clothes, friends and that she is ruining her life.
Dr. Tom interrupts her though and says that he wants to understand what happened and how the pair of them ended up like they are. Sarah replies that she doesn't know and that it just happened. He acknowledges that the problems between him and her mom didn't help.
However, she interrupts him and asks if they can just order. Dr. Tom agrees, but reiterates that he's just trying to understand, although Sarah says he never does and that he just believes what he wants, which he suggests she maybe does too.
They order their food, with Dr. Tom requesting two strawberry milkshakes with extra whipped cream, which Sarah smiles at.
Afterwards, they sit at the counter as he recounts how Sarah got lost as a kid at the CN Tower. They are then handed their bill and Dr. Tom goes to search for his wallet in his pocket, but is unable to find it.
He explains to Sarah that his wallet was in his jacket and wonders if she has any money with which to pay, promising to pay her back. However, she puts down some change on the counter which isn't enough.
Sarah then glances down to the other end of the counter where the owner is with other customers. She suggests that they go, although Dr. Tom is reluctant. However, she wonders if he has a better idea and tells him that their window is closing and they need to dine and dash.
They both get up and run out of the building, to the shock of the diner owner. They continue running through the city streets far away, eventually stopping for a breather and to sit down. Sarah says she can't believe her father did that, and Dr. Tom agrees.
She comments that it is so not him and he wonders if he can ask her something. Sarah agrees and Dr. Tom enquires where her and Martin are going. She says that she doesn't want to talk about it because they will just end up fighting, and he tells her to forget about it.
Sarah suggests she should get back, but Dr. Tom recalls that Martin said she had until 5pm and tells her he just wants to tag along with her and see how she spends her time. He says he won't interfere, but just sit and not say a word.
She wonders what it is that he thinks she does, suggesting stealing cars, vandalising private property, and begging. Dr. Tom says he has no idea what she does and that is why he's asking.
He is surprised when Sarah takes him to a life-drawing class. She jokes that she's sorry to disappoint him, and Dr. Tom wonders whether she comes to the class a lot. She replies that she comes two or three times a week.
She shows him a place to sit down behind an easel, and hands him a pencil with which to draw. They then spend the afternoon drawing a female model, with Dr. Tom taking the opportunity to watch his daughter working.
Afterwards, as Sam says goodbye to friends, Dr. Tom sits with his drawing, deep in thought. Sarah comes up to him and asks to see what he did. He shows her a rough drawing, which she describes as "very abstract."
He asks to see hers and Sarah reluctantly agrees, explaining that it is a bit rushed and that she could do better. She reveals a very well drawn piece, and Dr. Tom is impressed with its quality, telling her it's really good. They exit the building, with Dr. Tom looking regretful.
On the walk back to Martin's van, Sarah explains why the model from the class is one of her favourites. He asks her what she is going to do with her drawing and she tells him nothing. Dr. Tom asks if he can keep it, and she hands it to him.
She continues walking on, but he stops in his tracks. Sarah stops and turns around and Dr. Tom remarks that she really should have gone to art school. Unable to believe what she's hearing, she asks him if he's having a midlife crisis or has cancer.
He replies no, and she wonders why he now thinks she should go to art school having previously said that unless she went into commerce or pre-med she was on her own. Dr. Tom says he wishes he hadn't said that, accepting that it doesn't really help, although she tells him it does a little.
They return to where Martin is loading his van and they both agree they had a really nice time. They hug and Dr. Tom tells her to take care of herself and Sarah wishes him goodbye. As she walks away he tells her that he already knows where he is going hang her drawing and she smiles.
Sarah walks towards Martin's van, but then stops. She turns around and tells Dr. Tom that she isn't sure she wants to go. He takes this in and then watches on from a distance as she and Martin argue. As they do, a police car pulls up alongside him.
Dr. Naadiah, dressed as a police officer, gets out and he asks her what's going on and what she is trying to do. She replies that she's just come to say hello and that there's no need to get testy.
Dr. Tom states that they both know that he cannot change Sarah's path and that he can't influence her to make a different decision. Dr. Naadiah suggests that he thinks it's all about him and wonders why. He fails to understand this though and says he has no idea what she's talking about.
She asks him where Sarah is in the equation and Dr. Naadiah explains that he's not making the choice, but his daughter is. Dr. Tom insists that she knows that is pure semantics and asserts that the only reason Sarah has changed her mind is because he is a different person.
He concludes that it has everything to do with him, but he is cut short as Dr. Naadiah gestures to him that Sarah is making her way back over. Sarah asks what's going on and he tells her that he was explaining to the police officer about his lost wallet.
Dr. Tom thanks Dr. Naadiah, who tells him that the police will be sure to put every resource they have on it for him. She then watches as Dr. Tom and Sarah go.
They return to their home, and Dr. Tom calls out for his wife Marjorie as they enter, although she isn't there. Sarah says she's going to take a shower and begins to head up stairs.
He asks her what he should make them for dinner, although she suggests he means what should he order in. Dr. Tom replies that he sometimes cooks, although Sarah advises him to wait until Marjorie is home.
Dr. Tom sets to work in the kitchen though, and Sarah comes down after her shower, having changed into plain clothes. He's surprised by how different she looks and she informs him that she's put her clothes in the wash and that everything everything else she owns is in Martin's van.
She asks him what he's cooking and he explains that it's Fettuccini Bolognese and Sarah tries some - impressed with her dad's cooking. Marjorie then returns home and calls out for Dr. Tom, and he replies that "they" are in the kitchen, assuring Sarah that everything will be OK.
She joins them and is surprised to see Sarah, who explains that Dr. Tom said it would be OK if she came home with him. Her mom tells her that it is if she's here to stay. He says that Sarah has come for dinner, which he informs them is going to be ready.
Marjorie wonders what is up with Sarah this time though, suggesting she has either run out of money or had another fight with Martin. Hurt, Sarah says she's made a mistake coming back and Marjorie replies that it is one of many.
Dr. Tom calms them both down, and says that the fact Sarah is with them is a good thing. Marjorie shouts that she has a right to know why Sarah has come and whether she is going stay. He tells her to drop it, and goes to grab her arm, but she pulls away.
They are all shocked by his actions, and Dr. Tom asks Sarah if she can set the table, and she goes to the dining room. Alone, Marjorie turns to him and is angry, reminding him that they agreed to be a united front.
Dr. Tom calms her down and explains how he spent the day with Sarah and that he really believes they all have an opportunity and that he doesn't want to drive away their daughter again.
Marjorie comments that they have been down the same road before and he agrees they have failed. However, he asks if they can just have some dinner as a family.
They all sit around the table and he checks that the pasta isn't overcooked. Sarah tells him it's really good. Marjorie then asks if Sarah has thought about her plans now she is home. She replies that she hasn't, and her mom lets her know she's there if she needs any help with her resume or applying for university again.
Sarah reminds her that she just got back an hour ago, which Marjorie accepts, although states that they can think ahead. Dr. Tom comments that Sarah is, and that she has told him she wants to pursue art. Sarah adds that maybe she'd go to art school, and her mom takes this in.
Marjorie tells her that would be good, as Sarah has always liked art. She asks if she would study graphic design and Sarah replies she would a little before looking to her dad for help. Dr. Tom informs his wife that he thinks Sarah wants to do is become an artist.
However, this revelation displeases Marjorie, despite Dr. Tom showing her Sarah's drawing. She says that, although it is lovely, drawing is a hobby not a career. Dr. Tom asks her not to, as Sarah looks hurt.
Marjorie insists that it is true and wonders how many artists make a living and aren't forced to waitress or clean houses. Sarah hits back and says that there's more to life than money, stating that it's hard for her mom to understand that.
Dr. Tom advises Sarah not to antagnoise her mom and Marjorie suggests that he agrees with her. However, he replies that he doesn't, declaring that it is Sarah's life and that he doesn't think shutting down her talent for art is the right thing to do.
Marjorie is shocked and wonders since when he's thought this. Dr. Tom doesn't understand what she means and she tells Sarah that the previous night he had said that it killed him waking up every morning knowing his daughter was living on the streets and throwing away her whole life.
Dr. Tom shouts at her to stop, which shocks them both. Marjorie, upset, then gets up from the table and leaves the room. Sarah asks why he came looking for her, saying she was doing fine. He tells her he wanted to understand why things happened.
Sarah replies that it was because they won't let her live her life and that he thinks he can make decisions for her for the rest of her life forever. Dr. Tom denies this, and says he wants her to decide.
Upset, she reminds him she is an adult and that, for the first time, she can make her own decisions and he can't control her and she can do what she wants. Dr. Tom takes this in, as Sarah declares that she wants to get the hell out of the house and she storms out.
He remains seated, silently, for a moment, and then rolls up Sarah's drawing and gets up. He takes a look back around where an upset Marjorie paces around in another room. Dr. Tom then goes to leave the dining room but finds himself walking back into Dr Naadiah's office.
Dr. Tom slowly goes to sit down, still clutching the drawing. She goes to talk to him, but he asks her for a minute for reflection. He thanks her for taking him back and Dr. Naadiah recognises that it was hard for him.
He explains that he always assumed it was the problems between him and Marjorie that were to blame for what happened with Sarah. Dr. Naadiah asks what he thinks now and Dr. Tom replies that he now knows it was more complicated than that.
Dr. Tom describes how they had been scared that Sarah was just messing around and they had thought that she didn't want to grow up. He concludes that, in fact, that was exactly what she was trying to do.
Dr. Naadiah reminds him that Sarah accused him of wanting to make decisions for her forever and Dr. Tom wonders if that's what he is doing with Erica - making her decisions for her. She asks him what he thinks and he suggests that the fact can't be denied that Kai has become a distraction.
She concedes that he maybe has, but wonders if that should preclude Kai from being a necessary part of Erica's journey, especially if she wants him to be. Dr. Tom gets up and goes to leave, before stopping and asking her when she knew he was ready.
Dr. Naadiah replies that he knew and had let her know, and he digests this and thanks her before exiting her office.
Later that evening, Dr. Tom meets up outside Kai's apartment with a waiting Dr. Fred, handing him a coffee as he joins him. Dr. Fred asks what happens to doctors who crash and burn and Dr. Tom replies that it's the same as what happens to those who quit.
Dr. Fred tells him he heard about that, and Dr. Tom concedes that it was not his finest moment. He suggests what they do isn't easy, and Dr. Fred rolls his eyes in exasperation and agrees. He tells Dr. Tom he can't get through to Kai and has tried everything he can think of.
Dr. Tom says that sometimes a little help is needed, saying that he had required some too. Dr. Fred states that no one is offering, but Dr. Tom tells him he now is. He tells Dr. Fred that it may not change anything but, if he wants him to, he will be happy to give it a try.
Dr. Fred invites Dr. Tom be his guest, joking that Kai may not, but concedes that he might as well try. Dr. Tom hands him his coffee to hold and heads towards Kai's apartment where he knocks on his door. Inside, Kai is playing his guitar and stops for a second on hearing the door.
He resumes playing though, only for the knocking on the door to become louder. Kai shouts to hold on for a second and becomes angry when the knocking continues. He opens the door to Dr. Tom and asks what he wants.
Dr. Tom smiles, and jokes that he was expecting someone more charming for a rock star. He asks Kai whether he can come in, and explains that he's Erica's therapist. Kai allows him to enter and sits down, suggesting that he is now being tag-teamed.
He guesses that Dr. Fred has sent him in to talk him back to the straight and narrow and convince him that he's destroying his life. Dr. Tom replies by asking Kai if Erica ever mentioned that she had a brother.
Kai tells him no, and Dr. Tom explains that her brother died ten years ago in a tragic accident and that Erica tried to go back and prevent it by turning therapy into something it isn't. Kai wonders if it worked, and Dr. Tom wonders whether he thinks it did.
He sits down beside Kai and asks him to explain exactly what he wants. Kai says he wants to disappear and Dr. Tom wonders why and what he figures that is going to do. Kai states that it will make everything better for everyone, including himself.
Dr. Tom suggests that Kai has already tried that, pointing to how he ran away from his whole life only to be running again. He wonders where it will end, and Kai replies that it will with Travis still alive. Dr. Tom says that just because Kai wants that to happen doesn't mean it will.
He advises Kai that it may be something he needs to face and Kai wonders if he is done. Dr. Tom replies no and, standing up, tells Kai to be sure. He says that before he makes any big changes and starts messing around with his past to make sure he's making the right choices.
Dr. Tom goes to leave, quoting to Kai on his way to the door to: "Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act." Kai considers this and Dr. Tom departs.
The next morning at River Rock, Erica is bemoaning Alexis's use of the apostrophe to Julianne, who reminds her that it is what she gets paid for. She goes and then Brent heads towards the elevator with a group of girls.
One of them spots Erica and suggests asking her whether she knows where they can go for dinner. Erica turns around having heard her name, but Brent stops her talking to Erica and ushers the girls into the elevator.
Julianne sees this snub and suggests Erica is hurting. Erica replies that she can't believe she thought she was actually friends with Brent. Julianne responds by saying she figured out he couldn't be trusted when she found his nail file sticking straight out of her back.
She recognises it's awful for Erica, but suggests that it is what it is. Erica suggests that if she could just talk to him away from work, but Julianne stops her and tells Erica to accept that her friendship with Brent has probably changed for good. She hands her some work and leaves her to consider this.
Erica heads for the copy room but, when she opens the door, she finds herself entering Dr. Tom's office. He has his back to her as he tries to hang the framed drawing of Sarah's on the wall behind his desk.
Dr. Tom greets her by asking what she thinks, as he worries that it's uneven. Erica is unimpressed though, and stands with her hand on her hip. She suggests that he didn't get her message when she walked out of his office the previous day.
He tells her he got it loud and clear and that she was right to be upset. Erica is surprised to hear this, and Dr. Tom informs her that the answer to her question of when she is allowed to decide what they talk about is when she's ready.
Dr. Tom concludes that, apparently, that time is now and he sits down on his chair and suggests they talk about Kai. Erica shuts the door and accepts, although wonders what the catch is. He insists there isn't one and asks her to be seated.
Erica does so and describes to him how Kai is withdrawing from everything and that she feels like it's her fault. Dr. Tom wonders why, suggesting that it's because she told Kai that she feels something for him.
She replies that Kai thinks that it changes everything and, although she told him it doesn't have to, he doesn't listen. Dr. Tom checks that Erica thinks Kai is wrong and that, after her confession, she believes they can continue to be just friends.
Erica confirms so, saying she made it very clear to Kai, and Dr. Tom interjects - recalling that she told Kai that she's not breaking up with Ethan. He then chuckles, and she wonders what he finds amusing.
Dr. Tom replies that it's funny because a year ago the pair of them couldn't have had such a conversation because he would have shut it down and Erica would have dropped it and done as she was told.
She laughs at this and he suggests that things are different now, that she is different, and that it is a sign. Erica asks what it's a sign of, and Dr. Tom replies change. He describes how, in his office, there is a feeling that time stands still, with him accepting that it does in a way.
However, he tells her that their patient-therapist relationship and Erica jumps in saying that it is evolving. Dr. Tom concurs and he recalls the saying of 'change or die', telling her it is the same for relationships too.
He concludes that if relationships aren't allowed to change then they risk being destroyed. Dr. Tom then tells Erica that the question facing them is whether she can accept that her relationship with Kai is changing.
Erica replies that she has a crush on a damaged rock star from the future and states that she's not going to throw away everything she has for nothing, concluding that she's not stupid. Dr. Tom listens to this and suggests to her that she has her answer.
Struggling to contain her emotions, Erica nods her head and closes her eyes for a second. She stands up and goes to walk out, and Dr. Tom gets to his feet too. Erica looks back at the drawing on the wall and comments on its beautiful and how it's very raw in a good way.
Dr. Tom, appreciative of her thoughts, agrees, and Erica leaves. He turns to look at the drawing himself and think, and she narrates:
"Change is inevitable. The only constant is that nothing is constant and our best defence is to change how we deal with it."
Erica heads to Goblins, explaining to Dave that she has just come to order coffee. However, she notices he has a strange look on his face. He informs her that Kai is back, and then Kai joins them.
She wonders if he's just there to pick up his last pay cheque and Kai replies that he's come to beg for his job back. Dave agrees, and leaves. Erica admits her surprise, and he comments that he thought she would be happy.
Erica insists she is and asks him what changed. Kai explains that Dr. Tom paid him a visit and that they had an interesting conversation. She is surprised to hear that Dr. Tom spoke with him and Kai replies that he thought Dr. Tom had done so because of her.
She confirms that she asked him to but that Dr. Tom had said no. Kai concludes that he must have changed his mind and a pleased Erica agrees. He tells her that some of the things Dr. Tom said made him reconsider and that he thinks he'll stick around for a while and do some thinking about what he wants to do next.
He jokes that the last thing he needs is another regret and smiles, and Erica agrees. She then broaches the subject of their situation and what he had said about them not talking to one another. Kai admits that he overreacted but Erica disagrees.
She says that he was right and informs him that she really needs to focus on Ethan and her. Kai tries to disguise his disappointment and says that he understands and that Erica needs to her what feels right.
Erica thanks him and goes to leave, and he checks that he'll still see her for her morning coffee. She smiles and points to him before going, leaving Kai deep in thought.
Friday, April 08, 2011
A River Runs Through It... It Being Egypt: Analysis
Season 2, Episode 9: A River Runs Through It... It Being Egypt
Let the heartaches begin, as Long John Baldry once sang. If the previous episode set us up for the conclusions of the story lines, then Episode 9 sees the first steps taken.
Which is a cause for celebration in itself. Not least because, with a little bit of help from Dr. Tom, Erica finally came to terms with what we all knew for a long time - she has a "thing" for Kai.
We knew it, Ethan probably knows it, Dr. Tom certainly knew it, and now Erica has finally realised that she does have feelings for the barista. Shame it had to take this long and for so much to have to happen for her to come to such a dawning.
Then again, I guess that is what life is like, and Dr. Tom - as shown in the way he acts during the episode - wanted Erica to come to terms with it herself and then she knew what she had to do, as we see at the end.
I'm embarrassed to say it took me a while to figure out the title to this episode, but there it is so clearly now - it's all about denial. And Dr. Tom sends Erica back for an encounter with Leo to help bring her to her senses.
Of course, this is the first time we see Leo since the climax of Season 1 where she returned to save his life before realising that she couldn't and had to let him go. Understandably, the thought of seeing him again made her quite emotional, which Dr. Tom could sense.
The meetings between therapist and patient are classic in this episode. At last Dr. Tom is back to give her some great quotations - all about truths in this episode - and we've some regular therapy after stepping outside of the box in recent episodes.
Their meeting at 3am in his office was particularly good, with Erica leaving seriously annoyed and angry with Dr. Tom because she couldn't understand the point of her latest time travelling exercise.
However, who is there to help her see the reality in the end? Dr. Tom, who turns up at River Rock disguised, much to Erica's horror, as a potential case study for the sex book. I loved his metaphor about the ear worms and songs, and finally he helps the penny drop for Erica.
For me, that shows how much he cares, because he could have let Erica stay annoyed at him and only drag her into his office some time in the future. But no, he went to her because he knew she needed his guidance quickly.
On another Dr. Tom note - just look at his face when Erica describes how angry her dad had been at her over the car regret. Now if that isn't someone sympathising with the situation and relating it back to his own experiences, then I don't know what it is.
No surprise then that, in one of my favourite episodes of Season 2, Dr. Tom finally gets to deal with his own regret over his daughter Sarah. More on that next time.
Dealing with the regret, I know what it's like to be in Erica's shoes - looking up to and thinking the world of an older sibling. I used to be the same with my oldest brother. Someone I respected as sensible and mature.
When I discovered how he'd experimented with drugs at uni and now is a heavy smoker, suddenly I saw him in a different light. Maybe that's my problem and I'm too judgemental. However, he'll never be quite the same person I thought he was when I was growing up.
This episode redresses that feeling Erica has towards Leo though. We saw in the first series, maybe aided by the fact she got to see him all over again, just how much she thought of him. He was like a hero to her, not so much anymore though - he had flaws too.
It makes for a fun time travel though, with appearances by Jude and Zach. The latter is starting to get a little annoying now though, and I hope we don't see too much of him in the future.
It was also a clever touch for Leo to make a passing reference to Erica's revised perfect day from Season 1 on Central Island. Good writing that.
Of the males in Erica's life back in the present day, there were similar issues. Firstly Josh, coming to the club and pestering Sam before being knocked down by Kai's fist.
Now, I know it's violent and I don't believe in violence. However, I do think every guy would secretly love to be able to do that. Stand up for our girl and protect her and, if someone says something out of line or is threatening, we can sort them out.
I'm inclined to be more of an Ethan - composed, rational, and trying to mediate and talk things out. That's not cool or hard or really chivalrous though. Is that really what girls want, cos I could swear that, deep down, they love the hard man act.
Resorting to violence or not shouldn't be Ethan's main concern though, rather the fact that his girlfriend is clearly obsessed with another guy. If we needed any more evidence, then the signs were littered throughout the episode.
Her willingness to pick a fight with Kai, judge him in front of Alexis, her annoyance at him, her talking about him, her jealousy over him sleeping with Sam, and her bitter remark to Dr. Tom about Kai's "flavour of the week."
Add in her not paying attention to what Ethan was talking about and even avoiding going into Goblins to try and avoid her feelings for Kai, and all the signs are present.
Sparks of another kind are also flying between Erica and Brent. So often the one to protect her, he and she are clearly at loggerheads over his conduct and how loyal to be to Julianne. I can understand why she would be disappointed in him, but the other way around?
Unfortunately, the ultimate pragmatist is bang on in one respect - Erica has committed herself to a sinking ship. Loyal? Brave? Stupid? Either way, someone man the lifeboats. Stormy waters ahead.
Let the heartaches begin, as Long John Baldry once sang. If the previous episode set us up for the conclusions of the story lines, then Episode 9 sees the first steps taken.
Which is a cause for celebration in itself. Not least because, with a little bit of help from Dr. Tom, Erica finally came to terms with what we all knew for a long time - she has a "thing" for Kai.
We knew it, Ethan probably knows it, Dr. Tom certainly knew it, and now Erica has finally realised that she does have feelings for the barista. Shame it had to take this long and for so much to have to happen for her to come to such a dawning.
Then again, I guess that is what life is like, and Dr. Tom - as shown in the way he acts during the episode - wanted Erica to come to terms with it herself and then she knew what she had to do, as we see at the end.
I'm embarrassed to say it took me a while to figure out the title to this episode, but there it is so clearly now - it's all about denial. And Dr. Tom sends Erica back for an encounter with Leo to help bring her to her senses.
Of course, this is the first time we see Leo since the climax of Season 1 where she returned to save his life before realising that she couldn't and had to let him go. Understandably, the thought of seeing him again made her quite emotional, which Dr. Tom could sense.
The meetings between therapist and patient are classic in this episode. At last Dr. Tom is back to give her some great quotations - all about truths in this episode - and we've some regular therapy after stepping outside of the box in recent episodes.
Their meeting at 3am in his office was particularly good, with Erica leaving seriously annoyed and angry with Dr. Tom because she couldn't understand the point of her latest time travelling exercise.
However, who is there to help her see the reality in the end? Dr. Tom, who turns up at River Rock disguised, much to Erica's horror, as a potential case study for the sex book. I loved his metaphor about the ear worms and songs, and finally he helps the penny drop for Erica.
For me, that shows how much he cares, because he could have let Erica stay annoyed at him and only drag her into his office some time in the future. But no, he went to her because he knew she needed his guidance quickly.
On another Dr. Tom note - just look at his face when Erica describes how angry her dad had been at her over the car regret. Now if that isn't someone sympathising with the situation and relating it back to his own experiences, then I don't know what it is.
No surprise then that, in one of my favourite episodes of Season 2, Dr. Tom finally gets to deal with his own regret over his daughter Sarah. More on that next time.
Dealing with the regret, I know what it's like to be in Erica's shoes - looking up to and thinking the world of an older sibling. I used to be the same with my oldest brother. Someone I respected as sensible and mature.
When I discovered how he'd experimented with drugs at uni and now is a heavy smoker, suddenly I saw him in a different light. Maybe that's my problem and I'm too judgemental. However, he'll never be quite the same person I thought he was when I was growing up.
This episode redresses that feeling Erica has towards Leo though. We saw in the first series, maybe aided by the fact she got to see him all over again, just how much she thought of him. He was like a hero to her, not so much anymore though - he had flaws too.
It makes for a fun time travel though, with appearances by Jude and Zach. The latter is starting to get a little annoying now though, and I hope we don't see too much of him in the future.
It was also a clever touch for Leo to make a passing reference to Erica's revised perfect day from Season 1 on Central Island. Good writing that.
Of the males in Erica's life back in the present day, there were similar issues. Firstly Josh, coming to the club and pestering Sam before being knocked down by Kai's fist.
Now, I know it's violent and I don't believe in violence. However, I do think every guy would secretly love to be able to do that. Stand up for our girl and protect her and, if someone says something out of line or is threatening, we can sort them out.
I'm inclined to be more of an Ethan - composed, rational, and trying to mediate and talk things out. That's not cool or hard or really chivalrous though. Is that really what girls want, cos I could swear that, deep down, they love the hard man act.
Resorting to violence or not shouldn't be Ethan's main concern though, rather the fact that his girlfriend is clearly obsessed with another guy. If we needed any more evidence, then the signs were littered throughout the episode.
Her willingness to pick a fight with Kai, judge him in front of Alexis, her annoyance at him, her talking about him, her jealousy over him sleeping with Sam, and her bitter remark to Dr. Tom about Kai's "flavour of the week."
Add in her not paying attention to what Ethan was talking about and even avoiding going into Goblins to try and avoid her feelings for Kai, and all the signs are present.
Sparks of another kind are also flying between Erica and Brent. So often the one to protect her, he and she are clearly at loggerheads over his conduct and how loyal to be to Julianne. I can understand why she would be disappointed in him, but the other way around?
Unfortunately, the ultimate pragmatist is bang on in one respect - Erica has committed herself to a sinking ship. Loyal? Brave? Stupid? Either way, someone man the lifeboats. Stormy waters ahead.
A River Runs Through It... It Being Egypt
Season 2, Episode 9: A River Runs Through It... It Being Egypt
Episode Guide
Erica and Ethan are walking through the city on the way to work in the morning. They walk past Goblins and he asks her if she wants a coffee. Erica replies that she'll have one at work, and he checks whether she's sure, explaining that they have time.
She says that she doesn't like the coffee there anymore, and describes Goblins as being overpriced and crowded. Ethan responds by saying that this has always been the case and suggests that Erica's reluctance to go in is down to Kai.
Erica concedes it is, commenting that Kai took advantage of Sam when she was vulnerable and she says that he is the last person she wants to see. They wait for a tram by the edge of the sidewalk and Erica narrates.
"They say the truth will set you free. But no-one bothers to mention that the truth can be a tricky thing."
The tram arrives and Erica tells Ethan she'll see him after work. He suggests they go out in the evening and have some fun and she agrees before they kiss goodbye and she watches him get onto the tram. She then continues walking to work, looking back at Goblins and thinking.
"The fact is that getting to the truth is not easily done. Too often it gets buried or misplaced or tucked away where no-one can find it."
At River Rock, Brent and Erica are in the coffee lounge as he gossips with her about Dory. She tells him that it's nice to have the "old Brent" back and confesses that she thought he was going to quit. He tells her he's not a quitter before seeing Julianne making her way to join them and leaving.
Julianne pinches Erica, much to her surprise, and tells her to follow her. Julianne leads Erica into a hallway and informs her that Brent sold her out to Galvin and Scott and that he has taken Friedkin's book. She describes Brent as a "Brutus" and "Judas."
Erica suggests she calms down, unable to believe Brent is a "Judas." Julianne tells her she has seen emails he sent trashing her. This shocks Erica, and Julianne declares that she isn't going to allow Brent to take her down.
She warns Erica that the sex book needs to be stellar, and Erica promises her it will be. Julianne heads to the washroom and Erica makes her way back into the office where she meets Alexis.
Alexis tells her that she's going to get things ready in the boardroom, explaining that Kai will be turning up in a few minutes. Erica checks she means Kai Booker, and Alexis confirms so, saying that he is their first case study.
She heads to the boardroom leaving a surprised Erica. Then the elevator doors open and Kai walks out into the office, greeting Erica and handing her a vanilla latte he has brought for her seeing as she didn't come into Goblins that morning.
Erica thanks him and suggests they don't keep Alexis waiting and tries to show Kai towards the boardroom. However, he wonders if they should talk about what happened - although Erica tries to plead ignorance.
He reminds her about Sam and how she had called him selfish and inconsiderate and Erica chips in with "asshole." Kai is disturbed by this, but they are then interrupted by Alexis who greets Kai and they go into the boardroom. Erica watches them walk in, and angrily slings the latte into the trash.
"The real question is if, one day, you stumble upon the truth would you even know it? Would you even recognise it for what it was?"
In the boardroom, Alexis and Erica sit opposite Kai, who is swivelling from side to side in his chair. Alexis asks him what his orientation is and he jokingly replies "North, North West." Erica rolls her eyes at this and he answers "straight."
Alexis then asks him how he would describe his level of experience. Kai thinks for a moment, as Erica raises an eyebrow, intrigued with how he will respond. He eventually replies with "extensive" and Alexis assures him they're not going to judge him.
Erica, insincerely, echoes this statement, telling him he can tell totally trust them. Kai smiles weakly as this assurance, and Alexis continues her questioning, wondering why, unlike many men, Kai doesn't have trouble finding willing sexual partners.
Kai suggests it's because he's good at reading women's signals and Erica asks whether this is when they are drunk or sober. Alexis is taken aback by Erica's tone, and Kai doesn't respond. Alexis tries to move the interview on, and asks Kai to tell them about a recent encounter as an instructive example.
She wonders about the last woman he had sex with, with Kai recognising the awkwardness of the situation he finds himself in. Erica requests that he goes on though, asking how he had "read" her signals.
Kai explains that she was a customer in a bad state having just left her husband and wanting some fun to take her mind off things. Erica suggests that he gave her "great customer service" and Kai hits back that that would be one way of putting it.
She doesn't respond, and Alexis - noticing the friction between the pair of them - asks Kai to excuse them so she can speak with Erica. However, Erica tells her that she has some calls to attend to and asks Alexis to debrief her later.
Erica leaves the boardroom and returns to her desk, throwing her notebook down on it in frustration. She sits down and her phone rings - with Sam on the other line. She asks her how she is, and Sam jokes that stuck living at Barbara's and without a job she is "living the dream."
She chuckles at this and wonders what Sam is doing in the evening, inviting her to join her and Ethan in going out. Sam says this would be amazing, and then tentatively asks Erica whether she has seen Kai around.
Erica turns in her chair to look around to the boardroom where Kai and Alexis are continuing talking and wonders why Sam is asking. Sam wonders whether Kai has asked about her but Erica replies that she hasn't seen him and says she'll call her later about the evening before ending the call.
That evening, Ethan and Erica are getting ready to go out. Ethan suggests they could go to The Drake but Erica, applying make-up in front of the mirror, isn't listening to what he's saying. Instead, she is ranting about Kai's attitude towards her earlier.
Ethan persists and, as he puts on a shirt, wonders if they should go to This Is London instead. However, Erica continues her rant so Ethan reminds her that she had asked Kai about his sex life and wonders what he was supposed to say.
She suggests that Ethan is mad at her, but he replies that he just wants to know where they're going but adds that she can't be surprised with Kai's attitude as he is a womaniser and "all flash and no substance."
Erica agrees with this statement and goes over to Ethan. She helps him finish button up his shirt and saying that going to This Is London sounds perfect and they kiss.
Meanwhile, at Barbara's, Sam is putting on some lipstick in the mirror in the foyer when there's a knock at the door. She opens it and Josh storms in. She asks him what he's doing there and he replies that she hasn't been answering his calls.
Sam tells him he can't just come round, but Josh pleads with her to give him another chance, reiterating that he loves her. She explains that she needs more time and suggests he goes back to London as they are not going to make any decisions at the current time.
She goes back to doing her hair in front of the mirror and Josh asks why she is dressed up. Sam explains that she is going out with Erica and Ethan and once again asks him to leave which he reluctantly does.
At the club, Erica and Ethan are standing at a table, waiting for Sam to arrive. She calls him a "sweetheart," recognising that clubbing isn't his favourite thing to do. He replies that as long as she doesn't make him hold her purse or dance than he will be happy.
Erica laughs at this, but the smile is soon wiped off her face when she sees Sam arriving with Kai. They make their way over to the table, and Erica pretends to be pleased to see Kai. Ethan suggests that him and Kai go to get some drinks, leaving Erica and Sam alone.
Sam asks Erica what's wrong, and she replies that she doesn't think Kai is the kind of guy her sister wants to have a rebound with. However, Sam disagrees, telling her he is exactly the kind of guy and informs Erica that sex with Kai was the best of her life.
Erica is speechless at this admission, and Sam wonders whether she's upset that she has brought Kai and suggests it's weird because he is her friend. Erica insists it's fine though, but advises Sam to be careful, telling her she doesn't want to see her get hurt. Sam assures her she's a big girl and has everything under control.
Later, they all stand around the table as Sam explains the difficulty she has had getting her old job back at the hospital because of her ex-boss. Kai suggests she should tell him that he is full of shit. Erica sarcastically replies that that will help Sam get her job back.
Kai continues though, telling Sam she should take the time to find out who she is and what she wants. He concludes that she should screw everybody else and reinvent. Erica dismisses the idea that throwing her life away is good advice to Sam.
The harshness of Erica's tone surprises Ethan, but she continues - scolding Kai and saying that, unlike some people, Sam lives in the real world. Kai doesn't respond and, instead, invites Sam to dance, and they head off to the dance floor.
Ethan asks Erica if she can at least be nice, suggesting that Sam obviously likes Kai. Erica responds by saying that she liked Josh too and points to where that got Sam. She then watches Kai and Sam dancing closely together, annoyed.
Just then, Ethan returns with drinks to the table and points out Josh entering the club, angry. Erica gets up from the table and stops Josh from approaching Sam, telling him not to do anything.
He tries to move her out of the way, but she refuses to allow him onto the dance floor. Josh shouts at her to move, but Sam then comes over - angry that Josh followed her. He replies that he's not going to leave her as "some horny little bastard" puts his hands all over her.
Ethan then steps forward, and pushes Josh back, asking him what his problem is. Josh insists that everything is under control and he orders Kai to leave. Erica then tries to drag Josh away, but he shrugs her off, and Ethan tells him he needs to cool down.
Josh says it is between him and his wife but Erica informs him that Sam doesn't want to be his wife anymore. He turns around and tells her to shut up, and Ethan once more tries to calm things down. Josh merely mocks him for thinking he's on "recess duty" though.
Having seen enough, Erica tells him she is going to get security, with Josh calling her a "ball-busting bitch." At that moment, Kai steps forward and punches Josh in the face - causing him to fall to the floor and his nose to bleed.
Erica is shocked at this, and Ethan tries to help Josh up, but his hand is rejected. Josh eventually gets up and stumbles his way out of the club and Erica tries to compose herself as Kai watches Josh leave.
Back in the hallway in their apartment building, Erica and Ethan make their way towards their door. Ethan apologises and Erica wonders why, telling him he was great. He insists he wasn't though, and that he didn't do anything.
Erica says he tried to talk with Josh and reason with him, but Ethan bemoans how he stood there and let Josh say things to her and let Kai be "the one." Erica suggests he means "the one" dumb enough to start a fight.
He replies that it isn't dumb to stand up for her and Sam. Ethan opens the door to the apartment and Erica tells him he did what he thought was right and he should let it go. Reassured, Ethan goes inside.
The door begins to close again and, as Erica pushes it back open, she ends up walking into Dr. Tom's office. He is dressed in gym wear, wearing boxing gloves, and hitting a punch bag. She addresses him as "Dr. Rocky" and he catches his breath telling her it's a great work out.
Dr. Tom says the best thing is that it's a terrific stress reliever, although Erica seems unconvinced. He takes off his gloves and offers them to her, suggesting she gives it a go. Erica isn't keen, but he asks her to do so for him and she puts a glove on her right hand.
She makes her way over to the punch bag and hits it, tamely. Dr. Tom instructs her to try again but to dig down deeper and direct her punch. Erica looks annoyed but tries it again. Despite stating she hasn't any inner angst she hits the bag with more force.
Dr. Tom disagrees with her assertion, asking who she was directing the punch at. She replies that it was for him for abandoning her on her last session. He shrugs his shoulders and informs her that he thought she did pretty great. Erica then hits the bag again, explaining that it is for Brent.
She then hits it a few times in rapid succession, saying it is for Josh, before furiously attacking the bag with her fists and then kicking it. Erica explains that this is for Kai. Dr. Tom is interested by this and goes to sit at his desk and pours himself a glass of water.
He suggests they talk about Kai and wonders what he has done to deserve the "flying roundhouse" Erica gave the bag. She replies that he's a self serving pig who went after Sam after she had asked him to look out for her. Erica calls him completely selfish.
Dr. Tom wonders whether Kai has hurt Sam or broken her heart, and Erica replies that he hasn't yet, but that he will after dumping her for his next "flavour of the week." He turns to her list and asks her to tell him about "dad's car."
Erica says she doesn't see the connection but begins to describe how much Gary loved the car, which she refers to as his "mid life crisis mobile." She explains how he kept it in the garage and no-one was allowed to touch it let alone drive it.
Dr. Tom remarks that he has a bad feeling about her story, and Erica tells him that her parents took Sam to a 'Mathlete' competition in Buffalo and, while they were away, her and Leo had the house to themselves for an entire weekend.
She says that Leo's friend Robin convinced them to have a big party and that they used the car to go and get alcohol. Erica says the party was so much fun, with Jude and Zach there too, and the best part was that it was just her and Leo hanging out and hosting.
Erica says it was one of the best times they ever had together and that Leo was hilarious and so much fun. However, they forgot about the car and left it in the driveway and someone had got to it and wrecked it.
She paces around as she recounts the tale, and how her dad had been beside himself and lost it on them. Erica says it was weeks before he would even speak to her again and it was the angriest Gary had ever been with her.
Dr. Tom listens quietly to this, thinking, as she continues explaining how, despite how awful she felt, Leo had had the worst of it. Erica says that Gary went crazy on him, saying things he could never take back, and that their relationship never recovered.
She begins to get emotional, as she recognises that it was then too late for their relationship. Erica says if she could go back again, and Dr. Tom interjects, suggesting she would park the car in the garage.
Erica replies that she would at the very least, stating the car would then be safe and that they could still have the party and that maybe Gary and Leo could have worked things out even a little before he died.
She struggles to contain her emotions and admits that she may not be ready to go back and see Leo and says how anxious she feels. Dr. Tom understands her concern and suggests she tries to work some of it out, instructing Erica to direct it right at the punch bag.
Erica agrees but, when she goes to punch the bag, she finds herself instead transported back in time and hitting Leo's back. He is unloading alcohol into the back of the car and exclaims in pain and she pulls back her hand, in shock and pain.
She then hugs Leo, in delight at seeing her brother again, and apologises for hitting him. He assures her he's fine, explaining that she punches like a girl. With the help of Robin, they continue putting the alcohol into the trunk.
Erica is a little concerned with how much alcohol they have purchased, with Robin saying they have bought enough to get hammered. Erica checks that they're not going to get too wild, but Leo tells her that Gary and Barbara are away and that they are going to spend the weekend blowing off steam.
She insists she's all about having fun but that she doesn't want things to get too out of control. Leo assures her nothing is bad is going to happen and Erica makes him promise so. He suggests that his little sister is acting more like a big sister and closes the trunk forcibly.
Erica tells him to go easy on the car before snatching the keys away from him and saying that she is driving. They arrive home and Erica carefully backs the car into the garage - albeit Robin freaks her out as he pretends that she has run over his foot.
To her relief, she parks the car safely and Leo wonders if Erica is now going to relax. She tells him not to worry and that, as long as they're vigilant, it could be fun.
Leo replies that he's only worried about being late for his own party and jokes that he turned 45 on the way over. Erica shuts the garage door, locking the car safely inside, and tells him to trust her and that is was worth it.
At the party, Erica and Judith are in the kitchen as Judith asks her if she thinks Robin is cute. She replies that he is a spoiled little smart ass and that if Judith sees him go anywhere near the garage then she should let her know.
Judith suggests that Erica is being paranoid, but she replies that it's her party and she can be paranoid if she wants to. Judith wonders if she is so worried about "Casa Strange" why she is putting the chips in good bowls.
Erica replies that chips go in bowls, with Judith remarking that they do "when you're 30" and refers to Erica as "mom." As Erica takes in the irony of this comment, she then intercepts a basketball being thrown around by some guys, telling them not to do inside the house.
Judith tells her she needs to take a "downer" and Zach then arrives with a crate of beer. He moves to stand behind Erica, putting his arms around her. She tells him to go easy, but he tries to justify his actions considering Leo charged him for admission.
Erica is surprised to discover this and, with Zach suggesting she goes to look for herself, her and Zach leave to find Leo - with Judith taking the opportunity to hand the basketball back to the guys.
Erica confronts Leo, who is indeed taking money from people as they enter. Zach suggests he is being inhospitable. Leo laughs at this, sarcastically praising his choice of word and calling him a dork. She laughs at this.
Leo tells her he's just being vigilant, making some money, and keeping the jokers out of their house. Erica is pleased to hear this, referring to him as an entrepreneur, although Zach thinks he's being a "cheap skate."
Their attention is then switched to an argument taking place close by between Robin and a guy named Mike, who is asking him where his money is. Robin protests that he's paid up, but Mike tells him he still owes $200.
Robin hits back, and suggests Mike and his "crack whore girlfriend" leave so she can "work the night shift" and get out of his face. Mike is just about to hit Robin when Leo steps in and stops him. He tells Mike to chill and advises Robin to back off.
Leo offers Mike and his girlfriend a beer each and tells them to go. They eventually accept, although Mike warns Robin that he has only just started with him. Erica watches on, shocked, and after Mike leaves confronts Leo.
She asks Leo who Mike is, and he replies that he is someone Robin knows, and Robin explains that Mike thinks he owes him money for some weed he didn't buy two weeks ago. Erica is angry with Robin, reminding him that he is in their house.
Leo calms his sister down, and tells her it's over. He suggests that Erica has a beer and enjoys herself. She doubts that it is all over though and wonders what will happen if Mike returns.
He says he won't but, if he does, he assures her he will sort it out as he did before. Leo tells Erica not to worry and trust him, which she agrees to and they return to partying.
Later, Erica is lying on the floor asleep, along with Judith and Zach. He moves up behind her, and kisses her on the cheek. Erica likes this, until she opens her eyes and realises who it is. She tells him to get off her, as he stinks of "beer and teenage boy."
They then hear some crashing noises and Erica, realising where they are coming from, suddenly gets up and rushes to the garage with Zach and Judith in tow - unable to believe history is repeating itself.
When they get to the garage they find the car has been trashed. Erica calls for Leo, and Zach suggests that the guys responsible can't be too far away and runs out of the garage to try and catch up with them.
Erica and Judith follow him and they meet Leo and Robin running back towards the house. She asks them what happened and whether they saw anything and Leo tells her they were crashed out and then heard noises.
Robin describes how they caught somebody trashing the car in the garage and Leo says they chased them out but that it was too late. Erica laments that he doesn't understand how destroyed Gary is going to be and Judith suggests they need to call the cops.
However, Robin insists that they don't with Erica shouting at him that somebody has broken in and trashed the car and of course they should call the cops. Robin takes this as his cue to leave, saying he has to get up early for work the next day.
Erica suggests he is not much of a friend to be leaving but Leo tells them all to go inside as not to wake everybody up. However, one neighbour does emerge from her house to see all the commotion.
They head back inside to the kitchen where Erica wonders who would break in to just trash a car. Leo tells her that it happens and she says they have to get it fixed before Gary and Barbara get back.
She then asks Leo if he thinks that it was Mike who trashed the car and wonders if it was payback for the money he thinks Robin owes him. Erica wonders if that was who Leo saw, reminding him that he had told Robin things weren't over.
Leo admits that it was dark, but that he is now sure it was Mike. She is unhappy to hear this, commenting on how Robin is on the wrong side of a drug dealer and Leo suggests it's why they can't call the cops.
He says she shouldn't blame Robin for what happened, but Erica is adamant she can. Leo then tells her he's going to bed but Erica says that if they don't fix the car then Gary will flip out and it will get ugly. He replies that they will deal with it in the morning.
The next morning, a mechanic goes over the damage to the car and Leo asks him how much it will cost to fix it, with Erica adding by the end of the day. He tells them it isn't possible and that the best he can do is for it to take two days and cost $2000.
Erica gasps at this and asks Leo how much money he has. He replies that he has a couple of hundred from the door the previous night and about a grand is his account which he got back when he quit uni.
He wonders how much she has, but Erica says that there is no way she is paying and that Robin is his friend and can cover the rest. Leo can't believe this, but she says that Robin is the reason the car was trashed.
Leo tells her to calm down and insists he can't ask his friend for money. She replies that they will ask his parents instead. He wonders when Erica got so bossy and tells her to stop pushing him. She turns around in exasperation, before noticing Dr. Tom, disguised as a mechanic, on the other side of the autoshop.
Erica wanders over to where he is working under a car and Dr. Tom comments that it is amazing how, when stood beneath a car, that there's always more going on underneath than you are aware of. She replies that his talents never cease to amaze her.
Dr. Tom continues working on the car as she explains how she is experiencing "good times" with her and Leo at one another's throats and the car trashed all over again. He checks that she parked it in the garage and she tells him she did before blaming Robin for inviting Mike.
He proceeds to tell her the tale of a man who brought his car into them for a battery replacement, convinced that that was what it needed. Dr. Tom explains that they examined the truck and that the alternator was clearly the problem.
Erica says he has lost her, and Dr Tom describes how the guy got very annoyed at them and refused to believe what they were telling him. He informs her that the guy proceeded to drive a faulty alternator through two more batteries before he agreed with them.
She suggests that this is just like Leo with Robin, commenting that he has a blind spot for him and refuses to see what a loser he is and how he is dragging Leo down.
Dr Tom quotes to Erica that: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them." She tries to take this in.
As Leo, Erica, Zach, and Judith approach home, they notice Gary and Barbara standing on the driveway having returned home early. They are talking with the neighbour from the previous night, who they deduce must have called their parents.
Suddenly, Leo asks if they are up for paying a visit to Wonderland. Erica suggests it is hardly the time, but he informs her that it is where Robin works and that they can get the money from him and beg the mechanic to fix the car and, if he can't do it that day, they will still have the money for Gary to fix it.
Erica concedes this would be better and Leo remarks that it is why he is "the big brother" and he reverses the trashed car back down the road, away from the house.
They arrive at Wonderland and park in a deserted car lot, which Zach bemoans is far away from Wonderland. Leo points to the fact that the car has a broken window and that someone could steal it.
Judith wonders why he couldn't have just dropped them off at the gate, and an angry Leo threatens that if they don't stop whining they will be taking the TTC back, reminding them that they have come to collect Robin's money.
Erica apologises for Leo's temper, commenting that he isn't acting like himself and suggests Judith and Zach can stay in the car if they want. However, they all want to head in. Inside, Judith wonders if Erica wants to share a funnel cake, with Erica replying that they can later.
They spot Robin working at a stall and Leo begins to make his way towards him, rejecting Erica's offer to join him as the last thing he needs is her "busting his ass." They watch from a distance as Leo and Robin talk.
Leo returns a few moments later with his arms outstretched as if to receive congratulation. He says they will have to wait until lunch, but that they will then drive down to the bank and that Robin is coming through for them.
Erica is relieved to hear this and hugs Leo and they all go off for funnel cake. Erica and Leo share one and he asks her if she remembers the time on Central Island when she ate candy floss and threw up all over the carousel.
She confirms that she does and Leo reminds her that half an hour ago she was pissed at him but that they are now getting their money and eating funnel cake. He suggests everything is good and that he told her to trust him.
Erica says she had a reason to be upset, but Leo suggests that ever since the liquor store she has been acting like Barbara. She rejects this, before beginning to explain that she gets that Leo doesn't want to go to university and needs to follow his own path.
Annoyed, Leo asks her to spell out the big mistake he's made with his life, and Erica says that him and Gary are going off the rails. He recognises this, but she wonders whether he does, stating that he seems willing to sacrifice his relationship with Gary to protect Robin, who she restates is dragging Leo down.
Leo says that he hears her loud and clear and asks her not to be mad anymore as he doesn't like it. She assures him she isn't mad, and allows him to finish off the funnel cake before suggesting they go on some rides - and pretending to throw up over the cake.
They enjoy themselves on the rides and afterwards walk through the park, with Erica clutching a giant inflatable banana. Robin catches up with them, saying he has been looking for them everywhere and checks that they are ready to go.
However, when they return to the parking lot, they find the car missing. Robin asks if Leo is sure he parked it in Lot W and Jude confirms that she wrote it down. Leo can't believe that someone would steal the car and Erica throws her banana to the ground in her anger.
They sit, dejected, by a waterfall, and Robin informs them that he has contacted security who are calling the cops. Erica says that Gary is going to explode, but Leo assures her that they will find the car.
She says that he doesn't know this and suggests they should just call their parents and tell them what has happened. Leo replies that they should just say it's been stolen and leave it at that.
Erica is surprised at this, but he insists it makes total sense that the "dickwad" that stole the car also messed it up. He says this keeps everything nice and clean. Erica then gets up and begins pacing around, thinking, and Judith joins her to talk in private.
Judith reminds Erica that she is a great "bullshit detector" with Erica replying that it is what makes her a great lawyer before realising her error and correcting herself. She remarks that Erica had been worried about the car and then it had got trashed.
She continues explaining that Leo parked the car only for it to be stolen and she wonders if Leo knows who stole the car and what they have done with it. Erica checks that she thinks it was Mike, but Judith tells her that, although it's the last thing she wants to hear, the answer is obvious.
Judith says that Leo and Robin are behind all of it. Erica scoffs at this suggestion before realising that Judith is being deadly serious. She concludes that if the car really was stolen then Leo would still have the keys, and asks him if she can have them.
Leo hesitates and looks at Robin, before asking her why she wants them. Erica explains that she gave the keyring to Gary for his birthday and holds out her hand for him to hand her the keys.
However, he checks his pockets and can't find them, suggesting he must have lost them on the ride. Smelling a rat, Erica then approaches Robin and begins rooting around in his pockets where she discovers the keys and she stares at an ashamed-looking Leo.
She makes Leo take them to where the car is parked on a quiet lane close to the park. Erica wonders if he was just going to leave it there with the window open and he explains that he thought the closer it was to the park the faster the cops would find it.
Erica sarcastically suggests this makes him a "prince" and asks him to tell her what really happened. Leo checks that she really wants to know before explaining that Robin had wanted to go for a burger run and that he had thought he was good to drive.
He concedes he wasn't though, and had backed into a pole at the Drive Thru. Erica is shocked to hear her brother had been drunk driving, suggesting he was lucky to only hit a pole. She asks him about the rest of the car and the broken window.
Leo explains that he panicked and came up with the idea on the way home of messing the car so it looked like someone from the party did it. Erica says she can't believe what she's hearing and he admits he was stupid.
Erica scolds him, branding him pathetic and is hurt that he lied to her. Leo wonders whether she knows what it's been like for him since he quit uni and suggests he is a constant disappointment to their parents and everything he does is further proof he is a directionless loser.
She insists he doesn't put his actions on them, but Leo reminds her that she said herself that he was on his own path that they hate. Erica replies that they hate that he's hanging out with Robin all day and skateboarding and acting like a teenager. She concludes that it's a detour, not a path.
They arrive at the car and Erica tells him he would have been willing to sell out both Robin and Mike if she hadn't figured out his insane plan, and that he would have sold her out too. Leo shakes his head at this idea, telling her he wouldn't.
Heartbroken, Erica assures him that he would have stood there and said nothing to Gary and Barbara. She gets in the car, followed by Zach and Judith and finally an upset Leo, who struggles to hide his shame.
Back home, Gary scolds Leo for taking the car out after drinking and for having a party. Erica recognises that he is mad but says that Leo made a mistake and panicked. Barbara is astounded that she is trying to make excuses for him.
Gary says that the most pathetic thing is Leo is too old to be grounded or acting like some rebel without a brain. He is about to continue with his rant before Erica pleads with him to stop. Leo, crying, says he is sorry but Gary says it doesn't fix a thing.
He storms out, followed by Barbara - who shakes her head. Erica looks on at her distraught brother and suddenly finds herself transported back to the present day, entering her apartment after Ethan.
In her shock she stumbles, and Ethan checks she's OK. She tells him her heels are difficult to walk in and he gets her a glass of water. He notices she has gone quiet all of a sudden and Erica admits it's been a crazy day and she is still processing. He kisses her goodnight on the forehead and heads for the bedroom.
That night, Erica lies in bed, unable to get to sleep. She eventually gets up and walks over to the picture of her and Leo hanging on the wall and thinks. She then goes to walk through her bedroom door but finds herself re-entering Dr. Tom's office.
He is standing up, looking out of the window, where it's dark outside. He greets her, explaining that it's 3am, which he calls the bridge between night and day and a perfect time for self reflection.
Erica suggests that he couldn't sleep either, and Dr. Tom replies that he is a charter member of the insomniacs club and invites her to sit down. He sits down at his place, pouring them both a cup of coffee.
She explains that she has been going over her session over and over in her head and is torn about Leo. Dr. Tom is surprised, reminding her that Leo drove drunk, trashed her dad's car, and then lied about it.
Erica says that when she watched her dad go after him that it was no wonder Leo was driven to the edge. She admits that she always thought Leo could do no wrong and wonders if that was what she was supposed to realise - that he wasn't perfect and Kai isn't the devil and people aren't black and white.
Dr. Tom tells her no and, irritated, Erica wonders what was so important for her to learn that he had to tarnish all the memories of her brother. He simply tells her that "Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away."
He then wishes an upset Erica goodnight. She stares back at him, annoyed, and walks back out of the door and into her bedroom, before getting back into bed, and thinking.
The next morning, Erica heads into Goblins where she spots Kai working. She approaches him and begins to explain about her attitude the previous day. He suggests she had been judgemental and rude and she says she has come to apologise.
He wonders why and she hesitates before describing how she gets that he's not a bad person but that he makes some bad choices. Annoyed at her attitude, he sarcastically thanks her, referring to her as "Dr. Erica" and suggests she tries talking to him like a normal person not his therapist.
Erica replies that she has come to have an honest, open, intelligent dialogue, and Kai wonders if she can have one with him, describing himself as a "juvenile musician with poor impulse control."
He tells her he's flattered that someone who's perfect and accomplished as her would even think of talking to him.
She says that she came looking for the truth and to see the real him and suggests that this is the real Kai. He replies that there are plenty of places to buy coffee and she hits back telling him there are a lot of other women to sleep with who aren't her sister.
Kai deduces that this is what Erica's problem is with him and she admits that she doesn't think it's right that he's screwing around with Sam's heart. He wonders if she means Sam's heart or hers though.
Erica doesn't know how to respond to this and Kai asks her to be honest and wonders if she is angry or jealous. Once more, she stands there in silence.
At River Rock, Erica runs into Brent into the hallway, who is keen for her input for a leaving present for a fellow employee. She tells him that whatever he thinks is good before stopping him and asking if it is true that he's taking Friedkin's book from Julianne.
He confirms that it is and suggests she can hate him all she wants. Erica replies that she doesn't hate him but that she is shocked he would do that. Brent warns her that Julianne's ship is taking on water fast and says he wants her to make it to shore.
Erica says she appreciates his concern, but reminds him that Julianne gave her her shot and is her friend. She says that she's not just going to abandon her. Surprised, Brent tells her he is disappointed in her and Erica says the feeling is mutual before walking off.
In the office, Erica talks to Alexis as they make their way into the boardroom. They are surprised to find Dr. Tom standing there and Alexis asks if they can help him as Erica tries to disguise her shock.
He replies that he has heard they are seeking case studies, which Erica is not sure what to make of. Dr. Tom continues, checking they are doing a book on modern sexuality with Alexis confirming so while Erica emphatically answers no.
Alexis suggests they are a little disorganised and Dr. Tom looks bemused. She asks him his name and he explains that he is a PhD specialising in Metaphysics, the theory of time travel. Erica looks shocked that he would reveal this.
Erica assumes that, since he has come in on his own, Dr. Tom has something specific he'd like to discuss. He confirms so, and they all take a seat, as he informs them he'd like to talk about infidelity.
This intrigues her as he begins to muse about where it begins. Alexis encourages him to tell them more and Dr. Tom begins to tell a tale of a woman he knows who's not his partner. He says he finds her to be infuriating.
Erica looks stony faced at this description, taking him to mean her. Dr. Tom describes the woman as being brash, headstrong, but deep inside like a melody which keeps playing in the back of his mind.
She suggests he can tune out the melody and he replies that he has tried, but that it's not easily done. He informs Alexis that it is like a song that gets into your head, calling them "earworms."
Erica continues, saying that he can distract himself, or turn the music up really loud, and do everything it takes to avoid seeing what's right in front of him. As she says this, Dr. Tom can tell she has suddenly has a moment of realisation.
She suggests that this is what she was doing with Leo, explaining to Alexis that he was her brother. Erica describes how he betrayed her and how she hadn't wanted to see it.
Dr. Tom says that Leo was a great brother but that he also had some serious flaws with Alexis realising that they know one another. However, Dr. Tom continues regardless, telling Erica that it is so much easier to live in denial.
He explains that it is done for protection against things that are hard to acknowledge. Erica concedes that doing so is simply living a lie though.
Dr Tom's tells her that: "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is." He smiles at Erica, now understanding what he was trying to teach her.
Later, Erica returns to Goblins where Kai is working behind the bar. She watches him as she narrates:
"They say the truth will set you free, but I'm more interested in what they don't say."
She nervously makes her way to the counter and tells Kai that she knows she can get a coffee anywhere but that she really happens to really like the coffee at Goblins.
"And that is that the truth hurts, that it can be dangerous."
Kai smiles and tells her that a coffee is coming up for her and she checks she's not banned. He laughs and tells her she is his best customer as she tips large. Erica laughs and asks him if she can have a second to talk.
They sit down to chat, and Kai concedes that she was just trying to smooth things over and he wouldn't let her. He admits that what happened with Sam was wrong, but Erica says that he doesn't owe her an explanation.
Kai insists he does, reminding her that she had asked him to look out for Sam but that he been weak and that he needs to own up to that. Erica replies that she needs to own up to something too, recalling the question he asked earlier about if she was jealous.
He tells her he shouldn't have said it, but is surprised when Erica states it was the right question. She explains that she doesn't want to leave Ethan but that she can't also can't keep living in denial.
Erica admits that Kai was right and that she was jealous. She tells him that, although she wishes she didn't, she does have feelings for him and Kai digests this revelation.
"Revealing the truth - it's like lighting a match. It can bring light, help you see more clearly, or it can set your world on fire."
Episode Guide
Erica and Ethan are walking through the city on the way to work in the morning. They walk past Goblins and he asks her if she wants a coffee. Erica replies that she'll have one at work, and he checks whether she's sure, explaining that they have time.
She says that she doesn't like the coffee there anymore, and describes Goblins as being overpriced and crowded. Ethan responds by saying that this has always been the case and suggests that Erica's reluctance to go in is down to Kai.
Erica concedes it is, commenting that Kai took advantage of Sam when she was vulnerable and she says that he is the last person she wants to see. They wait for a tram by the edge of the sidewalk and Erica narrates.
"They say the truth will set you free. But no-one bothers to mention that the truth can be a tricky thing."
The tram arrives and Erica tells Ethan she'll see him after work. He suggests they go out in the evening and have some fun and she agrees before they kiss goodbye and she watches him get onto the tram. She then continues walking to work, looking back at Goblins and thinking.
"The fact is that getting to the truth is not easily done. Too often it gets buried or misplaced or tucked away where no-one can find it."
At River Rock, Brent and Erica are in the coffee lounge as he gossips with her about Dory. She tells him that it's nice to have the "old Brent" back and confesses that she thought he was going to quit. He tells her he's not a quitter before seeing Julianne making her way to join them and leaving.
Julianne pinches Erica, much to her surprise, and tells her to follow her. Julianne leads Erica into a hallway and informs her that Brent sold her out to Galvin and Scott and that he has taken Friedkin's book. She describes Brent as a "Brutus" and "Judas."
Erica suggests she calms down, unable to believe Brent is a "Judas." Julianne tells her she has seen emails he sent trashing her. This shocks Erica, and Julianne declares that she isn't going to allow Brent to take her down.
She warns Erica that the sex book needs to be stellar, and Erica promises her it will be. Julianne heads to the washroom and Erica makes her way back into the office where she meets Alexis.
Alexis tells her that she's going to get things ready in the boardroom, explaining that Kai will be turning up in a few minutes. Erica checks she means Kai Booker, and Alexis confirms so, saying that he is their first case study.
She heads to the boardroom leaving a surprised Erica. Then the elevator doors open and Kai walks out into the office, greeting Erica and handing her a vanilla latte he has brought for her seeing as she didn't come into Goblins that morning.
Erica thanks him and suggests they don't keep Alexis waiting and tries to show Kai towards the boardroom. However, he wonders if they should talk about what happened - although Erica tries to plead ignorance.
He reminds her about Sam and how she had called him selfish and inconsiderate and Erica chips in with "asshole." Kai is disturbed by this, but they are then interrupted by Alexis who greets Kai and they go into the boardroom. Erica watches them walk in, and angrily slings the latte into the trash.
"The real question is if, one day, you stumble upon the truth would you even know it? Would you even recognise it for what it was?"
In the boardroom, Alexis and Erica sit opposite Kai, who is swivelling from side to side in his chair. Alexis asks him what his orientation is and he jokingly replies "North, North West." Erica rolls her eyes at this and he answers "straight."
Alexis then asks him how he would describe his level of experience. Kai thinks for a moment, as Erica raises an eyebrow, intrigued with how he will respond. He eventually replies with "extensive" and Alexis assures him they're not going to judge him.
Erica, insincerely, echoes this statement, telling him he can tell totally trust them. Kai smiles weakly as this assurance, and Alexis continues her questioning, wondering why, unlike many men, Kai doesn't have trouble finding willing sexual partners.
Kai suggests it's because he's good at reading women's signals and Erica asks whether this is when they are drunk or sober. Alexis is taken aback by Erica's tone, and Kai doesn't respond. Alexis tries to move the interview on, and asks Kai to tell them about a recent encounter as an instructive example.
She wonders about the last woman he had sex with, with Kai recognising the awkwardness of the situation he finds himself in. Erica requests that he goes on though, asking how he had "read" her signals.
Kai explains that she was a customer in a bad state having just left her husband and wanting some fun to take her mind off things. Erica suggests that he gave her "great customer service" and Kai hits back that that would be one way of putting it.
She doesn't respond, and Alexis - noticing the friction between the pair of them - asks Kai to excuse them so she can speak with Erica. However, Erica tells her that she has some calls to attend to and asks Alexis to debrief her later.
Erica leaves the boardroom and returns to her desk, throwing her notebook down on it in frustration. She sits down and her phone rings - with Sam on the other line. She asks her how she is, and Sam jokes that stuck living at Barbara's and without a job she is "living the dream."
She chuckles at this and wonders what Sam is doing in the evening, inviting her to join her and Ethan in going out. Sam says this would be amazing, and then tentatively asks Erica whether she has seen Kai around.
Erica turns in her chair to look around to the boardroom where Kai and Alexis are continuing talking and wonders why Sam is asking. Sam wonders whether Kai has asked about her but Erica replies that she hasn't seen him and says she'll call her later about the evening before ending the call.
That evening, Ethan and Erica are getting ready to go out. Ethan suggests they could go to The Drake but Erica, applying make-up in front of the mirror, isn't listening to what he's saying. Instead, she is ranting about Kai's attitude towards her earlier.
Ethan persists and, as he puts on a shirt, wonders if they should go to This Is London instead. However, Erica continues her rant so Ethan reminds her that she had asked Kai about his sex life and wonders what he was supposed to say.
She suggests that Ethan is mad at her, but he replies that he just wants to know where they're going but adds that she can't be surprised with Kai's attitude as he is a womaniser and "all flash and no substance."
Erica agrees with this statement and goes over to Ethan. She helps him finish button up his shirt and saying that going to This Is London sounds perfect and they kiss.
Meanwhile, at Barbara's, Sam is putting on some lipstick in the mirror in the foyer when there's a knock at the door. She opens it and Josh storms in. She asks him what he's doing there and he replies that she hasn't been answering his calls.
Sam tells him he can't just come round, but Josh pleads with her to give him another chance, reiterating that he loves her. She explains that she needs more time and suggests he goes back to London as they are not going to make any decisions at the current time.
She goes back to doing her hair in front of the mirror and Josh asks why she is dressed up. Sam explains that she is going out with Erica and Ethan and once again asks him to leave which he reluctantly does.
At the club, Erica and Ethan are standing at a table, waiting for Sam to arrive. She calls him a "sweetheart," recognising that clubbing isn't his favourite thing to do. He replies that as long as she doesn't make him hold her purse or dance than he will be happy.
Erica laughs at this, but the smile is soon wiped off her face when she sees Sam arriving with Kai. They make their way over to the table, and Erica pretends to be pleased to see Kai. Ethan suggests that him and Kai go to get some drinks, leaving Erica and Sam alone.
Sam asks Erica what's wrong, and she replies that she doesn't think Kai is the kind of guy her sister wants to have a rebound with. However, Sam disagrees, telling her he is exactly the kind of guy and informs Erica that sex with Kai was the best of her life.
Erica is speechless at this admission, and Sam wonders whether she's upset that she has brought Kai and suggests it's weird because he is her friend. Erica insists it's fine though, but advises Sam to be careful, telling her she doesn't want to see her get hurt. Sam assures her she's a big girl and has everything under control.
Later, they all stand around the table as Sam explains the difficulty she has had getting her old job back at the hospital because of her ex-boss. Kai suggests she should tell him that he is full of shit. Erica sarcastically replies that that will help Sam get her job back.
Kai continues though, telling Sam she should take the time to find out who she is and what she wants. He concludes that she should screw everybody else and reinvent. Erica dismisses the idea that throwing her life away is good advice to Sam.
The harshness of Erica's tone surprises Ethan, but she continues - scolding Kai and saying that, unlike some people, Sam lives in the real world. Kai doesn't respond and, instead, invites Sam to dance, and they head off to the dance floor.
Ethan asks Erica if she can at least be nice, suggesting that Sam obviously likes Kai. Erica responds by saying that she liked Josh too and points to where that got Sam. She then watches Kai and Sam dancing closely together, annoyed.
Just then, Ethan returns with drinks to the table and points out Josh entering the club, angry. Erica gets up from the table and stops Josh from approaching Sam, telling him not to do anything.
He tries to move her out of the way, but she refuses to allow him onto the dance floor. Josh shouts at her to move, but Sam then comes over - angry that Josh followed her. He replies that he's not going to leave her as "some horny little bastard" puts his hands all over her.
Ethan then steps forward, and pushes Josh back, asking him what his problem is. Josh insists that everything is under control and he orders Kai to leave. Erica then tries to drag Josh away, but he shrugs her off, and Ethan tells him he needs to cool down.
Josh says it is between him and his wife but Erica informs him that Sam doesn't want to be his wife anymore. He turns around and tells her to shut up, and Ethan once more tries to calm things down. Josh merely mocks him for thinking he's on "recess duty" though.
Having seen enough, Erica tells him she is going to get security, with Josh calling her a "ball-busting bitch." At that moment, Kai steps forward and punches Josh in the face - causing him to fall to the floor and his nose to bleed.
Erica is shocked at this, and Ethan tries to help Josh up, but his hand is rejected. Josh eventually gets up and stumbles his way out of the club and Erica tries to compose herself as Kai watches Josh leave.
Back in the hallway in their apartment building, Erica and Ethan make their way towards their door. Ethan apologises and Erica wonders why, telling him he was great. He insists he wasn't though, and that he didn't do anything.
Erica says he tried to talk with Josh and reason with him, but Ethan bemoans how he stood there and let Josh say things to her and let Kai be "the one." Erica suggests he means "the one" dumb enough to start a fight.
He replies that it isn't dumb to stand up for her and Sam. Ethan opens the door to the apartment and Erica tells him he did what he thought was right and he should let it go. Reassured, Ethan goes inside.
The door begins to close again and, as Erica pushes it back open, she ends up walking into Dr. Tom's office. He is dressed in gym wear, wearing boxing gloves, and hitting a punch bag. She addresses him as "Dr. Rocky" and he catches his breath telling her it's a great work out.
Dr. Tom says the best thing is that it's a terrific stress reliever, although Erica seems unconvinced. He takes off his gloves and offers them to her, suggesting she gives it a go. Erica isn't keen, but he asks her to do so for him and she puts a glove on her right hand.
She makes her way over to the punch bag and hits it, tamely. Dr. Tom instructs her to try again but to dig down deeper and direct her punch. Erica looks annoyed but tries it again. Despite stating she hasn't any inner angst she hits the bag with more force.
Dr. Tom disagrees with her assertion, asking who she was directing the punch at. She replies that it was for him for abandoning her on her last session. He shrugs his shoulders and informs her that he thought she did pretty great. Erica then hits the bag again, explaining that it is for Brent.
She then hits it a few times in rapid succession, saying it is for Josh, before furiously attacking the bag with her fists and then kicking it. Erica explains that this is for Kai. Dr. Tom is interested by this and goes to sit at his desk and pours himself a glass of water.
He suggests they talk about Kai and wonders what he has done to deserve the "flying roundhouse" Erica gave the bag. She replies that he's a self serving pig who went after Sam after she had asked him to look out for her. Erica calls him completely selfish.
Dr. Tom wonders whether Kai has hurt Sam or broken her heart, and Erica replies that he hasn't yet, but that he will after dumping her for his next "flavour of the week." He turns to her list and asks her to tell him about "dad's car."
Erica says she doesn't see the connection but begins to describe how much Gary loved the car, which she refers to as his "mid life crisis mobile." She explains how he kept it in the garage and no-one was allowed to touch it let alone drive it.
Dr. Tom remarks that he has a bad feeling about her story, and Erica tells him that her parents took Sam to a 'Mathlete' competition in Buffalo and, while they were away, her and Leo had the house to themselves for an entire weekend.
She says that Leo's friend Robin convinced them to have a big party and that they used the car to go and get alcohol. Erica says the party was so much fun, with Jude and Zach there too, and the best part was that it was just her and Leo hanging out and hosting.
Erica says it was one of the best times they ever had together and that Leo was hilarious and so much fun. However, they forgot about the car and left it in the driveway and someone had got to it and wrecked it.
She paces around as she recounts the tale, and how her dad had been beside himself and lost it on them. Erica says it was weeks before he would even speak to her again and it was the angriest Gary had ever been with her.
Dr. Tom listens quietly to this, thinking, as she continues explaining how, despite how awful she felt, Leo had had the worst of it. Erica says that Gary went crazy on him, saying things he could never take back, and that their relationship never recovered.
She begins to get emotional, as she recognises that it was then too late for their relationship. Erica says if she could go back again, and Dr. Tom interjects, suggesting she would park the car in the garage.
Erica replies that she would at the very least, stating the car would then be safe and that they could still have the party and that maybe Gary and Leo could have worked things out even a little before he died.
She struggles to contain her emotions and admits that she may not be ready to go back and see Leo and says how anxious she feels. Dr. Tom understands her concern and suggests she tries to work some of it out, instructing Erica to direct it right at the punch bag.
Erica agrees but, when she goes to punch the bag, she finds herself instead transported back in time and hitting Leo's back. He is unloading alcohol into the back of the car and exclaims in pain and she pulls back her hand, in shock and pain.
She then hugs Leo, in delight at seeing her brother again, and apologises for hitting him. He assures her he's fine, explaining that she punches like a girl. With the help of Robin, they continue putting the alcohol into the trunk.
Erica is a little concerned with how much alcohol they have purchased, with Robin saying they have bought enough to get hammered. Erica checks that they're not going to get too wild, but Leo tells her that Gary and Barbara are away and that they are going to spend the weekend blowing off steam.
She insists she's all about having fun but that she doesn't want things to get too out of control. Leo assures her nothing is bad is going to happen and Erica makes him promise so. He suggests that his little sister is acting more like a big sister and closes the trunk forcibly.
Erica tells him to go easy on the car before snatching the keys away from him and saying that she is driving. They arrive home and Erica carefully backs the car into the garage - albeit Robin freaks her out as he pretends that she has run over his foot.
To her relief, she parks the car safely and Leo wonders if Erica is now going to relax. She tells him not to worry and that, as long as they're vigilant, it could be fun.
Leo replies that he's only worried about being late for his own party and jokes that he turned 45 on the way over. Erica shuts the garage door, locking the car safely inside, and tells him to trust her and that is was worth it.
At the party, Erica and Judith are in the kitchen as Judith asks her if she thinks Robin is cute. She replies that he is a spoiled little smart ass and that if Judith sees him go anywhere near the garage then she should let her know.
Judith suggests that Erica is being paranoid, but she replies that it's her party and she can be paranoid if she wants to. Judith wonders if she is so worried about "Casa Strange" why she is putting the chips in good bowls.
Erica replies that chips go in bowls, with Judith remarking that they do "when you're 30" and refers to Erica as "mom." As Erica takes in the irony of this comment, she then intercepts a basketball being thrown around by some guys, telling them not to do inside the house.
Judith tells her she needs to take a "downer" and Zach then arrives with a crate of beer. He moves to stand behind Erica, putting his arms around her. She tells him to go easy, but he tries to justify his actions considering Leo charged him for admission.
Erica is surprised to discover this and, with Zach suggesting she goes to look for herself, her and Zach leave to find Leo - with Judith taking the opportunity to hand the basketball back to the guys.
Erica confronts Leo, who is indeed taking money from people as they enter. Zach suggests he is being inhospitable. Leo laughs at this, sarcastically praising his choice of word and calling him a dork. She laughs at this.
Leo tells her he's just being vigilant, making some money, and keeping the jokers out of their house. Erica is pleased to hear this, referring to him as an entrepreneur, although Zach thinks he's being a "cheap skate."
Their attention is then switched to an argument taking place close by between Robin and a guy named Mike, who is asking him where his money is. Robin protests that he's paid up, but Mike tells him he still owes $200.
Robin hits back, and suggests Mike and his "crack whore girlfriend" leave so she can "work the night shift" and get out of his face. Mike is just about to hit Robin when Leo steps in and stops him. He tells Mike to chill and advises Robin to back off.
Leo offers Mike and his girlfriend a beer each and tells them to go. They eventually accept, although Mike warns Robin that he has only just started with him. Erica watches on, shocked, and after Mike leaves confronts Leo.
She asks Leo who Mike is, and he replies that he is someone Robin knows, and Robin explains that Mike thinks he owes him money for some weed he didn't buy two weeks ago. Erica is angry with Robin, reminding him that he is in their house.
Leo calms his sister down, and tells her it's over. He suggests that Erica has a beer and enjoys herself. She doubts that it is all over though and wonders what will happen if Mike returns.
He says he won't but, if he does, he assures her he will sort it out as he did before. Leo tells Erica not to worry and trust him, which she agrees to and they return to partying.
Later, Erica is lying on the floor asleep, along with Judith and Zach. He moves up behind her, and kisses her on the cheek. Erica likes this, until she opens her eyes and realises who it is. She tells him to get off her, as he stinks of "beer and teenage boy."
They then hear some crashing noises and Erica, realising where they are coming from, suddenly gets up and rushes to the garage with Zach and Judith in tow - unable to believe history is repeating itself.
When they get to the garage they find the car has been trashed. Erica calls for Leo, and Zach suggests that the guys responsible can't be too far away and runs out of the garage to try and catch up with them.
Erica and Judith follow him and they meet Leo and Robin running back towards the house. She asks them what happened and whether they saw anything and Leo tells her they were crashed out and then heard noises.
Robin describes how they caught somebody trashing the car in the garage and Leo says they chased them out but that it was too late. Erica laments that he doesn't understand how destroyed Gary is going to be and Judith suggests they need to call the cops.
However, Robin insists that they don't with Erica shouting at him that somebody has broken in and trashed the car and of course they should call the cops. Robin takes this as his cue to leave, saying he has to get up early for work the next day.
Erica suggests he is not much of a friend to be leaving but Leo tells them all to go inside as not to wake everybody up. However, one neighbour does emerge from her house to see all the commotion.
They head back inside to the kitchen where Erica wonders who would break in to just trash a car. Leo tells her that it happens and she says they have to get it fixed before Gary and Barbara get back.
She then asks Leo if he thinks that it was Mike who trashed the car and wonders if it was payback for the money he thinks Robin owes him. Erica wonders if that was who Leo saw, reminding him that he had told Robin things weren't over.
Leo admits that it was dark, but that he is now sure it was Mike. She is unhappy to hear this, commenting on how Robin is on the wrong side of a drug dealer and Leo suggests it's why they can't call the cops.
He says she shouldn't blame Robin for what happened, but Erica is adamant she can. Leo then tells her he's going to bed but Erica says that if they don't fix the car then Gary will flip out and it will get ugly. He replies that they will deal with it in the morning.
The next morning, a mechanic goes over the damage to the car and Leo asks him how much it will cost to fix it, with Erica adding by the end of the day. He tells them it isn't possible and that the best he can do is for it to take two days and cost $2000.
Erica gasps at this and asks Leo how much money he has. He replies that he has a couple of hundred from the door the previous night and about a grand is his account which he got back when he quit uni.
He wonders how much she has, but Erica says that there is no way she is paying and that Robin is his friend and can cover the rest. Leo can't believe this, but she says that Robin is the reason the car was trashed.
Leo tells her to calm down and insists he can't ask his friend for money. She replies that they will ask his parents instead. He wonders when Erica got so bossy and tells her to stop pushing him. She turns around in exasperation, before noticing Dr. Tom, disguised as a mechanic, on the other side of the autoshop.
Erica wanders over to where he is working under a car and Dr. Tom comments that it is amazing how, when stood beneath a car, that there's always more going on underneath than you are aware of. She replies that his talents never cease to amaze her.
Dr. Tom continues working on the car as she explains how she is experiencing "good times" with her and Leo at one another's throats and the car trashed all over again. He checks that she parked it in the garage and she tells him she did before blaming Robin for inviting Mike.
He proceeds to tell her the tale of a man who brought his car into them for a battery replacement, convinced that that was what it needed. Dr. Tom explains that they examined the truck and that the alternator was clearly the problem.
Erica says he has lost her, and Dr Tom describes how the guy got very annoyed at them and refused to believe what they were telling him. He informs her that the guy proceeded to drive a faulty alternator through two more batteries before he agreed with them.
She suggests that this is just like Leo with Robin, commenting that he has a blind spot for him and refuses to see what a loser he is and how he is dragging Leo down.
Dr Tom quotes to Erica that: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them." She tries to take this in.
As Leo, Erica, Zach, and Judith approach home, they notice Gary and Barbara standing on the driveway having returned home early. They are talking with the neighbour from the previous night, who they deduce must have called their parents.
Suddenly, Leo asks if they are up for paying a visit to Wonderland. Erica suggests it is hardly the time, but he informs her that it is where Robin works and that they can get the money from him and beg the mechanic to fix the car and, if he can't do it that day, they will still have the money for Gary to fix it.
Erica concedes this would be better and Leo remarks that it is why he is "the big brother" and he reverses the trashed car back down the road, away from the house.
They arrive at Wonderland and park in a deserted car lot, which Zach bemoans is far away from Wonderland. Leo points to the fact that the car has a broken window and that someone could steal it.
Judith wonders why he couldn't have just dropped them off at the gate, and an angry Leo threatens that if they don't stop whining they will be taking the TTC back, reminding them that they have come to collect Robin's money.
Erica apologises for Leo's temper, commenting that he isn't acting like himself and suggests Judith and Zach can stay in the car if they want. However, they all want to head in. Inside, Judith wonders if Erica wants to share a funnel cake, with Erica replying that they can later.
They spot Robin working at a stall and Leo begins to make his way towards him, rejecting Erica's offer to join him as the last thing he needs is her "busting his ass." They watch from a distance as Leo and Robin talk.
Leo returns a few moments later with his arms outstretched as if to receive congratulation. He says they will have to wait until lunch, but that they will then drive down to the bank and that Robin is coming through for them.
Erica is relieved to hear this and hugs Leo and they all go off for funnel cake. Erica and Leo share one and he asks her if she remembers the time on Central Island when she ate candy floss and threw up all over the carousel.
She confirms that she does and Leo reminds her that half an hour ago she was pissed at him but that they are now getting their money and eating funnel cake. He suggests everything is good and that he told her to trust him.
Erica says she had a reason to be upset, but Leo suggests that ever since the liquor store she has been acting like Barbara. She rejects this, before beginning to explain that she gets that Leo doesn't want to go to university and needs to follow his own path.
Annoyed, Leo asks her to spell out the big mistake he's made with his life, and Erica says that him and Gary are going off the rails. He recognises this, but she wonders whether he does, stating that he seems willing to sacrifice his relationship with Gary to protect Robin, who she restates is dragging Leo down.
Leo says that he hears her loud and clear and asks her not to be mad anymore as he doesn't like it. She assures him she isn't mad, and allows him to finish off the funnel cake before suggesting they go on some rides - and pretending to throw up over the cake.
They enjoy themselves on the rides and afterwards walk through the park, with Erica clutching a giant inflatable banana. Robin catches up with them, saying he has been looking for them everywhere and checks that they are ready to go.
However, when they return to the parking lot, they find the car missing. Robin asks if Leo is sure he parked it in Lot W and Jude confirms that she wrote it down. Leo can't believe that someone would steal the car and Erica throws her banana to the ground in her anger.
They sit, dejected, by a waterfall, and Robin informs them that he has contacted security who are calling the cops. Erica says that Gary is going to explode, but Leo assures her that they will find the car.
She says that he doesn't know this and suggests they should just call their parents and tell them what has happened. Leo replies that they should just say it's been stolen and leave it at that.
Erica is surprised at this, but he insists it makes total sense that the "dickwad" that stole the car also messed it up. He says this keeps everything nice and clean. Erica then gets up and begins pacing around, thinking, and Judith joins her to talk in private.
Judith reminds Erica that she is a great "bullshit detector" with Erica replying that it is what makes her a great lawyer before realising her error and correcting herself. She remarks that Erica had been worried about the car and then it had got trashed.
She continues explaining that Leo parked the car only for it to be stolen and she wonders if Leo knows who stole the car and what they have done with it. Erica checks that she thinks it was Mike, but Judith tells her that, although it's the last thing she wants to hear, the answer is obvious.
Judith says that Leo and Robin are behind all of it. Erica scoffs at this suggestion before realising that Judith is being deadly serious. She concludes that if the car really was stolen then Leo would still have the keys, and asks him if she can have them.
Leo hesitates and looks at Robin, before asking her why she wants them. Erica explains that she gave the keyring to Gary for his birthday and holds out her hand for him to hand her the keys.
However, he checks his pockets and can't find them, suggesting he must have lost them on the ride. Smelling a rat, Erica then approaches Robin and begins rooting around in his pockets where she discovers the keys and she stares at an ashamed-looking Leo.
She makes Leo take them to where the car is parked on a quiet lane close to the park. Erica wonders if he was just going to leave it there with the window open and he explains that he thought the closer it was to the park the faster the cops would find it.
Erica sarcastically suggests this makes him a "prince" and asks him to tell her what really happened. Leo checks that she really wants to know before explaining that Robin had wanted to go for a burger run and that he had thought he was good to drive.
He concedes he wasn't though, and had backed into a pole at the Drive Thru. Erica is shocked to hear her brother had been drunk driving, suggesting he was lucky to only hit a pole. She asks him about the rest of the car and the broken window.
Leo explains that he panicked and came up with the idea on the way home of messing the car so it looked like someone from the party did it. Erica says she can't believe what she's hearing and he admits he was stupid.
Erica scolds him, branding him pathetic and is hurt that he lied to her. Leo wonders whether she knows what it's been like for him since he quit uni and suggests he is a constant disappointment to their parents and everything he does is further proof he is a directionless loser.
She insists he doesn't put his actions on them, but Leo reminds her that she said herself that he was on his own path that they hate. Erica replies that they hate that he's hanging out with Robin all day and skateboarding and acting like a teenager. She concludes that it's a detour, not a path.
They arrive at the car and Erica tells him he would have been willing to sell out both Robin and Mike if she hadn't figured out his insane plan, and that he would have sold her out too. Leo shakes his head at this idea, telling her he wouldn't.
Heartbroken, Erica assures him that he would have stood there and said nothing to Gary and Barbara. She gets in the car, followed by Zach and Judith and finally an upset Leo, who struggles to hide his shame.
Back home, Gary scolds Leo for taking the car out after drinking and for having a party. Erica recognises that he is mad but says that Leo made a mistake and panicked. Barbara is astounded that she is trying to make excuses for him.
Gary says that the most pathetic thing is Leo is too old to be grounded or acting like some rebel without a brain. He is about to continue with his rant before Erica pleads with him to stop. Leo, crying, says he is sorry but Gary says it doesn't fix a thing.
He storms out, followed by Barbara - who shakes her head. Erica looks on at her distraught brother and suddenly finds herself transported back to the present day, entering her apartment after Ethan.
In her shock she stumbles, and Ethan checks she's OK. She tells him her heels are difficult to walk in and he gets her a glass of water. He notices she has gone quiet all of a sudden and Erica admits it's been a crazy day and she is still processing. He kisses her goodnight on the forehead and heads for the bedroom.
That night, Erica lies in bed, unable to get to sleep. She eventually gets up and walks over to the picture of her and Leo hanging on the wall and thinks. She then goes to walk through her bedroom door but finds herself re-entering Dr. Tom's office.
He is standing up, looking out of the window, where it's dark outside. He greets her, explaining that it's 3am, which he calls the bridge between night and day and a perfect time for self reflection.
Erica suggests that he couldn't sleep either, and Dr. Tom replies that he is a charter member of the insomniacs club and invites her to sit down. He sits down at his place, pouring them both a cup of coffee.
She explains that she has been going over her session over and over in her head and is torn about Leo. Dr. Tom is surprised, reminding her that Leo drove drunk, trashed her dad's car, and then lied about it.
Erica says that when she watched her dad go after him that it was no wonder Leo was driven to the edge. She admits that she always thought Leo could do no wrong and wonders if that was what she was supposed to realise - that he wasn't perfect and Kai isn't the devil and people aren't black and white.
Dr. Tom tells her no and, irritated, Erica wonders what was so important for her to learn that he had to tarnish all the memories of her brother. He simply tells her that "Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away."
He then wishes an upset Erica goodnight. She stares back at him, annoyed, and walks back out of the door and into her bedroom, before getting back into bed, and thinking.
The next morning, Erica heads into Goblins where she spots Kai working. She approaches him and begins to explain about her attitude the previous day. He suggests she had been judgemental and rude and she says she has come to apologise.
He wonders why and she hesitates before describing how she gets that he's not a bad person but that he makes some bad choices. Annoyed at her attitude, he sarcastically thanks her, referring to her as "Dr. Erica" and suggests she tries talking to him like a normal person not his therapist.
Erica replies that she has come to have an honest, open, intelligent dialogue, and Kai wonders if she can have one with him, describing himself as a "juvenile musician with poor impulse control."
He tells her he's flattered that someone who's perfect and accomplished as her would even think of talking to him.
She says that she came looking for the truth and to see the real him and suggests that this is the real Kai. He replies that there are plenty of places to buy coffee and she hits back telling him there are a lot of other women to sleep with who aren't her sister.
Kai deduces that this is what Erica's problem is with him and she admits that she doesn't think it's right that he's screwing around with Sam's heart. He wonders if she means Sam's heart or hers though.
Erica doesn't know how to respond to this and Kai asks her to be honest and wonders if she is angry or jealous. Once more, she stands there in silence.
At River Rock, Erica runs into Brent into the hallway, who is keen for her input for a leaving present for a fellow employee. She tells him that whatever he thinks is good before stopping him and asking if it is true that he's taking Friedkin's book from Julianne.
He confirms that it is and suggests she can hate him all she wants. Erica replies that she doesn't hate him but that she is shocked he would do that. Brent warns her that Julianne's ship is taking on water fast and says he wants her to make it to shore.
Erica says she appreciates his concern, but reminds him that Julianne gave her her shot and is her friend. She says that she's not just going to abandon her. Surprised, Brent tells her he is disappointed in her and Erica says the feeling is mutual before walking off.
In the office, Erica talks to Alexis as they make their way into the boardroom. They are surprised to find Dr. Tom standing there and Alexis asks if they can help him as Erica tries to disguise her shock.
He replies that he has heard they are seeking case studies, which Erica is not sure what to make of. Dr. Tom continues, checking they are doing a book on modern sexuality with Alexis confirming so while Erica emphatically answers no.
Alexis suggests they are a little disorganised and Dr. Tom looks bemused. She asks him his name and he explains that he is a PhD specialising in Metaphysics, the theory of time travel. Erica looks shocked that he would reveal this.
Erica assumes that, since he has come in on his own, Dr. Tom has something specific he'd like to discuss. He confirms so, and they all take a seat, as he informs them he'd like to talk about infidelity.
This intrigues her as he begins to muse about where it begins. Alexis encourages him to tell them more and Dr. Tom begins to tell a tale of a woman he knows who's not his partner. He says he finds her to be infuriating.
Erica looks stony faced at this description, taking him to mean her. Dr. Tom describes the woman as being brash, headstrong, but deep inside like a melody which keeps playing in the back of his mind.
She suggests he can tune out the melody and he replies that he has tried, but that it's not easily done. He informs Alexis that it is like a song that gets into your head, calling them "earworms."
Erica continues, saying that he can distract himself, or turn the music up really loud, and do everything it takes to avoid seeing what's right in front of him. As she says this, Dr. Tom can tell she has suddenly has a moment of realisation.
She suggests that this is what she was doing with Leo, explaining to Alexis that he was her brother. Erica describes how he betrayed her and how she hadn't wanted to see it.
Dr. Tom says that Leo was a great brother but that he also had some serious flaws with Alexis realising that they know one another. However, Dr. Tom continues regardless, telling Erica that it is so much easier to live in denial.
He explains that it is done for protection against things that are hard to acknowledge. Erica concedes that doing so is simply living a lie though.
Dr Tom's tells her that: "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is." He smiles at Erica, now understanding what he was trying to teach her.
Later, Erica returns to Goblins where Kai is working behind the bar. She watches him as she narrates:
"They say the truth will set you free, but I'm more interested in what they don't say."
She nervously makes her way to the counter and tells Kai that she knows she can get a coffee anywhere but that she really happens to really like the coffee at Goblins.
"And that is that the truth hurts, that it can be dangerous."
Kai smiles and tells her that a coffee is coming up for her and she checks she's not banned. He laughs and tells her she is his best customer as she tips large. Erica laughs and asks him if she can have a second to talk.
They sit down to chat, and Kai concedes that she was just trying to smooth things over and he wouldn't let her. He admits that what happened with Sam was wrong, but Erica says that he doesn't owe her an explanation.
Kai insists he does, reminding her that she had asked him to look out for Sam but that he been weak and that he needs to own up to that. Erica replies that she needs to own up to something too, recalling the question he asked earlier about if she was jealous.
He tells her he shouldn't have said it, but is surprised when Erica states it was the right question. She explains that she doesn't want to leave Ethan but that she can't also can't keep living in denial.
Erica admits that Kai was right and that she was jealous. She tells him that, although she wishes she didn't, she does have feelings for him and Kai digests this revelation.
"Revealing the truth - it's like lighting a match. It can bring light, help you see more clearly, or it can set your world on fire."
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