Season 2, Episode 8: Under My Thumb
Angst with a capital 'A' is rife throughout this particular episode which, despite plenty of disharmony, neatly sets things up for the final third of Season 2.
Indeed, it's hard to know if any of the characters actually emerge from the events happier than they were at the start of the episode, Brent and Friedkin aside.
However, there are lots of important issues in what is a unique episode in that no time travelling of any sort takes place. We've seen 'do over' days, travelling into the future, and regular therapy during Season 2, and now another first.
It's part of the changing dynamic between Erica and Dr. Tom, as he seeks to take away the "safety net" and check just where Erica is in his therapy. It's obviously prompted by his heated debate with Dr. Fred - more on that later.
Erica is also beginning to put her relationship with Ethan firmly under the microscope, just see how she watches him looking at the TV right at the end. Having had feelings for him for years and dreamed of being with him, now she is wondering whether the reality matches her fantasy.
Another relationship in troubled waters is that of Sam and Josh, with the former turning up on Erica's doorstep - much to a mostly-naked Ethan's embarrassment - having fled from London unhappy with how her husband has been ignoring her.
Of course, we all know that Josh's heart really isn't in the marriage, and Sam seems to be beginning to realise it too. Her hurt leads to an all too telegraphed sexual encounter with Kai in Goblins. Classic Kai that.
Speaking of the barista-turned-rock star-turned-barista, he seems to be realising that he actually can't escape from who he is and keep running away from his future. Now Erica knows the truth about him too, he is going to have to start dealing with Dr. Fred and his issues.
Finally, we have the on-going war being engaged at River Rock between Julianne and Friedkin, with Brent clearly allying himself with the latter - although note how he still wants to protect his friend, Erica. Let the fighting begin and last man standing wins.
As for the episode itself, we were treated to another hilarious opening involving Erica, Ethan, and another smashed piece of glass. Not quite as laugh out loud funny as Episode 4, but awkwardly funny as Erica catches Ethan masturbating.
My own view on it is that us guys have sexual urges, probably more urges than women, and they need to be satisfied. So what's the best option? Pressurise our girl into having sex, sleep with someone else, or engage in a bit of self-love?
Of course, Ethan is no mood to discuss it with Erica, even if she does want to. Classic to both of their personalities. That's the thing about relationships, it's all about communication. And if, like me, you're a closed book it can cause problems.
Still, talking about it wasn't quite as awkward as Erica and Ethan sitting down to watch the porn together. Erica barely being able to contain her amusement and paying attention to the actual script.
Then the comedy of her actually copying the nurse for Ethan, including dodgy accent and hilarious line about him "being worried about his job." I imagine Erin and Tyron were cracking up trying to act that out. Very funny.
It's the classic mix of Being Erica. I always think it's the kind of show which has something for everyone.
Also classic was Brent's response to Erica, "six to eight times a day." Now, I know I'm jumping the gun in terms of the season finale, but I really hope that the writers have found a way to keep him in Season 3. He's great comic relief.
Not that Brent is Julianne's favourite person now he's working with Friedkin. Speaking of Friedkin, I'm not an advocate of violence but if ever a guy needed smacking in the face, then he is that guy.
Not far behind would be Scott Galvin. Instantly dislikeable. You can't but feel sorry for the slightly pathetic Julianne as she holds a panic meeting with Erica in the elevator. Yes she's contributed to her own problems, but Friedkin is really going for her.
The troubles for Sam and Josh were all too predictable. Still, it allowed for a rare Season 2 comic transition as Dr. Tom sent Erica back out of his office with boxes of tissues. Such comic transitions were common place in Season 1, but not as much in Season 2.
Seeing as I've mentioned Dr. Tom, and this will come as no surprise to regular readers, he definitely featured in the highlight of the episode as we saw him and Dr. Fred go head-to-head over the latter's approaching of Erica about Kai.
How cool was it that Dr. Tom dragged Dr. Fred into his office - almost like a naughty school kid coming in to be punished. It's once again a sign of how protective he is over Erica.
It's no surprise Dr. Tom as a father is an issue later covered in this season, as it clearly plays an influential role in how he approaches his therapy with Erica. He doesn't want Fred harming her development and wants to make it known to him.
One of the best things about Season 2 is the expansion of the therapy side, with Dr. Tom joined by Dr. Fred and of course Dr. Naadiah too. All of them with their different approaches, dress sense, and offices is a really interesting feature.
It also seems like a pre-requisite to being a Doctor is an ability to be quick-witted, wind-up your patient, and use quotes - as Dr. Fred tries against Dr. Tom. Still, we all know Dr. Tom is the best - scolding Dr. Fred for not being able to help Kai.
Sure, he may not be as cool as Dr. Fred, or as calm and composed as Dr. Naadiah, but his flaws make Dr. Tom the best. Although, disappointingly, he is bereft of quotes for Erica for the second successive episode.
Still, my angst over that is nothing compared to the general mood at the end of this particular episode. Grenades thrown, time to see what happens when the dust settles.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Under My Thumb
Season 2, Episode 8: Under My Thumb
Episode Guide
Erica and Ethan are sitting on the couch in their apartment in the evening, watching a nature show on TV. She struggles to stay awake, and Ethan suggests that she goes to bed.
She admits she's exhausted and gets up to head to the bedroom, asking him if he's coming. Ethan tells her he can't though, as he has left all of his weekend marking 'til the last minute and shouldn't even be watching TV.
He turns it off and Erica tells him not to be too late as he reaches over to get some paperwork. She narrates:
"Our partner. We see them as a refuge, the one person we can truly reveal ourselves to."
Erica is in bed, with the time gone 1am.
"They see us when we're crazy, when we're moody, when we're tired. They see it all."
She rolls over, expecting to find Ethan next to her, however is surprised to discover that his side is empty.
"But do our partners really know us as well as we think they do? Or is the truth that we hide more than we like to admit? That there are some parts of ourselves that we never reveal. That we'd rather they not see."
Erica gets out of bed to refill her glass of water and enters the living room.
"And what would happen if one day they did?"
She hear some noises and turns around to see Ethan, sitting on the couch, masturbating to some porn on his laptop. In her shock, Erica drops her glass, which smashes on the floor. This causes Ethan to turn around in shock and embarrassment.
Erica turns around, apologising, as Ethan tries to cover himself up. She heads back into the bedroom, and closes the door, holding her hands to her head.
The next morning, Erica hurriedly gets ready for work, hoping to avoid having to speak to Ethan. However, he comes out of the bedroom and they greet one another, although avoid making eye contact.
She continues getting ready as he pours himself some orange juice. Erica tries raising the topic of the previous night but Ethan suggests they don't have to talk about it. Erica accepts this, but tells him that she is fine.
However, she can't bring herself to say the word 'masturbate' merely gesturing towards the couch instead. She says that everyone does 'it', including herself. Ethan reiterates his wish for her to drop it and they awkwardly kiss one another on the cheek as Erica leaves.
In Goblins, Erica and Julianne are having a meeting with the author of the sex book, Alexis. She tells them she wants to make sure the book is 50/50 when it comes to male and female sexuality.
Julianne adds that she'd like to see some case studies and Erica comments that the book should be about real couples, real problems, and told from both points of view.
She suddenly takes the opportunity to raise her own issue, which she dresses up as coming from a friend of hers in a committed relationship and in love. Erica says her friend told her that, one night, she caught her boyfriend, and whispers "masturbating."
Julianne gasps at this revelation, and Erica adds that it was to really bad computer porn. Alexis wishes to know more and Erica describes how she was asked the question if he can do 'it' with her for real why would he, with Julianne finishing off her sentence by saying "engage his auto pilot."
As Julianne says this, Alexis notices Erica's reaction, and realises that she is talking, not about a friend, but herself. They are then interrupted by Kai, serving them with their coffee. Alexis asks him whether he can give them a man's point of view.
Erica is unsure about asking Kai, but Alexis introduces herself as a sex therapist and wonders if he'd answer her a personal question. Kai replies that he doesn't mind and Alexis asks him why men masturbate.
This frankness shocks Julianne, and Erica wonders if questioning Kai is necessary, but he responds by saying when a guy is by himself it's all about him, and describes it as simple, primal, and quick.
Alexis laughs at this description, telling Kai she couldn't have put it better herself and how she appreciates his honesty. Much to Erica's shock, Alexis says that she'd love to interview him for a case study and hands Kai her business card telling him to call her.
She tells Erica that that should help demystify things for her "friend," which Erica smiles and nods to, and Julianne suggests that they need to have more meetings in the future at Goblins.
At River Rock, Brent and Friedkin are walking and talking as Brent explains that Erica is not in league with Julianne and is just doing her job. Friedkin disagrees with him though, suggesting she has eclipsed Brent in record time.
They are then interrupted as they pass Scott Galvin, son of Frank, in the hallway, who approaches Friedkin and introduces himself. Brent explains that, while Frank is away talent scouting in India, Scott has temporarily taken over the reins.
Scott asks how he can help Friedkin, although Friedkin fails to see how he can. Undeterred, Scott suggests that the pair of them talk more.
Erica is working at her desk when her phone rings. She answers it to find Sam on the other end and she asks her how "jolly old England" is. Sam replies that she doesn't know though, and is instead getting out of a cab back in Toronto.
This surprises Erica, and Sam asks her if it would be OK if she crashed on her couch for a couple of days. Erica can't understand why her and Josh would want to crash on her crappy couch, but Sam informs her that Josh hasn't come with her.
Erica asks her what's going on, but Sam suggests they talk about it when she gets to her place, which Erica agrees to before ending the call.
Meanwhile, Julianne is busy working in her office when she hears her door open. Annoyed at being disturbed, she points to the fact it was closed but is shocked to discover that it's Scott who has come to see her.
She gets up and they kiss on either cheek. Julianne tells him it's a wonderful surprise to see him and he wonders whether he has to call first to see his favourite department head. She tells him no and that she has an open door policy to him.
Julianne invites him to take a seat as she sits back down herself. Scott perches on the edge of the desk and tells her that Friedkin has paid him a visit. She is disappointed to hear this, and Scott informs her that Friedkin is pissed because she humiliated him.
She can't believe the hypocrisy, but Scott says that Friedkin suggested she "castrated" him publically and has therefore decided to pull The Mystery of Tomorrow. Julianne reminds him that Friedkin signed a contract and can't.
However, Scott tells her that she pushed it and now must do whatever it takes to fix it. He leaves her to unhappily digest this news.
Later, Julianne and Erica are in the elevator with another employee. When the other employee leaves and the doors close, Julianne suddenly stops the elevator. Erica asks if she's OK, and Julianne informs her that Friedkin has gotten to Scott and is now going to pull the book.
Erica is shocked to hear this, and Julianne tells her that she has been ordered to fix it. She slams her fist against the wall, unable to believe what's happening, and struggles to hold back the tears. Erica tells her she needs to calm down and get herself together.
She reminds her who commissioned the book and asks her what 'secret number 26' says. Julianne recalls it reads "never show weakness" and Erica repeats it back to her, suggesting she uses Friedkin's tactics against him and doesn't give up her power.
Julianne tells Erica she's right and declares she needs to be professional, clear, and firm. She suggests that, even if Scott doesn't understand, Frank will - as he doesn't do business at gun point.
Erica reminds Julianne that she is the boss and, composed again, Julianne restarts the lift and thanks Erica, saying she told her exactly what she needed to hear.
Back at Erica's apartment, Ethan - dressed only in his boxers - is getting ready to welcome her home. He has some romantic music playing, candles lit, and sprinkles rose petals around the room. He then hears the door open, expecting to greet Erica.
However, Sam comes through the door and both of them are shocked and embarrassed to see one another and Ethan quickly dashes into another room.
Erica is walking home through the city when she is met by Dr. Fred. She is surprised to see him and he tells her he wanted to check in and see how she liked the future. Erica wonders if they can talk about it another time and he suggests she has had a busy day.
She tells him her boss has had a nervous breakdown and her sister, clearly in crisis, has mysteriously flown in from London without her husband. Erica adds that her boyfriend, and Dr. Fred jumps in, suggesting Ethan really likes his porn.
Erica is unimpressed, and asks Dr. Fred what he wants from her. He says he wants to talk to her about Kai and wonders what she is going to do and say now that she knows. Erica recognises he's concerned about his patient but tells him it's not her area.
Dr. Fred enquires whether therapy, for her, is just to get up, go see Dr. Tom, re-do a regret, wash, rinse, repeat. She chuckles at this, replying that that's not exactly how she would put it. He wonders how she would put it, but Erica tells him she needs to go and walks away.
Alone, Dr. Fred turns to walk into a florists. However, when he pushes the door he finds himself entering Dr. Tom's office instead. He smiles, knowingly to himself, realising where he is.
He turns to see Dr. Tom, arms folded, perched on his desk. Dr. Tom sighs and tells him that, as therapists they are bound by a protocol and reminds him that he has to get his permission first before talking to Erica.
Dr. Fred replies that if he has brought him into his office to have a fight then Dr. Tom has won, as he doesn't have the patience for it. Dr. Tom says that he doesn't have the patience to watch him take Erica off course.
This suggestion surprises Dr. Fred, who replies that Erica is so strictly on course that Dr. Tom will be lucky if he'll ever wean her off it. Dr. Tom wonders what he means, and Dr. Fred wonders if he's even told Erica what comes next.
Dr. Tom shifts around, and states that Erica isn't ready, but Dr. Fred suggests that it's Dr. Tom who isn't ready. Annoyed, Dr. Tom gets up and approaches Dr. Fred, asking him who the hell he thinks he is.
Dr. Fred responds by saying he's just calling it as he sees it and Dr. Tom hits back by declaring he will call it as he sees it. He suggests that Dr. Fred can't help Kai and is now dragging Erica into his mess.
However, Dr. Fred merely replies that maybe Aesop's idea of familiarity breeding contempt is right before walking off to leave Dr. Tom reflecting on this idea.
Erica returns to her apartment to find Sam and Ethan sitting down at the table. She can tell her sister has been crying and she asks her what's going on. Sam admits that she's left Josh and Erica hugs her.
Sam sits back down and explains that she woke up in the morning, bought a ticket, and got on the plane. She admits it sounds so dramatic but that she just had to leave. Erica wonders why Josh didn't try and stop her, but Sam informs her that he doesn't know and probably hasn't even noticed she's gone.
She describes how, ever since they moved to London, Josh has always been working late and the previous evening had supposed to have been their night together. Sam tells them she waited for two hours at Claridge's only to get home and find him asleep in front of the TV having forgotten.
Sam begins crying again, wondering how much more she can put up with. She tells them she woke up in the morning and felt like she couldn't breathe. Erica hugs her, and assures Sam everything will be OK.
She then notices Sam is out of tissues and goes to fetch some more for her. However, when she goes to open the door to the bathroom she finds herself walking into Dr. Tom's office. He is sitting down on his chair, looking pensive, and she exclaims in relief as she realises where she is.
Erica shuts the door and begins telling him how she has had the worst day. She sits down and explains how Julianne had a nervous breakdown in the elevator, that Sam has followed suit in her apartment, and how Dr. Fred thinks she can do his job for him.
She bemoans that, to top it all off, she is having major anxiety over hers and Ethan's sex life. Dr. Tom stops her venting and suggests she takes a breath. She does so, and he chuckles. Erica apologises and admits that everything is getting to be a bit too much.
Dr. Tom motions to pick up her list and Erica asks him where she is going, joking that a spa would be nice. This makes him stop for a second, and he wonders if Erica sees her therapy as a vacation from her life.
Perplexed, Erica says she was joking and, as Dr. Tom swivels in his chair and waves her list around while thinking, she tells him to send her wherever he wants, stating that anywhere is better than her current day.
He looks at her list, puts it down, and gets out of his chair, walking towards the window. Dr. Tom says that his office is not a refuge and it's not meant to be an escape hatch from her life.
Erica acknowledges this, describing how he is her therapist and that she comes to his office to tell him her problems so he can help her solve them. She suggests that this is the whole point, but Dr. Tom tells her it's not.
He gestures to his office, informing her that the point is for her to ultimately do all of it on her own. Dr. Tom says that if she honestly sees what they do as the solution then he is failing. Erica finds this confusing and he moves back towards his seat, deep in thought.
Dr. Tom suggests it may be time to rip away the safety net and, turning to her, tells Erica that she is going to solve her current problems like the other six billion souls on the planet - all on her own.
Erica can't believe this but, before she has time to argue, she finds herself spinning around and back in her apartment, emerging from the bathroom carrying a huge stack of boxes of tissues. In her surprise, she drops them all over the floor, and Ethan wonders what she's doing.
That evening, Erica and Sam are at an open mic night at Goblins, finishing off a bottle of red wine. Sam thanks her for not rubbing things in her face and says that Erica was right all along and she had been so awful to her.
Erica tells her not to worry about it and says she is proud of Sam and can't even imagine how hard it is for her. Kai then comes up with another bottle of red wine for them, and Sam notices Erica yawning.
Sam suggests she is exhausted, although Erica protests otherwise, and she apologises for turning up on her doorstep interrupting her work and her romantic evening. Erica tells her she had no romantic evening planned, but Sam doubts this, telling her she should have seen what Ethan wasn't wearing when she turned up.
Erica is surprised to hear this, admitting that things have been a little awkward between her and Ethan, to which Sam responds by telling Erica to go home. She insists she isn't going to abandon her sister in a bar but Sam says she has done enough for her.
She advises that if there is something going on with Ethan then she should go and fix it. Erica assures her it's not a big thing, to which Sam replies that it never is at the start.
Kai then re-appears, with two shots, telling them part of his job description is to show the broken hearted how the Goblins staff like to party. Erica says she doesn't think Sam is in any state to keep up with Kai, but Sam once again tells Erica to go home and not wait up.
They hug goodbye, with Sam insisting she'll be fine before heading to the bathroom. Kai suggests that Erica doesn't trust him with Sam but she responds by explaining that Sam is really fragile.
She hands him some money and asks him to not let her get drunk, to keep the gross guys away, and to take care of her. Kai assures her Sam will be fine and tells Erica to go, which she does, thanking him.
Meanwhile, at an empty River Rock, Friedkin emerges from the elevator into the office where Julianne is waiting for him in her office. She invites him to sit down and he tells her he feels like he has been sent down to the Principal's office and wonders if she is going to pull out her yard stick and spank him.
Julianne doesn't respond, and tells him she is going to cut to the chase. She explains how they work well together, with Friedkin suggesting she means as lovers, and that the past is the past. She tells him she is willing to move on and focus on the now.
Friedkin suggests she wants to pretend like nothing happened and that she didn't "rip off" his balls in front of her entire staff. Julianne hits back, adding they will pretend he didn't go behind her back like a weaseal to Scott, as well as Meeri.
He agrees to the deal and Julianne smiles to herself as he goes. However, Friedkin then turns around and states that he wants an apology from her. Julianne can't believe this and asks what for.
Friedkin tells her for disrespecting him, wounding his male pride, and just for the fun of it. He says he wants her to beg for forgiveness in front of everyone and, if she shows him the respect he deserves, then she can keep "riding his coattails."
He concludes that, if she doesn't, some other "vampire" will and he walks off, leaving a stunned Julianne to contemplate this.
Erica arrives back at her apartment where Ethan is sitting down watching TV, he informs her that he's made up the couch for Sam and asks how she is. Erica tells him she's better and reveals that Sam told her she had found him half naked, lighting candles.
Ethan replies by telling her if her sister wasn't having a marital crisis, Erica could have spent the evening with him as her slave. She is intrigued by this idea and, sitting down on the arm of the couch, wonders if this is what he likes.
He says that if she would, then he would too. Erica is confused by this, and he suggests they could open a bottle of wine and have a bath. She gets up though and wanders round to the back of the couch and opens up his laptop, suggesting he could show her his porn.
Ethan thinks this would be weird though, but Erica replies that it could also be really hot and pleads with him to.
Back at Goblins, Sam, sitting alone, watches a guitarist performing on the stage. She watches Kai from the other end of the bar, catching his attention as they smile at one another and she raises her glass to him.
Later, as everyone else leaves, Sam and Kai begin chatting and laughing, and he gets out his own guitar to show her how to play it. He locks the front door and tells Sam that getting on a plane without even her toothbrush took guts.
She replies that he is making it sound almost cool, which he confirms it is. Kai says he knows how hard it is throw everything away and start over. Sam stares at him and tells Kai he has beautiful eyes.
Immediately embarrassed with herself, she turns around and apologises, explaining how bad she is at flirting. Kai insists she's not and says that it doesn't hurt that Sam is beautiful. She turns back around hearing this, but he concedes that he promised Erica he'd take care of her.
However, Sam walks up to Kai and initiates a kiss. They begin making out and end up having sex on a table in Goblins.
Meanwhile, in their apartment, Erica and Ethan are sitting on the couch watching porn on his laptop. It features a doctor and a scantily clad nurse who speaks with an Eastern European accent.
As they watch it, Erica is more interested in critiquing the quality of the dialogue, although Ethan explains that they make it up rather it being scripted. She can't help but giggle and laugh as she watches, much to Ethan's annoyance.
Eventually, he goes to close the laptop, suggesting that it was a stupid idea and that he is going to bed. Erica apologises for making fun of it and says she'll stop and they return to watching it.
However, she is ultimately shocked at what she sees. Ethan decides to close the laptop and tries to stand up, although Erica prevents him from doing so. He asks if they can just drop it, but she explains she's just trying to understand what he likes.
She suddenly has an idea and gets up, telling Ethan to wait and trust her. A little while later, she knocks on the door and Ethan opens it to find Erica with her shirt tied up, exposing her midriff - like the nurse in the porno.
Speaking with an Eastern European accent and referring to Ethan as "Dr. Wakefield," she drags him up against a wall and asks if he has called for her assistance with his "research." She kisses him and Ethan replies that he guesses so.
They kiss again and she gets him to sit down before kissing him again. Feeling slightly awkward, Ethan tells her she doesn't need to, but Erica replies that she wants to. Walking away from him, she wonders if he's busy, and then stretches out her foot, rubbing it against his crotch.
Mimicking the nurse from the porno, she moves back closer to him, asking him if he's worried about his job. Erica then begins to undo his belt, but Ethan tells her not to. Surprised, Erica tells him she thought it might be fun and that she could help him.
Ethan replies that he doesn't need any help to want her and, as Erica takes in this comment, he goes to kiss her. However, she pulls away and suggests he is right, saying that it looked much better on the computer. She storms into the bedroom, and sits down on the bed, sighing deeply.
The next morning, Sam is asleep on the couch as Erica leaves a note and a box of headache pills for her, telling the "party animal" to call her when she wakes up. Erica goes to leave, and at that moment Sam stirs and opens her eyes, looking at the wedding ring on her finger and thinking.
At Goblins, Kai is working behind the bar when he accidentally knocks some plastic cups onto the floor. He crouches down to pick them up and, as he does, Dr. Fred walks in. He sits down by the bar and lifts the lid to the biscotti.
Kai stands back up and is shocked to see him. Dr. Fred suggests it was a big night for Kai, who replies that he can't hear him over the blood pounding in his ears. Dr. Fred suggests that this reminds him of his rock and roll days, calling them "fun times."
He takes a biscotti and puts it on a plate, and an annoyed Kai recommends that he takes his biscotti to go. Dr. Fred says he can try and rewrite who he is, but that the guy from 2019 is right in front of him and was in full form the previous night. He goes, leaving Kai wondering.
At River Rock, Erica and Alexis are sitting down and discussing the sex book. Alexis says they should start with a shocking chapter to reel people in, and suggests they begin with self pleasuring - learning how to make yourself happy before you worry about anyone else.
She turns to face Erica, saying that her "friend" might find it interesting, and Erica replies that she bets she would. Alexis states that it would help her understand that everyone has needs they don't like to talk about.
Erica tells her that she gets that, but that her "friend" would argue that "he" is the one with the issues. Alexis wonders how so, and Erica explains how she keeps trying to understand his needs and to give him what he wants.
Alexis wonders about what she wants though, and questions whether she has told him or whether she even knows herself. Erica stops and thinks about this.
Back at Erica's apartment, Sam is sitting on the couch watching TV when there's a knock at the door. She answers it to find Josh there, looking dishevelled from his flight and holding some flowers. He wonders if she has some coffee and a vase for the flowers.
They take a walk outside as Josh explains how scared he was when he got back from work and she wasn't there with no note or warning. Sam wonders how long it took for him to notice, because she had been gone for hours the previous evening.
Josh tells her to got on an aeroplane and got to her as fast as he physically could and pleads with Sam to come back with him, admitting that he has screwed up. He says that London was supposed to be their chance to break away from the bullshit.
Sam replies that she fulfilled her end of the bargain, and he acknowledges that he didn't, and has no excuses. Josh admits that he's not a saint and has messed up, but stresses he wants to work on things and needs her.
Meanwhile, back at Erica's apartment, she is sitting at her desk, writing, when Ethan arrives home. They greet one another and he asks where Sam is, with Erica admitting that she wasn't here when she got home.
Ethan suggests that Erica wants to talk about the previous night, although she responds that she's starting to think that talking is overrated. He sits down at the table, and guesses that she is upset about walking in and seeing him, although he too can't bring himself to say "masturbate."
Erica stops writing and admits she is a little, before explaining that it wasn't because of what he was doing but because it was like seeing a different part of him. She tells Ethan it made her realise there are things about her that he never gets to see either.
He wonders what, and she says that sometimes she doesn't want candles, baths, and romance. Erica states that she wishes he would stop trying to follow some script and just do whatever he wants. Confused, Ethan asks her where she is coming from and wonders if she is unhappy with their sex life.
Erica denies she is, before conceding she is kind of. Ethan looks devastated at this remark, and she continues by explaining she feels like they're having sex the way they think they're supposed to and not the way they really want to.
Hurt, Ethan says he doesn't know what she's talking about and Erica tells him it's OK to drop the romantic boyfriend act sometimes. He is shocked, but she insists she's serious and gets up to go over to him.
Erica asks him to stop holding back because if he can't let himself go then neither can she. She says she wants to and will if Ethan will just get out of his head and let himself do whatever he wants to do. She implores him to "take control" and "be a man."
Ethan reacts angrily to this last remark, standing up, and suggesting she means he's not a man. Erica denies this, but he tells her he's going to grab a beer with Michael and that he will "be a man" by leaving. He storms out, slamming the door behind him, and Erica sighs.
The next day, Erica goes to Goblins where she orders her usual from Kai. She asks to have a word with him, which immediately sets him on edge, and admits that it may be a little uncomfortable.
Erica suggests that he has experience with women, which he confirms, and asks if he ever just goes after what he wants. Getting the wrong end of the stick, Kai insists to her that "that" wasn't how "it" was, and tells her Sam not only wanted "it" too but initiated "it" as well.
She is stunned at this revelation, telling him that she had come to ask his advice about Ethan, and declares that Kai hasn't changed at all. He wonders what Erica means, and she calls herself an idiot for being willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Erica says that he is still the same guy he'll be in ten years, and Kai guesses that Dr. Fred told her the truth. She explains that he sent her to 2019 and that Kai is still the same same selfish, inconsiderate asshole. She storms out as he tries to reason with her.
At River Rock, Scott walks into Julianne's office and asks her what "the word" is. She replies "pure gold" handing him a manuscript which she explains has been written by a pagan shaman who has discovered the true secret of now.
Scott is pleased to hear this, suggesting they can publish it concurrently with Friedkin's book. Julianne replies that they don't need Friedkin anymore and that her new author will cost a quarter of the price.
He checks she has spoken to Friedkin and she explains that she can't, in good conscience, do what he wants her to do to make him happy. Scott sighs at this news, and tells Julianne that they are not going to lose Friedkin because he's not replaceable, while she is.
Julianne is shocked by this comment, but Scott says that if she wants to keep his father happy and her job, then she must keep Friedkin happy. She acknowledges this, and he goes to leave, telling her that he is starting to see that Frank was right when he told him she was slipping.
Erica is talking to Brent about the sex book, and is shocked to receive the answer "six to eight times" to her question. They are interrupted by Sam, who apologises for dropping in. Erica suggests she has been doing a lot of it recently.
Sam doesn't know how to take this, and Brent leaves them to talk. She presents Erica with a bag containing a present she has bought her, thanking her for everything. She explains that Josh has come to get her and they are going back to London to give it another shot.
Erica is shocked to hear this, and Sam concedes that she knows what her sister is thinking. She tells Erica she made a mistake getting on the plane and running out on Josh, and Erica chips in "having sex with Kai."
Sam is stunned she knows, and Erica asks how anything is going to change. Sam says that Josh has promised he is going to try, although Erica suggests that if he doesn't she will jump on another plane and find another Kai.
She pleads with Sam to listen to her gut for once, and to listen to her heart, stating they are both telling her to stop and let go of "the fantasy." She is interrupted by Julianne announcing a boardroom meeting in five minutes. Sam remarks that Erica is really busy and reminds her that she has a flight to catch. They hug and say goodbye.
At the meeting, Julianne addresses everyone - including Scott and Friedkin. She thanks them all for coming and explains that she is standing in front of them ashamed of her conduct in the past few months. She says she has let them down by virture of being very unprofessional.
Erica shifts around in her seat, uncomfortable with what she is hearing, and Brent appears pensive. Friedkin smiles broadly though, and looks around at people in the room, including a pleased Scott.
Julianne continues, saying she has to apologise to Friedkin, describing him as the most valuable author River Rock has ever known and a brilliant talent who deserved to be treated with more respect than she has shown.
She then quotes from The Mystery of Tomorrow, saying that when "we recognise genius, we increase our own power." Erica looks disheartened at this.
When she returns home she finds Ethan working at the table. He doesn't say anything to her as she takes off her shoes, and she suggests he's now not talking to her. Erica puts her bag down and he looks up at her, as she states that talking hasn't got them anywhere.
She goes to head into the bedroom, but he catches her arm and tries to kiss her. Erica pulls away though, telling him she's not interested. She is changing into some jeans when Ethan comes up behind and begins pleasuring her and they end up having sex.
That evening, back at River Rock, Julianne walks into her office to find Friedkin sitting in her chair with his feet up on the desk. She asks him to move and sits down, asking what he wants.
Friedkin tells her he wanted to give her the first three chapters of The Mystery of Tomorrow, and Julianne thanks him, although suggests he could have emailed them. She says she will read them that night, but he replies that he wanted to talk to her about the book.
He says he is not sure she is cut out for the title, and Julianne wonders what he is talking about, telling him he is keeping the book at River Rock. Friedkin confirms he is, but says that doesn't mean it has to be with her.
She watches him walk out of her office and approach Brent's desk, where he hands him the chapters. Brent smiles and he turns and faces Julianne, who stares back, taking in this act of betrayal.
Elsewhere, Josh waits by a cab as Sam joins him. He tells her he hopes they don't miss their flight and they kiss. He then reveals that he has booked them a weekend at a spa, which Sam is pleased to hear.
He explains that Sam can spend all day getting pedicures, manicures, and facials, while he is on the golf course. Josh assures her they will see each other in the evenings and adds that Maurice and his wife Grace will be there too and the four of them can have dinner together.
Sam is surprised that his boss is going to be there and suggests it is a business trip. Josh concedes it is, but that it is also an escape for them. Sam reiterates that it will be with his boss, but Josh insists he has done something good.
She states that he is doing something convenient though and asks him why he wants to be together. Josh says he has told her he loves her and Sam wonders why he loves her and why he married her.
Josh opens the cab door and instructs Sam to get in. She refuses though, and asks him again to tell her, unless he doesn't know. He reiterates that he loves her, conceding that he doesn't know why but he does.
She doubts this though, saying that most of the time she feels like he doesn't even like her. Sam argues that there is a difference between what Josh says and what actually happens between them. She concludes that they can't keep ignoring it.
Sam tells him they need to take a break and that she needs some time to think. Josh insists that he's not leaving without her but Sam walks away, upset, as he tries to call after her.
Back at their apartment, Erica sits down at the table, spreading out some sushi for dinner, and Ethan sits down to join her. Smiling broadly, she asks him how he feels and he replies that he feels fine and hungry.
Erica doesn't doubt this and wonders if she is such a girl for wanting to talk about "it" and he wonders what there is to talk about. She tells Ethan she thought it was incredible and he smiles, pleased to hear this.
She asks him what he thinks, and he suggests it was fun. Erica laughs at this, but Ethan tells her that he doesn't want to deconstruct the sex they just had as they're about to eat dinner. He asks if they can talk about something else.
Disappointed by his attitude, Erica wonders if he didn't like it, but he insists he did. She asks him if he's sure, remarking that his face suggests that he didn't. Ethan asks again if they can drop it before explaining that it was not like him to be "like that."
He admits that he liked their sex life the way it was. Erica takes this in and says that if he doesn't feel comfortable then they shouldn't do it, and she returns her focus to the food.
She narrates as Julianne leaves her office and logs onto Brent's PC to read his emails.
"Most of us think we know ourselves pretty well. Our hopes, dreams, desires. We cling so tightly to the stories we tell ourselves, not realising that what we really should do is let go."
Julianne is shocked to find an email from Brent to Friedkin, telling him how much he want to edit his book.
"Let go of the belief that we are invincible."
Sam sits on the edge of a fountain, upset, and deep in thought.
"Let go of the idea that we can't do it on our own."
Finally, Erica sits on the couch, looking at Ethan as he watches TV.
"Let go of the fairytale. Because, if we don't let go, how can we move forward?"
Episode Guide
Erica and Ethan are sitting on the couch in their apartment in the evening, watching a nature show on TV. She struggles to stay awake, and Ethan suggests that she goes to bed.
She admits she's exhausted and gets up to head to the bedroom, asking him if he's coming. Ethan tells her he can't though, as he has left all of his weekend marking 'til the last minute and shouldn't even be watching TV.
He turns it off and Erica tells him not to be too late as he reaches over to get some paperwork. She narrates:
"Our partner. We see them as a refuge, the one person we can truly reveal ourselves to."
Erica is in bed, with the time gone 1am.
"They see us when we're crazy, when we're moody, when we're tired. They see it all."
She rolls over, expecting to find Ethan next to her, however is surprised to discover that his side is empty.
"But do our partners really know us as well as we think they do? Or is the truth that we hide more than we like to admit? That there are some parts of ourselves that we never reveal. That we'd rather they not see."
Erica gets out of bed to refill her glass of water and enters the living room.
"And what would happen if one day they did?"
She hear some noises and turns around to see Ethan, sitting on the couch, masturbating to some porn on his laptop. In her shock, Erica drops her glass, which smashes on the floor. This causes Ethan to turn around in shock and embarrassment.
Erica turns around, apologising, as Ethan tries to cover himself up. She heads back into the bedroom, and closes the door, holding her hands to her head.
The next morning, Erica hurriedly gets ready for work, hoping to avoid having to speak to Ethan. However, he comes out of the bedroom and they greet one another, although avoid making eye contact.
She continues getting ready as he pours himself some orange juice. Erica tries raising the topic of the previous night but Ethan suggests they don't have to talk about it. Erica accepts this, but tells him that she is fine.
However, she can't bring herself to say the word 'masturbate' merely gesturing towards the couch instead. She says that everyone does 'it', including herself. Ethan reiterates his wish for her to drop it and they awkwardly kiss one another on the cheek as Erica leaves.
In Goblins, Erica and Julianne are having a meeting with the author of the sex book, Alexis. She tells them she wants to make sure the book is 50/50 when it comes to male and female sexuality.
Julianne adds that she'd like to see some case studies and Erica comments that the book should be about real couples, real problems, and told from both points of view.
She suddenly takes the opportunity to raise her own issue, which she dresses up as coming from a friend of hers in a committed relationship and in love. Erica says her friend told her that, one night, she caught her boyfriend, and whispers "masturbating."
Julianne gasps at this revelation, and Erica adds that it was to really bad computer porn. Alexis wishes to know more and Erica describes how she was asked the question if he can do 'it' with her for real why would he, with Julianne finishing off her sentence by saying "engage his auto pilot."
As Julianne says this, Alexis notices Erica's reaction, and realises that she is talking, not about a friend, but herself. They are then interrupted by Kai, serving them with their coffee. Alexis asks him whether he can give them a man's point of view.
Erica is unsure about asking Kai, but Alexis introduces herself as a sex therapist and wonders if he'd answer her a personal question. Kai replies that he doesn't mind and Alexis asks him why men masturbate.
This frankness shocks Julianne, and Erica wonders if questioning Kai is necessary, but he responds by saying when a guy is by himself it's all about him, and describes it as simple, primal, and quick.
Alexis laughs at this description, telling Kai she couldn't have put it better herself and how she appreciates his honesty. Much to Erica's shock, Alexis says that she'd love to interview him for a case study and hands Kai her business card telling him to call her.
She tells Erica that that should help demystify things for her "friend," which Erica smiles and nods to, and Julianne suggests that they need to have more meetings in the future at Goblins.
At River Rock, Brent and Friedkin are walking and talking as Brent explains that Erica is not in league with Julianne and is just doing her job. Friedkin disagrees with him though, suggesting she has eclipsed Brent in record time.
They are then interrupted as they pass Scott Galvin, son of Frank, in the hallway, who approaches Friedkin and introduces himself. Brent explains that, while Frank is away talent scouting in India, Scott has temporarily taken over the reins.
Scott asks how he can help Friedkin, although Friedkin fails to see how he can. Undeterred, Scott suggests that the pair of them talk more.
Erica is working at her desk when her phone rings. She answers it to find Sam on the other end and she asks her how "jolly old England" is. Sam replies that she doesn't know though, and is instead getting out of a cab back in Toronto.
This surprises Erica, and Sam asks her if it would be OK if she crashed on her couch for a couple of days. Erica can't understand why her and Josh would want to crash on her crappy couch, but Sam informs her that Josh hasn't come with her.
Erica asks her what's going on, but Sam suggests they talk about it when she gets to her place, which Erica agrees to before ending the call.
Meanwhile, Julianne is busy working in her office when she hears her door open. Annoyed at being disturbed, she points to the fact it was closed but is shocked to discover that it's Scott who has come to see her.
She gets up and they kiss on either cheek. Julianne tells him it's a wonderful surprise to see him and he wonders whether he has to call first to see his favourite department head. She tells him no and that she has an open door policy to him.
Julianne invites him to take a seat as she sits back down herself. Scott perches on the edge of the desk and tells her that Friedkin has paid him a visit. She is disappointed to hear this, and Scott informs her that Friedkin is pissed because she humiliated him.
She can't believe the hypocrisy, but Scott says that Friedkin suggested she "castrated" him publically and has therefore decided to pull The Mystery of Tomorrow. Julianne reminds him that Friedkin signed a contract and can't.
However, Scott tells her that she pushed it and now must do whatever it takes to fix it. He leaves her to unhappily digest this news.
Later, Julianne and Erica are in the elevator with another employee. When the other employee leaves and the doors close, Julianne suddenly stops the elevator. Erica asks if she's OK, and Julianne informs her that Friedkin has gotten to Scott and is now going to pull the book.
Erica is shocked to hear this, and Julianne tells her that she has been ordered to fix it. She slams her fist against the wall, unable to believe what's happening, and struggles to hold back the tears. Erica tells her she needs to calm down and get herself together.
She reminds her who commissioned the book and asks her what 'secret number 26' says. Julianne recalls it reads "never show weakness" and Erica repeats it back to her, suggesting she uses Friedkin's tactics against him and doesn't give up her power.
Julianne tells Erica she's right and declares she needs to be professional, clear, and firm. She suggests that, even if Scott doesn't understand, Frank will - as he doesn't do business at gun point.
Erica reminds Julianne that she is the boss and, composed again, Julianne restarts the lift and thanks Erica, saying she told her exactly what she needed to hear.
Back at Erica's apartment, Ethan - dressed only in his boxers - is getting ready to welcome her home. He has some romantic music playing, candles lit, and sprinkles rose petals around the room. He then hears the door open, expecting to greet Erica.
However, Sam comes through the door and both of them are shocked and embarrassed to see one another and Ethan quickly dashes into another room.
Erica is walking home through the city when she is met by Dr. Fred. She is surprised to see him and he tells her he wanted to check in and see how she liked the future. Erica wonders if they can talk about it another time and he suggests she has had a busy day.
She tells him her boss has had a nervous breakdown and her sister, clearly in crisis, has mysteriously flown in from London without her husband. Erica adds that her boyfriend, and Dr. Fred jumps in, suggesting Ethan really likes his porn.
Erica is unimpressed, and asks Dr. Fred what he wants from her. He says he wants to talk to her about Kai and wonders what she is going to do and say now that she knows. Erica recognises he's concerned about his patient but tells him it's not her area.
Dr. Fred enquires whether therapy, for her, is just to get up, go see Dr. Tom, re-do a regret, wash, rinse, repeat. She chuckles at this, replying that that's not exactly how she would put it. He wonders how she would put it, but Erica tells him she needs to go and walks away.
Alone, Dr. Fred turns to walk into a florists. However, when he pushes the door he finds himself entering Dr. Tom's office instead. He smiles, knowingly to himself, realising where he is.
He turns to see Dr. Tom, arms folded, perched on his desk. Dr. Tom sighs and tells him that, as therapists they are bound by a protocol and reminds him that he has to get his permission first before talking to Erica.
Dr. Fred replies that if he has brought him into his office to have a fight then Dr. Tom has won, as he doesn't have the patience for it. Dr. Tom says that he doesn't have the patience to watch him take Erica off course.
This suggestion surprises Dr. Fred, who replies that Erica is so strictly on course that Dr. Tom will be lucky if he'll ever wean her off it. Dr. Tom wonders what he means, and Dr. Fred wonders if he's even told Erica what comes next.
Dr. Tom shifts around, and states that Erica isn't ready, but Dr. Fred suggests that it's Dr. Tom who isn't ready. Annoyed, Dr. Tom gets up and approaches Dr. Fred, asking him who the hell he thinks he is.
Dr. Fred responds by saying he's just calling it as he sees it and Dr. Tom hits back by declaring he will call it as he sees it. He suggests that Dr. Fred can't help Kai and is now dragging Erica into his mess.
However, Dr. Fred merely replies that maybe Aesop's idea of familiarity breeding contempt is right before walking off to leave Dr. Tom reflecting on this idea.
Erica returns to her apartment to find Sam and Ethan sitting down at the table. She can tell her sister has been crying and she asks her what's going on. Sam admits that she's left Josh and Erica hugs her.
Sam sits back down and explains that she woke up in the morning, bought a ticket, and got on the plane. She admits it sounds so dramatic but that she just had to leave. Erica wonders why Josh didn't try and stop her, but Sam informs her that he doesn't know and probably hasn't even noticed she's gone.
She describes how, ever since they moved to London, Josh has always been working late and the previous evening had supposed to have been their night together. Sam tells them she waited for two hours at Claridge's only to get home and find him asleep in front of the TV having forgotten.
Sam begins crying again, wondering how much more she can put up with. She tells them she woke up in the morning and felt like she couldn't breathe. Erica hugs her, and assures Sam everything will be OK.
She then notices Sam is out of tissues and goes to fetch some more for her. However, when she goes to open the door to the bathroom she finds herself walking into Dr. Tom's office. He is sitting down on his chair, looking pensive, and she exclaims in relief as she realises where she is.
Erica shuts the door and begins telling him how she has had the worst day. She sits down and explains how Julianne had a nervous breakdown in the elevator, that Sam has followed suit in her apartment, and how Dr. Fred thinks she can do his job for him.
She bemoans that, to top it all off, she is having major anxiety over hers and Ethan's sex life. Dr. Tom stops her venting and suggests she takes a breath. She does so, and he chuckles. Erica apologises and admits that everything is getting to be a bit too much.
Dr. Tom motions to pick up her list and Erica asks him where she is going, joking that a spa would be nice. This makes him stop for a second, and he wonders if Erica sees her therapy as a vacation from her life.
Perplexed, Erica says she was joking and, as Dr. Tom swivels in his chair and waves her list around while thinking, she tells him to send her wherever he wants, stating that anywhere is better than her current day.
He looks at her list, puts it down, and gets out of his chair, walking towards the window. Dr. Tom says that his office is not a refuge and it's not meant to be an escape hatch from her life.
Erica acknowledges this, describing how he is her therapist and that she comes to his office to tell him her problems so he can help her solve them. She suggests that this is the whole point, but Dr. Tom tells her it's not.
He gestures to his office, informing her that the point is for her to ultimately do all of it on her own. Dr. Tom says that if she honestly sees what they do as the solution then he is failing. Erica finds this confusing and he moves back towards his seat, deep in thought.
Dr. Tom suggests it may be time to rip away the safety net and, turning to her, tells Erica that she is going to solve her current problems like the other six billion souls on the planet - all on her own.
Erica can't believe this but, before she has time to argue, she finds herself spinning around and back in her apartment, emerging from the bathroom carrying a huge stack of boxes of tissues. In her surprise, she drops them all over the floor, and Ethan wonders what she's doing.
That evening, Erica and Sam are at an open mic night at Goblins, finishing off a bottle of red wine. Sam thanks her for not rubbing things in her face and says that Erica was right all along and she had been so awful to her.
Erica tells her not to worry about it and says she is proud of Sam and can't even imagine how hard it is for her. Kai then comes up with another bottle of red wine for them, and Sam notices Erica yawning.
Sam suggests she is exhausted, although Erica protests otherwise, and she apologises for turning up on her doorstep interrupting her work and her romantic evening. Erica tells her she had no romantic evening planned, but Sam doubts this, telling her she should have seen what Ethan wasn't wearing when she turned up.
Erica is surprised to hear this, admitting that things have been a little awkward between her and Ethan, to which Sam responds by telling Erica to go home. She insists she isn't going to abandon her sister in a bar but Sam says she has done enough for her.
She advises that if there is something going on with Ethan then she should go and fix it. Erica assures her it's not a big thing, to which Sam replies that it never is at the start.
Kai then re-appears, with two shots, telling them part of his job description is to show the broken hearted how the Goblins staff like to party. Erica says she doesn't think Sam is in any state to keep up with Kai, but Sam once again tells Erica to go home and not wait up.
They hug goodbye, with Sam insisting she'll be fine before heading to the bathroom. Kai suggests that Erica doesn't trust him with Sam but she responds by explaining that Sam is really fragile.
She hands him some money and asks him to not let her get drunk, to keep the gross guys away, and to take care of her. Kai assures her Sam will be fine and tells Erica to go, which she does, thanking him.
Meanwhile, at an empty River Rock, Friedkin emerges from the elevator into the office where Julianne is waiting for him in her office. She invites him to sit down and he tells her he feels like he has been sent down to the Principal's office and wonders if she is going to pull out her yard stick and spank him.
Julianne doesn't respond, and tells him she is going to cut to the chase. She explains how they work well together, with Friedkin suggesting she means as lovers, and that the past is the past. She tells him she is willing to move on and focus on the now.
Friedkin suggests she wants to pretend like nothing happened and that she didn't "rip off" his balls in front of her entire staff. Julianne hits back, adding they will pretend he didn't go behind her back like a weaseal to Scott, as well as Meeri.
He agrees to the deal and Julianne smiles to herself as he goes. However, Friedkin then turns around and states that he wants an apology from her. Julianne can't believe this and asks what for.
Friedkin tells her for disrespecting him, wounding his male pride, and just for the fun of it. He says he wants her to beg for forgiveness in front of everyone and, if she shows him the respect he deserves, then she can keep "riding his coattails."
He concludes that, if she doesn't, some other "vampire" will and he walks off, leaving a stunned Julianne to contemplate this.
Erica arrives back at her apartment where Ethan is sitting down watching TV, he informs her that he's made up the couch for Sam and asks how she is. Erica tells him she's better and reveals that Sam told her she had found him half naked, lighting candles.
Ethan replies by telling her if her sister wasn't having a marital crisis, Erica could have spent the evening with him as her slave. She is intrigued by this idea and, sitting down on the arm of the couch, wonders if this is what he likes.
He says that if she would, then he would too. Erica is confused by this, and he suggests they could open a bottle of wine and have a bath. She gets up though and wanders round to the back of the couch and opens up his laptop, suggesting he could show her his porn.
Ethan thinks this would be weird though, but Erica replies that it could also be really hot and pleads with him to.
Back at Goblins, Sam, sitting alone, watches a guitarist performing on the stage. She watches Kai from the other end of the bar, catching his attention as they smile at one another and she raises her glass to him.
Later, as everyone else leaves, Sam and Kai begin chatting and laughing, and he gets out his own guitar to show her how to play it. He locks the front door and tells Sam that getting on a plane without even her toothbrush took guts.
She replies that he is making it sound almost cool, which he confirms it is. Kai says he knows how hard it is throw everything away and start over. Sam stares at him and tells Kai he has beautiful eyes.
Immediately embarrassed with herself, she turns around and apologises, explaining how bad she is at flirting. Kai insists she's not and says that it doesn't hurt that Sam is beautiful. She turns back around hearing this, but he concedes that he promised Erica he'd take care of her.
However, Sam walks up to Kai and initiates a kiss. They begin making out and end up having sex on a table in Goblins.
Meanwhile, in their apartment, Erica and Ethan are sitting on the couch watching porn on his laptop. It features a doctor and a scantily clad nurse who speaks with an Eastern European accent.
As they watch it, Erica is more interested in critiquing the quality of the dialogue, although Ethan explains that they make it up rather it being scripted. She can't help but giggle and laugh as she watches, much to Ethan's annoyance.
Eventually, he goes to close the laptop, suggesting that it was a stupid idea and that he is going to bed. Erica apologises for making fun of it and says she'll stop and they return to watching it.
However, she is ultimately shocked at what she sees. Ethan decides to close the laptop and tries to stand up, although Erica prevents him from doing so. He asks if they can just drop it, but she explains she's just trying to understand what he likes.
She suddenly has an idea and gets up, telling Ethan to wait and trust her. A little while later, she knocks on the door and Ethan opens it to find Erica with her shirt tied up, exposing her midriff - like the nurse in the porno.
Speaking with an Eastern European accent and referring to Ethan as "Dr. Wakefield," she drags him up against a wall and asks if he has called for her assistance with his "research." She kisses him and Ethan replies that he guesses so.
They kiss again and she gets him to sit down before kissing him again. Feeling slightly awkward, Ethan tells her she doesn't need to, but Erica replies that she wants to. Walking away from him, she wonders if he's busy, and then stretches out her foot, rubbing it against his crotch.
Mimicking the nurse from the porno, she moves back closer to him, asking him if he's worried about his job. Erica then begins to undo his belt, but Ethan tells her not to. Surprised, Erica tells him she thought it might be fun and that she could help him.
Ethan replies that he doesn't need any help to want her and, as Erica takes in this comment, he goes to kiss her. However, she pulls away and suggests he is right, saying that it looked much better on the computer. She storms into the bedroom, and sits down on the bed, sighing deeply.
The next morning, Sam is asleep on the couch as Erica leaves a note and a box of headache pills for her, telling the "party animal" to call her when she wakes up. Erica goes to leave, and at that moment Sam stirs and opens her eyes, looking at the wedding ring on her finger and thinking.
At Goblins, Kai is working behind the bar when he accidentally knocks some plastic cups onto the floor. He crouches down to pick them up and, as he does, Dr. Fred walks in. He sits down by the bar and lifts the lid to the biscotti.
Kai stands back up and is shocked to see him. Dr. Fred suggests it was a big night for Kai, who replies that he can't hear him over the blood pounding in his ears. Dr. Fred suggests that this reminds him of his rock and roll days, calling them "fun times."
He takes a biscotti and puts it on a plate, and an annoyed Kai recommends that he takes his biscotti to go. Dr. Fred says he can try and rewrite who he is, but that the guy from 2019 is right in front of him and was in full form the previous night. He goes, leaving Kai wondering.
At River Rock, Erica and Alexis are sitting down and discussing the sex book. Alexis says they should start with a shocking chapter to reel people in, and suggests they begin with self pleasuring - learning how to make yourself happy before you worry about anyone else.
She turns to face Erica, saying that her "friend" might find it interesting, and Erica replies that she bets she would. Alexis states that it would help her understand that everyone has needs they don't like to talk about.
Erica tells her that she gets that, but that her "friend" would argue that "he" is the one with the issues. Alexis wonders how so, and Erica explains how she keeps trying to understand his needs and to give him what he wants.
Alexis wonders about what she wants though, and questions whether she has told him or whether she even knows herself. Erica stops and thinks about this.
Back at Erica's apartment, Sam is sitting on the couch watching TV when there's a knock at the door. She answers it to find Josh there, looking dishevelled from his flight and holding some flowers. He wonders if she has some coffee and a vase for the flowers.
They take a walk outside as Josh explains how scared he was when he got back from work and she wasn't there with no note or warning. Sam wonders how long it took for him to notice, because she had been gone for hours the previous evening.
Josh tells her to got on an aeroplane and got to her as fast as he physically could and pleads with Sam to come back with him, admitting that he has screwed up. He says that London was supposed to be their chance to break away from the bullshit.
Sam replies that she fulfilled her end of the bargain, and he acknowledges that he didn't, and has no excuses. Josh admits that he's not a saint and has messed up, but stresses he wants to work on things and needs her.
Meanwhile, back at Erica's apartment, she is sitting at her desk, writing, when Ethan arrives home. They greet one another and he asks where Sam is, with Erica admitting that she wasn't here when she got home.
Ethan suggests that Erica wants to talk about the previous night, although she responds that she's starting to think that talking is overrated. He sits down at the table, and guesses that she is upset about walking in and seeing him, although he too can't bring himself to say "masturbate."
Erica stops writing and admits she is a little, before explaining that it wasn't because of what he was doing but because it was like seeing a different part of him. She tells Ethan it made her realise there are things about her that he never gets to see either.
He wonders what, and she says that sometimes she doesn't want candles, baths, and romance. Erica states that she wishes he would stop trying to follow some script and just do whatever he wants. Confused, Ethan asks her where she is coming from and wonders if she is unhappy with their sex life.
Erica denies she is, before conceding she is kind of. Ethan looks devastated at this remark, and she continues by explaining she feels like they're having sex the way they think they're supposed to and not the way they really want to.
Hurt, Ethan says he doesn't know what she's talking about and Erica tells him it's OK to drop the romantic boyfriend act sometimes. He is shocked, but she insists she's serious and gets up to go over to him.
Erica asks him to stop holding back because if he can't let himself go then neither can she. She says she wants to and will if Ethan will just get out of his head and let himself do whatever he wants to do. She implores him to "take control" and "be a man."
Ethan reacts angrily to this last remark, standing up, and suggesting she means he's not a man. Erica denies this, but he tells her he's going to grab a beer with Michael and that he will "be a man" by leaving. He storms out, slamming the door behind him, and Erica sighs.
The next day, Erica goes to Goblins where she orders her usual from Kai. She asks to have a word with him, which immediately sets him on edge, and admits that it may be a little uncomfortable.
Erica suggests that he has experience with women, which he confirms, and asks if he ever just goes after what he wants. Getting the wrong end of the stick, Kai insists to her that "that" wasn't how "it" was, and tells her Sam not only wanted "it" too but initiated "it" as well.
She is stunned at this revelation, telling him that she had come to ask his advice about Ethan, and declares that Kai hasn't changed at all. He wonders what Erica means, and she calls herself an idiot for being willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Erica says that he is still the same guy he'll be in ten years, and Kai guesses that Dr. Fred told her the truth. She explains that he sent her to 2019 and that Kai is still the same same selfish, inconsiderate asshole. She storms out as he tries to reason with her.
At River Rock, Scott walks into Julianne's office and asks her what "the word" is. She replies "pure gold" handing him a manuscript which she explains has been written by a pagan shaman who has discovered the true secret of now.
Scott is pleased to hear this, suggesting they can publish it concurrently with Friedkin's book. Julianne replies that they don't need Friedkin anymore and that her new author will cost a quarter of the price.
He checks she has spoken to Friedkin and she explains that she can't, in good conscience, do what he wants her to do to make him happy. Scott sighs at this news, and tells Julianne that they are not going to lose Friedkin because he's not replaceable, while she is.
Julianne is shocked by this comment, but Scott says that if she wants to keep his father happy and her job, then she must keep Friedkin happy. She acknowledges this, and he goes to leave, telling her that he is starting to see that Frank was right when he told him she was slipping.
Erica is talking to Brent about the sex book, and is shocked to receive the answer "six to eight times" to her question. They are interrupted by Sam, who apologises for dropping in. Erica suggests she has been doing a lot of it recently.
Sam doesn't know how to take this, and Brent leaves them to talk. She presents Erica with a bag containing a present she has bought her, thanking her for everything. She explains that Josh has come to get her and they are going back to London to give it another shot.
Erica is shocked to hear this, and Sam concedes that she knows what her sister is thinking. She tells Erica she made a mistake getting on the plane and running out on Josh, and Erica chips in "having sex with Kai."
Sam is stunned she knows, and Erica asks how anything is going to change. Sam says that Josh has promised he is going to try, although Erica suggests that if he doesn't she will jump on another plane and find another Kai.
She pleads with Sam to listen to her gut for once, and to listen to her heart, stating they are both telling her to stop and let go of "the fantasy." She is interrupted by Julianne announcing a boardroom meeting in five minutes. Sam remarks that Erica is really busy and reminds her that she has a flight to catch. They hug and say goodbye.
At the meeting, Julianne addresses everyone - including Scott and Friedkin. She thanks them all for coming and explains that she is standing in front of them ashamed of her conduct in the past few months. She says she has let them down by virture of being very unprofessional.
Erica shifts around in her seat, uncomfortable with what she is hearing, and Brent appears pensive. Friedkin smiles broadly though, and looks around at people in the room, including a pleased Scott.
Julianne continues, saying she has to apologise to Friedkin, describing him as the most valuable author River Rock has ever known and a brilliant talent who deserved to be treated with more respect than she has shown.
She then quotes from The Mystery of Tomorrow, saying that when "we recognise genius, we increase our own power." Erica looks disheartened at this.
When she returns home she finds Ethan working at the table. He doesn't say anything to her as she takes off her shoes, and she suggests he's now not talking to her. Erica puts her bag down and he looks up at her, as she states that talking hasn't got them anywhere.
She goes to head into the bedroom, but he catches her arm and tries to kiss her. Erica pulls away though, telling him she's not interested. She is changing into some jeans when Ethan comes up behind and begins pleasuring her and they end up having sex.
That evening, back at River Rock, Julianne walks into her office to find Friedkin sitting in her chair with his feet up on the desk. She asks him to move and sits down, asking what he wants.
Friedkin tells her he wanted to give her the first three chapters of The Mystery of Tomorrow, and Julianne thanks him, although suggests he could have emailed them. She says she will read them that night, but he replies that he wanted to talk to her about the book.
He says he is not sure she is cut out for the title, and Julianne wonders what he is talking about, telling him he is keeping the book at River Rock. Friedkin confirms he is, but says that doesn't mean it has to be with her.
She watches him walk out of her office and approach Brent's desk, where he hands him the chapters. Brent smiles and he turns and faces Julianne, who stares back, taking in this act of betrayal.
Elsewhere, Josh waits by a cab as Sam joins him. He tells her he hopes they don't miss their flight and they kiss. He then reveals that he has booked them a weekend at a spa, which Sam is pleased to hear.
He explains that Sam can spend all day getting pedicures, manicures, and facials, while he is on the golf course. Josh assures her they will see each other in the evenings and adds that Maurice and his wife Grace will be there too and the four of them can have dinner together.
Sam is surprised that his boss is going to be there and suggests it is a business trip. Josh concedes it is, but that it is also an escape for them. Sam reiterates that it will be with his boss, but Josh insists he has done something good.
She states that he is doing something convenient though and asks him why he wants to be together. Josh says he has told her he loves her and Sam wonders why he loves her and why he married her.
Josh opens the cab door and instructs Sam to get in. She refuses though, and asks him again to tell her, unless he doesn't know. He reiterates that he loves her, conceding that he doesn't know why but he does.
She doubts this though, saying that most of the time she feels like he doesn't even like her. Sam argues that there is a difference between what Josh says and what actually happens between them. She concludes that they can't keep ignoring it.
Sam tells him they need to take a break and that she needs some time to think. Josh insists that he's not leaving without her but Sam walks away, upset, as he tries to call after her.
Back at their apartment, Erica sits down at the table, spreading out some sushi for dinner, and Ethan sits down to join her. Smiling broadly, she asks him how he feels and he replies that he feels fine and hungry.
Erica doesn't doubt this and wonders if she is such a girl for wanting to talk about "it" and he wonders what there is to talk about. She tells Ethan she thought it was incredible and he smiles, pleased to hear this.
She asks him what he thinks, and he suggests it was fun. Erica laughs at this, but Ethan tells her that he doesn't want to deconstruct the sex they just had as they're about to eat dinner. He asks if they can talk about something else.
Disappointed by his attitude, Erica wonders if he didn't like it, but he insists he did. She asks him if he's sure, remarking that his face suggests that he didn't. Ethan asks again if they can drop it before explaining that it was not like him to be "like that."
He admits that he liked their sex life the way it was. Erica takes this in and says that if he doesn't feel comfortable then they shouldn't do it, and she returns her focus to the food.
She narrates as Julianne leaves her office and logs onto Brent's PC to read his emails.
"Most of us think we know ourselves pretty well. Our hopes, dreams, desires. We cling so tightly to the stories we tell ourselves, not realising that what we really should do is let go."
Julianne is shocked to find an email from Brent to Friedkin, telling him how much he want to edit his book.
"Let go of the belief that we are invincible."
Sam sits on the edge of a fountain, upset, and deep in thought.
"Let go of the idea that we can't do it on our own."
Finally, Erica sits on the couch, looking at Ethan as he watches TV.
"Let go of the fairytale. Because, if we don't let go, how can we move forward?"
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Unkindest Cut: Analysis
Season 2, Episode 7: The Unkindest Cut
Having seen Erica sent back to a time before she was even born during Season 1, this episode sees her sent forward in time as she gains a greater understanding of Kai.
Indeed, Goblins's most famous barista is really the main focus of this episode, albeit Dr. Tom still finds a way to teach Erica a life lesson in the process. He's good like that, you see.
The meeting of the Doctors - Tom and Fred - is actually one of my favourite aspects in this episode, as they both talk to Erica about how she can help Kai get back on track with his therapy.
I thought it was very clever of the writers to re-trace the steps that Dr. Fred went to right at the start of Season 2 in directing Erica towards Goblins and meeting Kai. I remember being shocked the first time I saw that twist. Great writing.
The meeting in Dr Fred's office also showed again the close bond between Erica and Dr. Tom. You notice how relieved she is when she first sees him there with Dr. Fred and how she looks to him for guidance and reassurance.
And he is there to provide it for her. There is almost a paternal quality to their relationship. Note how he tells Dr. Fred to look out for Erica in the future after making it perfectly clear that he is only agreeing to Dr. Fred's request for Erica's benefit alone.
He also makes his customary appearance in her time travel, laying it out plainly for Erica and delivering some harsh home truths. It's one of the things I love about Dr. Tom's character - he really does care about her well-being.
However, also note how, when she is speaking to Kai towards the end, Erica staunchly defends therapy and tells him how Dr. Tom actually helps her. She recognises and appreciates how her own therapist has helped her.
I have to be honest and say that, as this episode is mostly about Kai, it's not one of my favourites. Sure, the whole future and modern technology aspects were fascinating and led to some good humour.
However, the show's called Being Erica, not Being Kai, and while it was an interesting plot line to delve into - as well as finally making sense of some his previous comments - it's Erica#s development which we watch the show for.
Of course, the whole theme of this episode - played out with the backdrop of baby Jonah's Bris - was about helping people, and to what extent you should aid them.
There were the usual funny moments - Barbara initially trying to hide Norm from Erica and then Erica's demonstration of a circumcision in Goblins prompting a horrified response by Ethan.
Big up for Ethan too, who basically pre-empted Dr. Tom's own words to Erica about how, despite her good intentions in trying to help people like her cousin and father, trying to make others happy isn't really her problem.
It's why he is a good foil for her - and probably why they were friends for so long too - in that rather than the emotional and sensitive Erica, he provides a more calm and rational approach to problem solving.
Not that Erica saw it like that, leading to her awkwardly shifting around in her chair as she tried to please her dad by acting as the Sandek during the ceremony. Of course, it only ended up with her fainting, which was a clever way of her entering Dr. Fred's office and landing on the soft grass.
It concluded with another classic Erica emotional confrontation - this time with Gary. She's had one with pretty much every other character, so I guess it's about time her and her dad had one.
I know where she's coming from in terms of rejecting a parent's religious convictions and the problems that can cause in such a relationship. Naturally I take Erica's side. It's delusional for any parent to expect their child to simply adopt their own religious views.
Her attempt, or as he called it "token gesture," to try and do something to make him happy only ends up backfiring on her too. Fortunately, by the end they make-up by going outside with the telescope to rekindle some childhood memories.
It's the dilemma of helping people though. Should you always wait to be asked for help? Or be pro-active and try and help someone anyway? I guess the important thing is to make somewhere aware that you're always there if they need your help.
Having seen Erica sent back to a time before she was even born during Season 1, this episode sees her sent forward in time as she gains a greater understanding of Kai.
Indeed, Goblins's most famous barista is really the main focus of this episode, albeit Dr. Tom still finds a way to teach Erica a life lesson in the process. He's good like that, you see.
The meeting of the Doctors - Tom and Fred - is actually one of my favourite aspects in this episode, as they both talk to Erica about how she can help Kai get back on track with his therapy.
I thought it was very clever of the writers to re-trace the steps that Dr. Fred went to right at the start of Season 2 in directing Erica towards Goblins and meeting Kai. I remember being shocked the first time I saw that twist. Great writing.
The meeting in Dr Fred's office also showed again the close bond between Erica and Dr. Tom. You notice how relieved she is when she first sees him there with Dr. Fred and how she looks to him for guidance and reassurance.
And he is there to provide it for her. There is almost a paternal quality to their relationship. Note how he tells Dr. Fred to look out for Erica in the future after making it perfectly clear that he is only agreeing to Dr. Fred's request for Erica's benefit alone.
He also makes his customary appearance in her time travel, laying it out plainly for Erica and delivering some harsh home truths. It's one of the things I love about Dr. Tom's character - he really does care about her well-being.
However, also note how, when she is speaking to Kai towards the end, Erica staunchly defends therapy and tells him how Dr. Tom actually helps her. She recognises and appreciates how her own therapist has helped her.
I have to be honest and say that, as this episode is mostly about Kai, it's not one of my favourites. Sure, the whole future and modern technology aspects were fascinating and led to some good humour.
However, the show's called Being Erica, not Being Kai, and while it was an interesting plot line to delve into - as well as finally making sense of some his previous comments - it's Erica#s development which we watch the show for.
Of course, the whole theme of this episode - played out with the backdrop of baby Jonah's Bris - was about helping people, and to what extent you should aid them.
There were the usual funny moments - Barbara initially trying to hide Norm from Erica and then Erica's demonstration of a circumcision in Goblins prompting a horrified response by Ethan.
Big up for Ethan too, who basically pre-empted Dr. Tom's own words to Erica about how, despite her good intentions in trying to help people like her cousin and father, trying to make others happy isn't really her problem.
It's why he is a good foil for her - and probably why they were friends for so long too - in that rather than the emotional and sensitive Erica, he provides a more calm and rational approach to problem solving.
Not that Erica saw it like that, leading to her awkwardly shifting around in her chair as she tried to please her dad by acting as the Sandek during the ceremony. Of course, it only ended up with her fainting, which was a clever way of her entering Dr. Fred's office and landing on the soft grass.
It concluded with another classic Erica emotional confrontation - this time with Gary. She's had one with pretty much every other character, so I guess it's about time her and her dad had one.
I know where she's coming from in terms of rejecting a parent's religious convictions and the problems that can cause in such a relationship. Naturally I take Erica's side. It's delusional for any parent to expect their child to simply adopt their own religious views.
Her attempt, or as he called it "token gesture," to try and do something to make him happy only ends up backfiring on her too. Fortunately, by the end they make-up by going outside with the telescope to rekindle some childhood memories.
It's the dilemma of helping people though. Should you always wait to be asked for help? Or be pro-active and try and help someone anyway? I guess the important thing is to make somewhere aware that you're always there if they need your help.
The Unkindest Cut
Season 2, Episode 7: The Unkindest Cut
Episode Guide
Erica is on the phone at work at River Rock. She ends her call and goes to see Julianne who is in the boardroom, scolding her new assistant for not doing what is expected of her.
Her assistant hands her her latte, suggesting she has done one thing that Julianne asked. However, when Julianne tries the latte it ends up burning her mouth. Seeing this, Erica jumps in, taking the paperwork off the assistant and offering to do it herself.
Julianne, relieved, thanks her, calling Erica her "fave" before firing her new assistant. Erica apologises to the crestfallen assistant. She narrates:
"The world is full of problems. Fix one, and you'll find another just waiting to take its place."
Later, Erica heads to her mom's house and lets herself in. She calls out, saying she has brought the boxes Barbara asked for. She meets Barbara at the entrance to the kitchen, with her mom clearly surprised to see her as Erica had said she couldn't come.
Erica, looking around at lots of junk around the house, replies that she didn't want to leave her in the lurch when she needs her help and suggests that Barbara has overdone it with the clear out she is doing.
She reminds her that the whole family is coming over for a Bris the next day and comments that the house looks like a "flea market exploded" in it. Barbara insists it will be fine and ushers Erica back towards the front door.
Erica is adamant she can't leave though and that her mom can't do it all by herself. They then hear a man's voice calling from the kitchen asking where something should go. Erica is shocked to hear this and asks Barbara who it is.
Barbara tries to stop Erica going to see before reluctantly revealing that she is seeing someone. However, Erica is excited to hear that her mom has a boyfriend and calls out to greet him.
She heads back towards the kitchen where Barbara introduces her to Norm. He greets Erica as the "hot shot editor" he's heard so much about, and invites her to stick around and help them with the clear out.
Erica and Barbara pack things away in a box as they talk about Norm. She asks why her mom didn't tell her about him, and Barbara admits she was worried Erica would be upset. Erica suggests this is crazy though and says that Norm seems nice.
Barbara confirms he is and floats the idea of him going to the Bris past Erica - who can't see a reason why it wouldn't be OK. Her mom suggests that circumcising a baby not be the best way to introduce him to the family.
Erica adds that Gary will be the Mohel too - and jokes about what he may do with the sharp instruments. Barbara then comments that she would have to tell Gary about Norm before inviting him, before concluding that the whole thing would be too much trouble.
They return to packing things away, and Erica begins thinking.
"In a world where problems abound, many of us are professional thinkers."
Erica then offers to tell Gary herself, suggesting it would be easier. Barbara checks whether Erica wouldn't mind, but Erica says she'll take a box of Gary's stuff, too, and that it will be one less thing for her mom to worry about.
"Whenever we see a problem, a need, a colonel of unhappiness, we have to get in there, we have to fix it."
Barbara thanks her and they hug.
"In our rush to fix, to help, to solve, most of us never pause to wonder if we're doing the right thing. Because, after all, how could trying to help someone be wrong?"
Erica heads to her father's, where she finds him in his workshop. She stops to watch him work, unnoticed, realising that she has to break the news about Norm to him. She says hello and Gary looks up, commenting that she has come to make his day.
She hands him the box of his stuff she is holding, explaining that Barbara is doing a big pre-Bris clean up. They hug, and Gary invites Erica to stay for dinner - although she declines having already told Ethan she'd be home.
Gary is consoled by the fact that he'll see her the next day at the Bris, advising she isn't late so not to miss her "dad in action." Erica then admits that she has to tell him something, dismissing it as not being a big deal, before revealing that Barbara is seeing someone.
He digests this news as Erica explains how Norm will be coming to the Bris. Gary concludes that Barbara has been on her own for a long time and that it will be good for her. Erica is surprised by this reaction, and Gary switches his attention to the box she has brought.
Inside, he finds a telescope, which he removes, asking her if she remembers it. Erica replies that her and Barbara couldn't recall whether it belonged to him or Leo, but Gary tells her he bought it for Erica herself on her 10th birthday.
He reminds her they used to go out every night and look for hidden planets and UFOs and, judging by her reaction, suggests she doesn't remember. Erica insists she does, although looks ashamed that she has forgotten something her dad fondly remembers.
Gary remarks that it is "out with the old, in with the new," and Erica hugs him, saying she'll see him the next day. Before going though, she takes a moment to watch Gary with the telescope, looking sad.
That evening, Erica is in her apartment, sitting down with her laptop. She looks at a dating website at profiles of older women. Ethan comes into the room and spots this, joking that this is her way of telling him they're over.
Erica laughs, explaining that she is looking for her dad, which he finds creepy. She disagrees though, saying that Gary is lonely and needs to meet someone. Ethan comments that her father's love life is not Erica's problem.
She points to the fact that Barbara now has Norm and Sam is in London, but then turns around to see Ethan emerging from the bedroom wearing a Kippah and Tallit. She laughs and he asks her what she thinks, with Erica replying it's not too much "for the Wailing Wall."
The phone then rings and Erica answers it to find her mom on the other end. She tells her that she has told Gary about Norm and says he took it pretty well. Barbara is relieved to hear this before admitting she has one more favour to ask of Erica.
She informs her that her cousin has swine flu and won't be able to be the Sandek, and Erica realises that her mom is asking her to fill in. Barbara says it would mean so much to her cousin Stephanie, but Erica suggests that Aunt Roberta does it.
Barbara adds that Gary would be thrilled if she was to take on a more meaningful role during the ceremony, which makes Erica stop and think before agreeing. They end the conversation, with Erica wondering what she has got herself into.
The next morning, Erica and Ethan are sitting at a table at Goblins. He wonders what the big deal is, suggesting that Erica being the Sandek is like being the Godmother. She rejects this idea, telling Ethan she has to hold the baby while her father circumcises him.
Ethan replies that it only takes two seconds, which surprises Erica. She decides to get up and heads over to the counter where she checks with Kai how much the biscotti is. He replies that it is free for her and she takes one, wrapping it in a paper bag which she makes into a tube shape.
She then borrows a sharp knife from the counter and returns to Ethan. She holds the biscotti in the bag, asking Ethan if he can see the "penis" she is holding.
Ethan responds by saying it isn't a penis, but Erica, taking the sharp knife and cutting the top of the biscotti off, asks him how he'd feel if he had to hold down a baby while his father was circumcising a baby.
He watches on, uncomfortably, as she hacks away at the "penis" and Erica wonders why she is the only one who finds circumcising a baby brutal, violent, and wrong. Ethan begs her to stop her demonstration, and asks why she didn't just say no.
She stops and sits back down, saying that Steph asked her to. Erica explains that it is a really big day for her and that, if she can, she should make her and her dad happy. She concludes that she just to get through the day.
Kai then approaches the table, checking that Erica has finished brandishing the knife and takes it off her. He then runs up a flight of stairs and opens a door. However, he finds himself entering Dr. Fred's office instead.
He is sitting behind his desk and, seeing Kai holding the knife, remarks that Kai is armed and wonders whether he should be concerned. Kai approaches him and leans on the desk, angry, telling Dr. Fred he is working and he can't just keep pulling him into his office.
Kai asks why he keeps doing so, and Dr. Fred reminds him he made a commitment, although Kai says he told him he has changed his mind. Dr. Fred is adamant that Kai doesn't get to change his mind though, telling him therapy doesn't work like that.
Annoyed, Kai goes to walk away, but Dr. Fred gets up and walks around to him. He comments that he knows Kai is used to getting what he wants but that, as far as he can tell, it hasn't made his life any easier.
Kai suggests that Dr. Fred doesn't really know him and that he might have got it all wrong. Dr. Fred disagrees with him though, declaring that Kai turning his back on therapy is not the answer and implores him to give it a chance and allow him to help him.
Not wanting to hear anymore, Kai heads for the door saying he doesn't want his help and wants to be left alone. Dr. Fred replies that walking out of the door won't change anything because Kai can't run away from who he is and Kai angrily leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
He re-emerges back in Goblins, where Ethan notices Kai's anger, and suggests to Erica that he is having a bad day. Erica, realising what has just happened, goes to check on Kai.
She asks him whether he has had a session and Kai rants that Dr. Fred thinks he knows what's best for him and is acting like he's a broken thing which needs to be fixed. Erica wonders if he has told Dr. Fred how he feels, but Kai insists that he doesn't listen.
Erica then suggests she could talk to her Doctor and get him to intervene. Kai tells her it's not her problem though, thanking her but telling Erica to let it go. They are then interrupted by a friend of Kai's, who he introduces to Erica as being Travis and the pair of them leave.
Later, at the Bris, Barbara and Roberta are talking about Norm, who Barbara then takes her over to introduce him to. Meanwhile, Erica is pacing around the foyer waiting for her father to arrive, with Ethan waiting with her.
Gary then arrives, and Erica hugs him. He greets her as "his partner," although he can sense that she seems nervous. She admits she is a little, but Gary says she'll be fine and that he'll walk her through it explaining everything, so she needn't worry.
They then spot Barbara and Norm in the main room, and Gary concedes that he's pretty good looking and checks whether he is Jewish. Erica doesn't think so, and he asks for her to introduce him.
The pair make their way over and Erica catches her mom's attention, and Barbara greets Gary saying the Mohel has arrived and they kiss one another on the cheek. She then introduces him to Norm, and they shake hands. Everyone smiles, not knowing what to say.
Later, Erica is sitting down on a chair, as Aunt Roberta hands her baby Jonah. Erica breathes in deeply as everyone watches on and Gary begins the ceremony. She shifts around in her chair, with the eyes of everyone fixed on her.
Gary then approaches her, instructing Erica to hold down the baby's legs and keep him very still. He then gets out the Hemostat ready to begin the circumcision. Seeing this though, Erica begins to feel faint which he notices.
He manages to grab the baby as Erica faints and falls off her chair. However, rather than hitting the floor, she finds herself landing on the grass in Dr. Fred's office. She opens her eyes to see Dr. Fred standing over her, asking if he can get her some water, juice, or a vanilla latte.
Erica begins to get up, puzzled. Back on her feet, she then turns around to see Dr. Tom standing behind Dr. Fred's desk. She asks him where they are and Dr. Fred tells her they are in his office.
Dr. Tom informs Erica that Dr. Fred needs to talk to her about something and he assures Erica that it is OK. Dr. Fred confirms that he has brought Erica to his office because he needs to talk to her about Kai.
He explains to Erica that Kai's therapy has hit a bit of a roadblock. She laughs at this understatement but, seeing that Dr. Tom doesn't find it funny, apologises. Dr. Fred invites her to sit down and share her thoughts with them.
Erica does so, saying that, although she doesn't want to tell them how to do their job, Kai isn't enjoying his process. Dr. Fred suggests that this is a polite way of saying that Kai hates his guts.
She explains that Kai doesn't feel like Dr. Fred understands him and Dr. Fred replies by telling Erica that this is where she is to come in, before correcting himself that this is where Erica came in a few months ago.
Erica doesn't understand, and Dr. Fred reminds her of a day on the streets. She realises that he is the guy who bumped into her - making her spill her coffee so she would go into Goblins.
Dr. Fred adds that he wanted Erica to meet Kai, befriend him, and then one day walk into his office so he can tell her that he really needs her help. Erica asks Dr. Tom if he knew about this plan, taking his silence on the matter as confirmation that he did.
She asks Dr. Fred how he needs her help and what she is supposed to do. He explains that Kai is resisting therapy and Dr. Tom suggests that Kai needs someone to help him gain "perspective" on what therapy can do when it works.
Erica chuckles at this, telling them it is a lot to take in and admitting that she doesn't like going behind Kai's back. She says that he has made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want to discuss the specifics of his therapy.
Dr. Fred asks her if she's ever wondered why that is and considered whether Kai is keeping something from her. She admits she doesn't know what to say, looking to Dr. Tom for help. Dr. Fred suggests she can say that she'll help and let him show her what he's talking about.
Erica thinks for a while before agreeing. Dr. Fred then nods his head in her direction and she suddenly vanishes, with an empty chair left before him. He turns to Dr. Tom and thanks him.
However, Dr. Tom tells him not to do so. He explains to Dr. Fred that he is not doing it for him or for Kai, but for Erica. He tells Dr. Fred to watch out for her before leaving.
Meanwhile, Erica finds herself in a recording studio where she stumbles forward and bumps into a sound engineer, causing him to knock a fader and deafen Kai - who is on the other side of a glass window, in a studio, behind a mic.
He rages at the guy, who apologises, wondering if it's "amateur hour." Another man, Kai's manager Jody, tells him it was a mistake and that, as a rock star, it comes with the territory.
Erica then apologies, explaining that it was her who caused it by stumbling.
Kai asks Erica what her name is and Jody answers for her, explaining that she is 'Noel' from Rolling Stone magazine. She then notices how differently she looks - with short, dark hair and glasses - from her reflection in the glass window.
She chuckles nervously as Kai informs her she's lucky she's a real journalist rather than a gossip columnist or paparazzi and describing how he has punched out a few in his time. Jody suggests Erica sits down and watches which, bewildered, she agrees is a good idea.
Erica looks on as Kai records his song. Jody is impressed as he finishes it, exclaiming that Kai nailed it, although Kai suggests he has only nailed "a piece of shit" before requesting some water. Jody assures Kai that it is going to be his new hit single though.
Kai comes to join the others as Jody receives a call on a high tech cell phone, which intrigues Erica. Jody tells the guy on the phone that Kai's new single will go triple platinum, describing how fans will eat it up as he leaves the room.
He congratulates Kai on his way out, and Kai asks Erica if she thinks it will go triple platinum too. She replies by telling him she thinks it was really "catchy." He isn't enthused by this reaction though, joking that she has a way with words.
Kai then proceeds to take a magazine and roll it up before hitting the sound engineer over the head with it. Jody returns to the room and informs them it is time for 'Noel' to start her interview and Erica is handed her bag.
She then glances down to a magazine featuring a picture of Kai and his band Head on the front. Erica picks it up and is shocked to see that the date on the magazine is August 2017.
Making her way outside to Kai's limo - where the interview is to take place - she encounters Dr. Fred posing as a music artist with two heavies walking with him. She calls out to him and he takes her to one side.
She asks him what's going on, admitting that she is freaked out and checks that she in the future and he has sent her to 2017. Dr. Fred, keen for Erica not to blow his cover, says he has sent her to 2019, explaining that it is Kai's past and he is about to hit rock bottom.
He explains Kai and the band are about to go on tour where Kai will blow off the first two gigs, overdose on opium, spend two weeks in a coma, wake up, meet him, and his therapy will begin.
Erica struggles to take this in, as it dawns on her that the Kai she knows as a barista back in 2009 is actually on a session. Dr Fred confirms that Kai has turned his back on his session and is stranding himself there after being sent to complete a regret but now doesn't want to leave.
He informs Erica that Kai is actually 32 and that, despite all the rock and roll bravado, he needs all the help he can get. Dr. Fred then advises her that Kai's limo doesn't even wait for a reporter from Rolling Stone magazine and Erica better run.
She heads to the limo, where Jody stands outside. He tells her that Kai has been looking forward to the interview for weeks and that, after having a rough year, they hope her story can get him back on track.
Erica gets inside with Jody, asking about the rough year Kai has had. He confirms that it has been awful, listing Kai's drug addiction, rehab, and Travis. She checks he means Kai's friend Travis, with Jody wondering who else she thinks he meant.
She apologises for the stupidity of the question, but Jody tells her that Travis's suicide was incredibly shocking to all of them and Kai took it harder than anyone else as they were band mates and best friends.
Erica listens to this in astonishment as Jody instructs her that talking about the suicide is off limits. She replies that she's just going to do a nice cover piece and to learn more about Kai, and Jody is pleased to hear they're on the same page.
Kai then enters the limo and sits down next to Erica, telling her she can ask him anything she wants. She delves into her bag, rummaging through trying to find a note pad or tape recorder. Kai steps in to remove a clear plastic screen which Jody then shows Erica how to switch on.
The interview progresses as Kai explains about his early years and Erica then suggests they talk about him and his band. He comments that they are incredible and he loves them, describing the band as one happy family.
Erica is surprised that everything for Kai is great and his life is amazing, and Kai confirms that he wakes up every day inspired and says his new album is going to be the best yet.
She remarks that he said he was unhappy with his new single, and Kai responds that she said it was "catchy" with Erica replying that Kai himself had branded it "shit." Jody steps in to explain that Kai has always been hard on himself and that they're all looking forward to the new album, which they view as a "rebirth."
Kai agrees with these sentiments, saying he has finished his time in rehab and turned a corner with the support of his band, label, and fans. He remarks that the vibes of love and positvity have made him practically a new man.
Erica suggests that everything sounds perfect, which Kai confirms. However, believing him to be lying, she then asks him how he's coping with the suicide of Travis. Kai stares at her at this question, not replying, and Jody looks similarly annoyed with Erica.
The limo then pulls up and Kai gets out, calling Erica a "bitch" as he leaves. As he steps out, Kai is mobbed by fans and photographers. Erica follows him out with Jody, who questions what she was doing and reminding her that talking about Travis was off limits.
Erica tells him she has come to find out who Kai Booker really is. Jody sarcastically wishes her good luck, betting with her that Kai won't say another word to her after her "little stunt." She doubts this however, and approaches Kai.
She asks whether they can try again, but he simply ignores her, and instead picks three girls from the crowd who he invites to attend a party in his penthouse. He then calls out to 'Noel' and, having got Erica's attention, proceeds to start making out with one of the girls he's picked.
At the party, Erica is entranced by a screen showing Kai and Head performing. Kai then comes up to her, wondering what she is still doing at the party. Erica comments that Kai is now talking to her and he asks her what she wants from him.
Erica reminds him that she's not one of his entourage or employees and that she has come to find out everything she can about him. Kai responds by telling her she crossed the line and, in trying to make a name for herself, has pissed him off.
He insists that, if she wants to interview him, she must respect his boundaries. Kai then goes to leave but Erica asks what happened to him and he turns back around, confused. She wonders how he went from a starving artist working at Goblins to what he is now.
She laments the idea of the Kai from Goblins seeing him now, and reveals that she used to hang out at Goblins. Sceptical, Kai asks her to prove it, and Erica replies by saying how he worked with a guy named Dave and once, at an open mic night, sang a song about aliens.
Kai says it was called Alien Like You and is surprised that Erica has been telling the truth. She confirms she is and comments on how good the song was and how much she loved it. Kai stares at her before conceding they got off on the wrong foot.
He promises not to be such a diva if she promises not be such a hard ass, which Erica agrees to. They chat on the couch, as Kai describes how he can still do latte art. He describes how it had been a time when nobody knew him and it was him, his friends, his music, and Travis.
Erica tells him she remembers meeting Travis once, describing him as "dorky." Kai agrees with this, commenting that he used to give him a hard time about it before saying what a great friend and songwriter he was.
They are interruped by a girl asking Kai to join them, but instead he takes Erica into his bedroom to show her something. He then shows her a coffee machine, which he wonders if she recognises.
She identifies it as the one from the end of the bar at Goblins and Kai explains how, when his first album went gold, he had offered them three times its worth. Erica wonders why and he gets her to promise not to write about it, which she does.
Kai sits down on the bed, holding his guitar, and recounts to her how him and Travis wrote all their first songs together every night after hours at Goblins and that the coffee would help keep them awake.
She asks Kai if Alien Like You was one of the songs, but he admits it was all his and he never finished writing the song. Erica wonders why, and Kai explains that it was never going to be a hit.
He begins strumming on his guitar and Erica sits down beside him, saying she thought it was incredible and that he can still finish it. Kai responds saying it's not his sound or what the fans want to hear. He adds that Travis thought it was the most personal song he ever wrote.
Erica says that's why she liked it and suggests the fans would love it too. Kai describes how Jody would argue that they have to protect the brand and that the fans want consistency and the band has to deliver, conceding that it sells albums.
She asks him if that's all he cares about but, before he can answer, they are interrupted by Jody who informs Kai that the manager of the label, Shawn, has arrived from LA. Kai is reluctant to see him but does so - inviting Erica to join him, much to Jody's displeasure.
They go to meet Shawn, who hugs Kai, and Erica introduces herself as being from Rolling Stone magazine before offering her hand to shake, which he snubs. Shawn and Kai sit down, and he tells Kai that he's been told about the magic he was making in the recording studio.
Shawn explains that he likes the song but that he doesn't think it's a lead song, which Kai agrees with. He then tells Kai that he wants him to record one more track that he's had written for him, and removes something from his jacket pocket.
He says that they hired some people to write it and, prompted by Kai's questioning, reveals the song is called Travis. Kai stares at him and Jody chips in saying that, although he's sure the song is brilliant, he doesn't know if the band is quite ready for that.
Shawn replies that the fans are, but Erica questions whether he's not worried about the backlash from fans accusing Kai and the band of cashing in on a tragedy. He wonders why she is interjecting though, and brands Erica as just "a groupie with a way with words."
Kai then admits he doesn't feel comfortable and Shawn informs him that he doesn't like the way Kai's last album produced or spending millions of dollars on a busted flush. He orders Kai to get back into the studio and that they will lead with the single about Travis - leaving Kai in silence.
Shawn comments that they will shut down the internet with all the downloads and Jody agrees, saying that they will do whatever it takes and that it gives them a chance to tell the truth about Travis rather than some made up tabloid fantasy.
He adds that the more he thinks about it, the more he likes the idea, and Shawn smiles at this endorsement. Kai and Erica both look less than happy at this prospect though.
Kai returns to the party and pours himself a drink. Erica finds him and wonders whether he is going to do what Shawn wants. He confirms he is, but she reminds him that he hates his life and what he's become.
Erica says that he wishes he could go back in time but doesn't have to. She states that the rebirth he is looking for can start with him not caving in, but by standing up to them and saying no. She suggests that none of it matters to him anymore and advises him not to record the song.
Kai listens to this and goes back to confront Shawn and Jody and tells them he's not recording the song. Jody suggests they've already talked about it, but Kai reminds him he is supposed to represent him, and he tells Shawn to screw the song as he's not going to sing it.
Shawn accepts, suggesting that he'll get someone else to sing the song. Kai replies saying that Travis was in his band, which Shawn confirms is why he wants Head to record it. He says if Kai doesn't want to then they will do his album without a hit single.
He describes how it would move a few thousand downloads and would be a nice, small, personal album to wrap up his career. Kai sits down in resignation, and concedes that he could listen to the song, which Shawn comments couldn't do any harm.
Erica tries to persuade Kai otherwise, but he tells her not to and he takes the song to listen to it - leaving her disappointed about his change of heart.
Later, in his room, Kai picks up his guitar and, in a rage, sets about smashing it. Erica and Jody enter, shocked to see what he is doing. Kai finishes up and kicks the scattered pieces away, calming down.
Afterwards, Erica wanders around outside until she spots Dr. Tom, using a futuristic touch screen information board. She comments to him that 2019 isn't so different from 2009 and, aside from a few bells and whistles, it's pretty much the same.
Dr. Tom wonders whether she was expecting robots, flying cars, and everybody in jumpsuits. She doesn't find this amusing though, and he checks if everything is OK. Erica confirms it isn't, describing how she feels like she's losing it.
He suggests this isn't that surprising given, in the space of two days, she has become an adminstrative assistant, a messenger, home organiser, Sandek, and now her latest "high wire act" of trying to save a rock star from himself.
Erica finds this to be really unfair, reminding him he agreed to send her into the future. Dr. Tom explains that he wanted her to go for some perspective but Erica argues that there's nothing wrong with trying to help the people you care about.
He agrees with her, but suggests that there is a line. This confuses Erica, who asks what he is talking about. Dr. Tom tells her to imagine a mother who spends her entire life trying to protect her child from hardship.
Dr. Tom describes how the mother rushes in to fix every little problem and fill in every little need and then the child grows up and is left unable to cope with life's "vicissitudes." He says that the parent's defence is that they were only trying to help.
Erica disagrees that that is what she doing, before conceding that she may have been a little bit because she wants the people she cares about to be happy. Dr. Tom says he's sure that is the case but poses the question of whether their happiness is her responsibility or not.
She suggests that he helps her, but Dr. Tom comments that she does all the heavy lifting and that, rather than fix her problems, he just points the way. He then points her in a direction and walks way.
Erica follows his guidance and suddenly finds herself walking back into her mom's house. Gary, Ethan, and Barbara check that she is all right, and Erica replies that she feels much better and a splash of water on her face was all she needed.
Barbara suggests she lies down for a bit, but Gary takes her by the hand and says Erica should decide what she wants to do before telling "Number One" that "her Captain" needs her. Erica suggests she shouldn't continue as the Sandek though, in case she faints again.
Steph says this OK, and Aunt Roberta can take Erica's place, advising her to take it easy. Gary looks disappointed at this, but gathers everyone around as the ceremony resumes.
Erica watches on, with Ethan by her side. However, she becomes nervous just watching and apologises before excusing herself and leaving the room with Ethan in tow. This behaviour leaves Gary bemused.
As the circumcision takes place, Erica stares out of the kitchen window, reacting visibly as baby Jonah begins crying in pain.
Afterwards, Erica asks to speak to her dad and they go into the foyer. He asks her what is going on, suggesting it feels like it's more than just a little squeamishness. Erica confirms it is, and confesseses she should never have agreed to be the Sandek.
Gary is confused at this statement and wonders why and Erica admits she did it to make him happy and to take his mind off Norm. She then tells him that she feels conflicted about the idea of circumcising a baby, describing it as "awful."
He can't believe this though, but Erica suggests it involves cutting a baby without anaesthetic for no reason. She says she doesn't get it and never should have agreed to participate. Gary wonders why she did, and she tells him she wanted to do something to make him feel they were connected.
Gary labels this a "token gesture" and bemoans how Erica has spent years neglecting her religion. She rejects this idea, but he tells her he's a Rabbi and his family have rejected everything that matters to him.
He points to how Sam married an Anglican, Barbara now dating "Harrison Ford," and Erica interrupts him, suggesting he is unhappy that she is with Ethan. She wonders whether he wants her to dump Ethan and find a "nice Jewish boy." Gary doesn't respond though.
Erica, struggling to contain her emotions, says he's unhappy and lonely and that she'd love to help him. She states that she could be a "super Jew" and watch marathon sessions of Star Trek with him.
However, Erica concludes that the truth is she can't fix what's wrong and it has to start with him. She then goes, leaving Gary to reflect on her words.
Later that day, Erica heads to Goblins where Kai is working. She heads up to the counter, and he notices she looks exhausted. Erica admits she has had a rough day and orders a mint tea. Kai apologises for how he went off at her earlier and Erica understands, saying she has been there.
This surprises Kai, who suggests that she seems used to having some guy, who doesn't even have a lost name, call himself a Doctor and stick his nose in where it doesn't belong. Erica replies by telling him that her Doctor helps her.
Kai wonders if she has come to convince him he's got it all wrong, but Erica says she is just a friend and someone he can talk to who understands how crazy therapy is. Her tea is then delivered, as Kai reminds her that he doesn't want to talk about his therapy.
Erica suggests that he met his Doctor for a reason and that no one forced him into therapy, rather he agreed to it just like she did. She pays for the tea and leaves Kai thinking.
At home in her apartment in the evening, Erica and Ethan are on the couch watching TV. They hear a knock at the door which, considering it's so late, surprises them. Erica opens the door to her dad, who is carrying her telescope with him.
He tells her it's a clear night and was in the neighbourhood. He suggests that, if she isn't busy, maybe they could put the telescope to use and search for life on Mars. Erica smiles and after Ethan declines her invitation to join them, they head outside.
Erica narrates over closing images of Barbara and Norm in the kitchen, Kai in Goblins, and her and her dad outside using the telescope.
"There's no question that when we help we feel valued, useful, and more connected to the people we care about. The question is: when is helping not helpful at all?
"Sometimes the way we help the most is to give others the space and support they need to help themselves."
Episode Guide
Erica is on the phone at work at River Rock. She ends her call and goes to see Julianne who is in the boardroom, scolding her new assistant for not doing what is expected of her.
Her assistant hands her her latte, suggesting she has done one thing that Julianne asked. However, when Julianne tries the latte it ends up burning her mouth. Seeing this, Erica jumps in, taking the paperwork off the assistant and offering to do it herself.
Julianne, relieved, thanks her, calling Erica her "fave" before firing her new assistant. Erica apologises to the crestfallen assistant. She narrates:
"The world is full of problems. Fix one, and you'll find another just waiting to take its place."
Later, Erica heads to her mom's house and lets herself in. She calls out, saying she has brought the boxes Barbara asked for. She meets Barbara at the entrance to the kitchen, with her mom clearly surprised to see her as Erica had said she couldn't come.
Erica, looking around at lots of junk around the house, replies that she didn't want to leave her in the lurch when she needs her help and suggests that Barbara has overdone it with the clear out she is doing.
She reminds her that the whole family is coming over for a Bris the next day and comments that the house looks like a "flea market exploded" in it. Barbara insists it will be fine and ushers Erica back towards the front door.
Erica is adamant she can't leave though and that her mom can't do it all by herself. They then hear a man's voice calling from the kitchen asking where something should go. Erica is shocked to hear this and asks Barbara who it is.
Barbara tries to stop Erica going to see before reluctantly revealing that she is seeing someone. However, Erica is excited to hear that her mom has a boyfriend and calls out to greet him.
She heads back towards the kitchen where Barbara introduces her to Norm. He greets Erica as the "hot shot editor" he's heard so much about, and invites her to stick around and help them with the clear out.
Erica and Barbara pack things away in a box as they talk about Norm. She asks why her mom didn't tell her about him, and Barbara admits she was worried Erica would be upset. Erica suggests this is crazy though and says that Norm seems nice.
Barbara confirms he is and floats the idea of him going to the Bris past Erica - who can't see a reason why it wouldn't be OK. Her mom suggests that circumcising a baby not be the best way to introduce him to the family.
Erica adds that Gary will be the Mohel too - and jokes about what he may do with the sharp instruments. Barbara then comments that she would have to tell Gary about Norm before inviting him, before concluding that the whole thing would be too much trouble.
They return to packing things away, and Erica begins thinking.
"In a world where problems abound, many of us are professional thinkers."
Erica then offers to tell Gary herself, suggesting it would be easier. Barbara checks whether Erica wouldn't mind, but Erica says she'll take a box of Gary's stuff, too, and that it will be one less thing for her mom to worry about.
"Whenever we see a problem, a need, a colonel of unhappiness, we have to get in there, we have to fix it."
Barbara thanks her and they hug.
"In our rush to fix, to help, to solve, most of us never pause to wonder if we're doing the right thing. Because, after all, how could trying to help someone be wrong?"
Erica heads to her father's, where she finds him in his workshop. She stops to watch him work, unnoticed, realising that she has to break the news about Norm to him. She says hello and Gary looks up, commenting that she has come to make his day.
She hands him the box of his stuff she is holding, explaining that Barbara is doing a big pre-Bris clean up. They hug, and Gary invites Erica to stay for dinner - although she declines having already told Ethan she'd be home.
Gary is consoled by the fact that he'll see her the next day at the Bris, advising she isn't late so not to miss her "dad in action." Erica then admits that she has to tell him something, dismissing it as not being a big deal, before revealing that Barbara is seeing someone.
He digests this news as Erica explains how Norm will be coming to the Bris. Gary concludes that Barbara has been on her own for a long time and that it will be good for her. Erica is surprised by this reaction, and Gary switches his attention to the box she has brought.
Inside, he finds a telescope, which he removes, asking her if she remembers it. Erica replies that her and Barbara couldn't recall whether it belonged to him or Leo, but Gary tells her he bought it for Erica herself on her 10th birthday.
He reminds her they used to go out every night and look for hidden planets and UFOs and, judging by her reaction, suggests she doesn't remember. Erica insists she does, although looks ashamed that she has forgotten something her dad fondly remembers.
Gary remarks that it is "out with the old, in with the new," and Erica hugs him, saying she'll see him the next day. Before going though, she takes a moment to watch Gary with the telescope, looking sad.
That evening, Erica is in her apartment, sitting down with her laptop. She looks at a dating website at profiles of older women. Ethan comes into the room and spots this, joking that this is her way of telling him they're over.
Erica laughs, explaining that she is looking for her dad, which he finds creepy. She disagrees though, saying that Gary is lonely and needs to meet someone. Ethan comments that her father's love life is not Erica's problem.
She points to the fact that Barbara now has Norm and Sam is in London, but then turns around to see Ethan emerging from the bedroom wearing a Kippah and Tallit. She laughs and he asks her what she thinks, with Erica replying it's not too much "for the Wailing Wall."
The phone then rings and Erica answers it to find her mom on the other end. She tells her that she has told Gary about Norm and says he took it pretty well. Barbara is relieved to hear this before admitting she has one more favour to ask of Erica.
She informs her that her cousin has swine flu and won't be able to be the Sandek, and Erica realises that her mom is asking her to fill in. Barbara says it would mean so much to her cousin Stephanie, but Erica suggests that Aunt Roberta does it.
Barbara adds that Gary would be thrilled if she was to take on a more meaningful role during the ceremony, which makes Erica stop and think before agreeing. They end the conversation, with Erica wondering what she has got herself into.
The next morning, Erica and Ethan are sitting at a table at Goblins. He wonders what the big deal is, suggesting that Erica being the Sandek is like being the Godmother. She rejects this idea, telling Ethan she has to hold the baby while her father circumcises him.
Ethan replies that it only takes two seconds, which surprises Erica. She decides to get up and heads over to the counter where she checks with Kai how much the biscotti is. He replies that it is free for her and she takes one, wrapping it in a paper bag which she makes into a tube shape.
She then borrows a sharp knife from the counter and returns to Ethan. She holds the biscotti in the bag, asking Ethan if he can see the "penis" she is holding.
Ethan responds by saying it isn't a penis, but Erica, taking the sharp knife and cutting the top of the biscotti off, asks him how he'd feel if he had to hold down a baby while his father was circumcising a baby.
He watches on, uncomfortably, as she hacks away at the "penis" and Erica wonders why she is the only one who finds circumcising a baby brutal, violent, and wrong. Ethan begs her to stop her demonstration, and asks why she didn't just say no.
She stops and sits back down, saying that Steph asked her to. Erica explains that it is a really big day for her and that, if she can, she should make her and her dad happy. She concludes that she just to get through the day.
Kai then approaches the table, checking that Erica has finished brandishing the knife and takes it off her. He then runs up a flight of stairs and opens a door. However, he finds himself entering Dr. Fred's office instead.
He is sitting behind his desk and, seeing Kai holding the knife, remarks that Kai is armed and wonders whether he should be concerned. Kai approaches him and leans on the desk, angry, telling Dr. Fred he is working and he can't just keep pulling him into his office.
Kai asks why he keeps doing so, and Dr. Fred reminds him he made a commitment, although Kai says he told him he has changed his mind. Dr. Fred is adamant that Kai doesn't get to change his mind though, telling him therapy doesn't work like that.
Annoyed, Kai goes to walk away, but Dr. Fred gets up and walks around to him. He comments that he knows Kai is used to getting what he wants but that, as far as he can tell, it hasn't made his life any easier.
Kai suggests that Dr. Fred doesn't really know him and that he might have got it all wrong. Dr. Fred disagrees with him though, declaring that Kai turning his back on therapy is not the answer and implores him to give it a chance and allow him to help him.
Not wanting to hear anymore, Kai heads for the door saying he doesn't want his help and wants to be left alone. Dr. Fred replies that walking out of the door won't change anything because Kai can't run away from who he is and Kai angrily leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
He re-emerges back in Goblins, where Ethan notices Kai's anger, and suggests to Erica that he is having a bad day. Erica, realising what has just happened, goes to check on Kai.
She asks him whether he has had a session and Kai rants that Dr. Fred thinks he knows what's best for him and is acting like he's a broken thing which needs to be fixed. Erica wonders if he has told Dr. Fred how he feels, but Kai insists that he doesn't listen.
Erica then suggests she could talk to her Doctor and get him to intervene. Kai tells her it's not her problem though, thanking her but telling Erica to let it go. They are then interrupted by a friend of Kai's, who he introduces to Erica as being Travis and the pair of them leave.
Later, at the Bris, Barbara and Roberta are talking about Norm, who Barbara then takes her over to introduce him to. Meanwhile, Erica is pacing around the foyer waiting for her father to arrive, with Ethan waiting with her.
Gary then arrives, and Erica hugs him. He greets her as "his partner," although he can sense that she seems nervous. She admits she is a little, but Gary says she'll be fine and that he'll walk her through it explaining everything, so she needn't worry.
They then spot Barbara and Norm in the main room, and Gary concedes that he's pretty good looking and checks whether he is Jewish. Erica doesn't think so, and he asks for her to introduce him.
The pair make their way over and Erica catches her mom's attention, and Barbara greets Gary saying the Mohel has arrived and they kiss one another on the cheek. She then introduces him to Norm, and they shake hands. Everyone smiles, not knowing what to say.
Later, Erica is sitting down on a chair, as Aunt Roberta hands her baby Jonah. Erica breathes in deeply as everyone watches on and Gary begins the ceremony. She shifts around in her chair, with the eyes of everyone fixed on her.
Gary then approaches her, instructing Erica to hold down the baby's legs and keep him very still. He then gets out the Hemostat ready to begin the circumcision. Seeing this though, Erica begins to feel faint which he notices.
He manages to grab the baby as Erica faints and falls off her chair. However, rather than hitting the floor, she finds herself landing on the grass in Dr. Fred's office. She opens her eyes to see Dr. Fred standing over her, asking if he can get her some water, juice, or a vanilla latte.
Erica begins to get up, puzzled. Back on her feet, she then turns around to see Dr. Tom standing behind Dr. Fred's desk. She asks him where they are and Dr. Fred tells her they are in his office.
Dr. Tom informs Erica that Dr. Fred needs to talk to her about something and he assures Erica that it is OK. Dr. Fred confirms that he has brought Erica to his office because he needs to talk to her about Kai.
He explains to Erica that Kai's therapy has hit a bit of a roadblock. She laughs at this understatement but, seeing that Dr. Tom doesn't find it funny, apologises. Dr. Fred invites her to sit down and share her thoughts with them.
Erica does so, saying that, although she doesn't want to tell them how to do their job, Kai isn't enjoying his process. Dr. Fred suggests that this is a polite way of saying that Kai hates his guts.
She explains that Kai doesn't feel like Dr. Fred understands him and Dr. Fred replies by telling Erica that this is where she is to come in, before correcting himself that this is where Erica came in a few months ago.
Erica doesn't understand, and Dr. Fred reminds her of a day on the streets. She realises that he is the guy who bumped into her - making her spill her coffee so she would go into Goblins.
Dr. Fred adds that he wanted Erica to meet Kai, befriend him, and then one day walk into his office so he can tell her that he really needs her help. Erica asks Dr. Tom if he knew about this plan, taking his silence on the matter as confirmation that he did.
She asks Dr. Fred how he needs her help and what she is supposed to do. He explains that Kai is resisting therapy and Dr. Tom suggests that Kai needs someone to help him gain "perspective" on what therapy can do when it works.
Erica chuckles at this, telling them it is a lot to take in and admitting that she doesn't like going behind Kai's back. She says that he has made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want to discuss the specifics of his therapy.
Dr. Fred asks her if she's ever wondered why that is and considered whether Kai is keeping something from her. She admits she doesn't know what to say, looking to Dr. Tom for help. Dr. Fred suggests she can say that she'll help and let him show her what he's talking about.
Erica thinks for a while before agreeing. Dr. Fred then nods his head in her direction and she suddenly vanishes, with an empty chair left before him. He turns to Dr. Tom and thanks him.
However, Dr. Tom tells him not to do so. He explains to Dr. Fred that he is not doing it for him or for Kai, but for Erica. He tells Dr. Fred to watch out for her before leaving.
Meanwhile, Erica finds herself in a recording studio where she stumbles forward and bumps into a sound engineer, causing him to knock a fader and deafen Kai - who is on the other side of a glass window, in a studio, behind a mic.
He rages at the guy, who apologises, wondering if it's "amateur hour." Another man, Kai's manager Jody, tells him it was a mistake and that, as a rock star, it comes with the territory.
Erica then apologies, explaining that it was her who caused it by stumbling.
Kai asks Erica what her name is and Jody answers for her, explaining that she is 'Noel' from Rolling Stone magazine. She then notices how differently she looks - with short, dark hair and glasses - from her reflection in the glass window.
She chuckles nervously as Kai informs her she's lucky she's a real journalist rather than a gossip columnist or paparazzi and describing how he has punched out a few in his time. Jody suggests Erica sits down and watches which, bewildered, she agrees is a good idea.
Erica looks on as Kai records his song. Jody is impressed as he finishes it, exclaiming that Kai nailed it, although Kai suggests he has only nailed "a piece of shit" before requesting some water. Jody assures Kai that it is going to be his new hit single though.
Kai comes to join the others as Jody receives a call on a high tech cell phone, which intrigues Erica. Jody tells the guy on the phone that Kai's new single will go triple platinum, describing how fans will eat it up as he leaves the room.
He congratulates Kai on his way out, and Kai asks Erica if she thinks it will go triple platinum too. She replies by telling him she thinks it was really "catchy." He isn't enthused by this reaction though, joking that she has a way with words.
Kai then proceeds to take a magazine and roll it up before hitting the sound engineer over the head with it. Jody returns to the room and informs them it is time for 'Noel' to start her interview and Erica is handed her bag.
She then glances down to a magazine featuring a picture of Kai and his band Head on the front. Erica picks it up and is shocked to see that the date on the magazine is August 2017.
Making her way outside to Kai's limo - where the interview is to take place - she encounters Dr. Fred posing as a music artist with two heavies walking with him. She calls out to him and he takes her to one side.
She asks him what's going on, admitting that she is freaked out and checks that she in the future and he has sent her to 2017. Dr. Fred, keen for Erica not to blow his cover, says he has sent her to 2019, explaining that it is Kai's past and he is about to hit rock bottom.
He explains Kai and the band are about to go on tour where Kai will blow off the first two gigs, overdose on opium, spend two weeks in a coma, wake up, meet him, and his therapy will begin.
Erica struggles to take this in, as it dawns on her that the Kai she knows as a barista back in 2009 is actually on a session. Dr Fred confirms that Kai has turned his back on his session and is stranding himself there after being sent to complete a regret but now doesn't want to leave.
He informs Erica that Kai is actually 32 and that, despite all the rock and roll bravado, he needs all the help he can get. Dr. Fred then advises her that Kai's limo doesn't even wait for a reporter from Rolling Stone magazine and Erica better run.
She heads to the limo, where Jody stands outside. He tells her that Kai has been looking forward to the interview for weeks and that, after having a rough year, they hope her story can get him back on track.
Erica gets inside with Jody, asking about the rough year Kai has had. He confirms that it has been awful, listing Kai's drug addiction, rehab, and Travis. She checks he means Kai's friend Travis, with Jody wondering who else she thinks he meant.
She apologises for the stupidity of the question, but Jody tells her that Travis's suicide was incredibly shocking to all of them and Kai took it harder than anyone else as they were band mates and best friends.
Erica listens to this in astonishment as Jody instructs her that talking about the suicide is off limits. She replies that she's just going to do a nice cover piece and to learn more about Kai, and Jody is pleased to hear they're on the same page.
Kai then enters the limo and sits down next to Erica, telling her she can ask him anything she wants. She delves into her bag, rummaging through trying to find a note pad or tape recorder. Kai steps in to remove a clear plastic screen which Jody then shows Erica how to switch on.
The interview progresses as Kai explains about his early years and Erica then suggests they talk about him and his band. He comments that they are incredible and he loves them, describing the band as one happy family.
Erica is surprised that everything for Kai is great and his life is amazing, and Kai confirms that he wakes up every day inspired and says his new album is going to be the best yet.
She remarks that he said he was unhappy with his new single, and Kai responds that she said it was "catchy" with Erica replying that Kai himself had branded it "shit." Jody steps in to explain that Kai has always been hard on himself and that they're all looking forward to the new album, which they view as a "rebirth."
Kai agrees with these sentiments, saying he has finished his time in rehab and turned a corner with the support of his band, label, and fans. He remarks that the vibes of love and positvity have made him practically a new man.
Erica suggests that everything sounds perfect, which Kai confirms. However, believing him to be lying, she then asks him how he's coping with the suicide of Travis. Kai stares at her at this question, not replying, and Jody looks similarly annoyed with Erica.
The limo then pulls up and Kai gets out, calling Erica a "bitch" as he leaves. As he steps out, Kai is mobbed by fans and photographers. Erica follows him out with Jody, who questions what she was doing and reminding her that talking about Travis was off limits.
Erica tells him she has come to find out who Kai Booker really is. Jody sarcastically wishes her good luck, betting with her that Kai won't say another word to her after her "little stunt." She doubts this however, and approaches Kai.
She asks whether they can try again, but he simply ignores her, and instead picks three girls from the crowd who he invites to attend a party in his penthouse. He then calls out to 'Noel' and, having got Erica's attention, proceeds to start making out with one of the girls he's picked.
At the party, Erica is entranced by a screen showing Kai and Head performing. Kai then comes up to her, wondering what she is still doing at the party. Erica comments that Kai is now talking to her and he asks her what she wants from him.
Erica reminds him that she's not one of his entourage or employees and that she has come to find out everything she can about him. Kai responds by telling her she crossed the line and, in trying to make a name for herself, has pissed him off.
He insists that, if she wants to interview him, she must respect his boundaries. Kai then goes to leave but Erica asks what happened to him and he turns back around, confused. She wonders how he went from a starving artist working at Goblins to what he is now.
She laments the idea of the Kai from Goblins seeing him now, and reveals that she used to hang out at Goblins. Sceptical, Kai asks her to prove it, and Erica replies by saying how he worked with a guy named Dave and once, at an open mic night, sang a song about aliens.
Kai says it was called Alien Like You and is surprised that Erica has been telling the truth. She confirms she is and comments on how good the song was and how much she loved it. Kai stares at her before conceding they got off on the wrong foot.
He promises not to be such a diva if she promises not be such a hard ass, which Erica agrees to. They chat on the couch, as Kai describes how he can still do latte art. He describes how it had been a time when nobody knew him and it was him, his friends, his music, and Travis.
Erica tells him she remembers meeting Travis once, describing him as "dorky." Kai agrees with this, commenting that he used to give him a hard time about it before saying what a great friend and songwriter he was.
They are interruped by a girl asking Kai to join them, but instead he takes Erica into his bedroom to show her something. He then shows her a coffee machine, which he wonders if she recognises.
She identifies it as the one from the end of the bar at Goblins and Kai explains how, when his first album went gold, he had offered them three times its worth. Erica wonders why and he gets her to promise not to write about it, which she does.
Kai sits down on the bed, holding his guitar, and recounts to her how him and Travis wrote all their first songs together every night after hours at Goblins and that the coffee would help keep them awake.
She asks Kai if Alien Like You was one of the songs, but he admits it was all his and he never finished writing the song. Erica wonders why, and Kai explains that it was never going to be a hit.
He begins strumming on his guitar and Erica sits down beside him, saying she thought it was incredible and that he can still finish it. Kai responds saying it's not his sound or what the fans want to hear. He adds that Travis thought it was the most personal song he ever wrote.
Erica says that's why she liked it and suggests the fans would love it too. Kai describes how Jody would argue that they have to protect the brand and that the fans want consistency and the band has to deliver, conceding that it sells albums.
She asks him if that's all he cares about but, before he can answer, they are interrupted by Jody who informs Kai that the manager of the label, Shawn, has arrived from LA. Kai is reluctant to see him but does so - inviting Erica to join him, much to Jody's displeasure.
They go to meet Shawn, who hugs Kai, and Erica introduces herself as being from Rolling Stone magazine before offering her hand to shake, which he snubs. Shawn and Kai sit down, and he tells Kai that he's been told about the magic he was making in the recording studio.
Shawn explains that he likes the song but that he doesn't think it's a lead song, which Kai agrees with. He then tells Kai that he wants him to record one more track that he's had written for him, and removes something from his jacket pocket.
He says that they hired some people to write it and, prompted by Kai's questioning, reveals the song is called Travis. Kai stares at him and Jody chips in saying that, although he's sure the song is brilliant, he doesn't know if the band is quite ready for that.
Shawn replies that the fans are, but Erica questions whether he's not worried about the backlash from fans accusing Kai and the band of cashing in on a tragedy. He wonders why she is interjecting though, and brands Erica as just "a groupie with a way with words."
Kai then admits he doesn't feel comfortable and Shawn informs him that he doesn't like the way Kai's last album produced or spending millions of dollars on a busted flush. He orders Kai to get back into the studio and that they will lead with the single about Travis - leaving Kai in silence.
Shawn comments that they will shut down the internet with all the downloads and Jody agrees, saying that they will do whatever it takes and that it gives them a chance to tell the truth about Travis rather than some made up tabloid fantasy.
He adds that the more he thinks about it, the more he likes the idea, and Shawn smiles at this endorsement. Kai and Erica both look less than happy at this prospect though.
Kai returns to the party and pours himself a drink. Erica finds him and wonders whether he is going to do what Shawn wants. He confirms he is, but she reminds him that he hates his life and what he's become.
Erica says that he wishes he could go back in time but doesn't have to. She states that the rebirth he is looking for can start with him not caving in, but by standing up to them and saying no. She suggests that none of it matters to him anymore and advises him not to record the song.
Kai listens to this and goes back to confront Shawn and Jody and tells them he's not recording the song. Jody suggests they've already talked about it, but Kai reminds him he is supposed to represent him, and he tells Shawn to screw the song as he's not going to sing it.
Shawn accepts, suggesting that he'll get someone else to sing the song. Kai replies saying that Travis was in his band, which Shawn confirms is why he wants Head to record it. He says if Kai doesn't want to then they will do his album without a hit single.
He describes how it would move a few thousand downloads and would be a nice, small, personal album to wrap up his career. Kai sits down in resignation, and concedes that he could listen to the song, which Shawn comments couldn't do any harm.
Erica tries to persuade Kai otherwise, but he tells her not to and he takes the song to listen to it - leaving her disappointed about his change of heart.
Later, in his room, Kai picks up his guitar and, in a rage, sets about smashing it. Erica and Jody enter, shocked to see what he is doing. Kai finishes up and kicks the scattered pieces away, calming down.
Afterwards, Erica wanders around outside until she spots Dr. Tom, using a futuristic touch screen information board. She comments to him that 2019 isn't so different from 2009 and, aside from a few bells and whistles, it's pretty much the same.
Dr. Tom wonders whether she was expecting robots, flying cars, and everybody in jumpsuits. She doesn't find this amusing though, and he checks if everything is OK. Erica confirms it isn't, describing how she feels like she's losing it.
He suggests this isn't that surprising given, in the space of two days, she has become an adminstrative assistant, a messenger, home organiser, Sandek, and now her latest "high wire act" of trying to save a rock star from himself.
Erica finds this to be really unfair, reminding him he agreed to send her into the future. Dr. Tom explains that he wanted her to go for some perspective but Erica argues that there's nothing wrong with trying to help the people you care about.
He agrees with her, but suggests that there is a line. This confuses Erica, who asks what he is talking about. Dr. Tom tells her to imagine a mother who spends her entire life trying to protect her child from hardship.
Dr. Tom describes how the mother rushes in to fix every little problem and fill in every little need and then the child grows up and is left unable to cope with life's "vicissitudes." He says that the parent's defence is that they were only trying to help.
Erica disagrees that that is what she doing, before conceding that she may have been a little bit because she wants the people she cares about to be happy. Dr. Tom says he's sure that is the case but poses the question of whether their happiness is her responsibility or not.
She suggests that he helps her, but Dr. Tom comments that she does all the heavy lifting and that, rather than fix her problems, he just points the way. He then points her in a direction and walks way.
Erica follows his guidance and suddenly finds herself walking back into her mom's house. Gary, Ethan, and Barbara check that she is all right, and Erica replies that she feels much better and a splash of water on her face was all she needed.
Barbara suggests she lies down for a bit, but Gary takes her by the hand and says Erica should decide what she wants to do before telling "Number One" that "her Captain" needs her. Erica suggests she shouldn't continue as the Sandek though, in case she faints again.
Steph says this OK, and Aunt Roberta can take Erica's place, advising her to take it easy. Gary looks disappointed at this, but gathers everyone around as the ceremony resumes.
Erica watches on, with Ethan by her side. However, she becomes nervous just watching and apologises before excusing herself and leaving the room with Ethan in tow. This behaviour leaves Gary bemused.
As the circumcision takes place, Erica stares out of the kitchen window, reacting visibly as baby Jonah begins crying in pain.
Afterwards, Erica asks to speak to her dad and they go into the foyer. He asks her what is going on, suggesting it feels like it's more than just a little squeamishness. Erica confirms it is, and confesseses she should never have agreed to be the Sandek.
Gary is confused at this statement and wonders why and Erica admits she did it to make him happy and to take his mind off Norm. She then tells him that she feels conflicted about the idea of circumcising a baby, describing it as "awful."
He can't believe this though, but Erica suggests it involves cutting a baby without anaesthetic for no reason. She says she doesn't get it and never should have agreed to participate. Gary wonders why she did, and she tells him she wanted to do something to make him feel they were connected.
Gary labels this a "token gesture" and bemoans how Erica has spent years neglecting her religion. She rejects this idea, but he tells her he's a Rabbi and his family have rejected everything that matters to him.
He points to how Sam married an Anglican, Barbara now dating "Harrison Ford," and Erica interrupts him, suggesting he is unhappy that she is with Ethan. She wonders whether he wants her to dump Ethan and find a "nice Jewish boy." Gary doesn't respond though.
Erica, struggling to contain her emotions, says he's unhappy and lonely and that she'd love to help him. She states that she could be a "super Jew" and watch marathon sessions of Star Trek with him.
However, Erica concludes that the truth is she can't fix what's wrong and it has to start with him. She then goes, leaving Gary to reflect on her words.
Later that day, Erica heads to Goblins where Kai is working. She heads up to the counter, and he notices she looks exhausted. Erica admits she has had a rough day and orders a mint tea. Kai apologises for how he went off at her earlier and Erica understands, saying she has been there.
This surprises Kai, who suggests that she seems used to having some guy, who doesn't even have a lost name, call himself a Doctor and stick his nose in where it doesn't belong. Erica replies by telling him that her Doctor helps her.
Kai wonders if she has come to convince him he's got it all wrong, but Erica says she is just a friend and someone he can talk to who understands how crazy therapy is. Her tea is then delivered, as Kai reminds her that he doesn't want to talk about his therapy.
Erica suggests that he met his Doctor for a reason and that no one forced him into therapy, rather he agreed to it just like she did. She pays for the tea and leaves Kai thinking.
At home in her apartment in the evening, Erica and Ethan are on the couch watching TV. They hear a knock at the door which, considering it's so late, surprises them. Erica opens the door to her dad, who is carrying her telescope with him.
He tells her it's a clear night and was in the neighbourhood. He suggests that, if she isn't busy, maybe they could put the telescope to use and search for life on Mars. Erica smiles and after Ethan declines her invitation to join them, they head outside.
Erica narrates over closing images of Barbara and Norm in the kitchen, Kai in Goblins, and her and her dad outside using the telescope.
"There's no question that when we help we feel valued, useful, and more connected to the people we care about. The question is: when is helping not helpful at all?
"Sometimes the way we help the most is to give others the space and support they need to help themselves."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Shh... Don't Tell: Analysis
Season 2, Episode 6: Shh... Don't Tell
Ignorance is bliss. So goes the old saying anyway. When being ignorant is usually perceived as bad, it's a strange thing to say. Then again, there are some things it's better to be ignorant of. After all, what you don't know can't hurt you.
It's the dilemma which faces Erica in an episode dominated by secrets, surprises, and lies. Unfortunately for Erica, she must wrestle with discovering a secret she probably wishes she hadn't.
I remember being shocked the first time we saw Friedkin and Meeri up to no good in the copy room. It was a nice twist by the writers. Although we know Friedkin is hardly the most trustworthy of characters, it certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons.
It also inspires one of the funniest scenes of the season with the metaphorical muffin during the board meeting. The combination of Julianne's ignorance, Meeri's embarrassment, Friedkin's smugness and Erica's annoyance is a great recipe.
Just when you think it can't get any funnier, Brent - having cottoned on to what they're talking about - chips in with his comments about multiple muffins and how often he enjoys them. Brilliant stuff.
My own view is that Meeri really only has herself to blame. If she cared about the job so much then she shouldn't have jeopardised it, as a hard-nosed Erica so rightly pointed out. This is clearly not the same Erica who was afraid of firing Linda in Season 1, Episode 12.
However, although it's easy to feel sorry for Julianne, as Brent comments, a lot of her trouble has been brought on herself. Getting involved with one of her authors was foolish, and typical of her flighty character and habit of making rash decisions without thinking them through.
We see the incredibly embarrassing birthday celebration at River Rock, including Julianne singing on her own to Friedkin as the rest of the office know exactly what's been going on. Having Meeri pop up with the cake really was the icing on the, well, cake, in that scene.
We see more classic Brent in this episode too. Having received praise from Julianne he assures Galvin there are no further concerns. Then he advises Erica to be pragmatic and save her own skin rather than helping Julianne - who is Erica's boss first and friend second.
He's clearly very ruthless, especially in the way he reports her to Galvin at the end and uses the photos to his own advantage. Really, from this episode on, the battle lines at River Rock are drawn for the remainder of the season.
Erica nails her colours firmly to the Julianne mast when deciding to tell her the truth. A decision born out of loyalty if not common sense. As, when the schism occurs, you can't help but feel, as noble as her cause was, that she has attached herself to a sinking ship.
Of course, before that, Erica has some time travelling to do - albeit she appears reluctant at first. In classic Dr. Tom fashion, he forces her to confront a regret - using some nice reverse psychology to have her begging him to send her back in the end.
He also makes a comic appearance as the school mascot, sarcastically praising Erica and trying to get a cheer going for her. Classic Dr. Tom, and there he is back at River Rock when she returns to make her realise what she has to do.
The high school regrets are always good fun on Being Erica, not least because it allows for some good scope with comedy from the likes of Jenny and Zach. Although I couldn't help but ask the question - where was Katie? Bring her back!
It's amazing the things that we said to other people and did to others during our school days. The viciousness of Jenny's attacks on the admittedly very annoying Fiona are something you just don't get in the adult world.
I dare say that most of us look back on embarrassment and regret the way we sometimes behaved during our school days. I guess it's all part of growing up, but still.
The storyline was pretty predictable. I think you could see the chocolate/laxative coming from a mile off, as well as the fact that Mr Callaghan was somehow involved in no good. Erica eventually sees him for what he is and knows she has to expose him - just like she has to with Friedkin.
As Dr. Tom and Erica agree, Jenny's attitude and relationship with men is probably heavily influenced by what happened with him. It's difficult to underestimate just how important those early experiences are for shaping us as adults.
Just one point about the regret - girls playing soccer. Why is it that soccer is seen as primarily a girls sport in North America? Of course I'm totally biased, but it's the biggest sport in the world folks, and that's the men's game.
Away from her time travelling, we see Erica and Kai resolve their differences. I actually think it was good of him to be there to listen to her after her day at work because he realises she needs to be able to talk about it to someone.
It was clever, too, how at the end, Ethan's secret - when we clearly saw him keeping something from Erica in the morning before cancelling drinks with her - actually turned out to be a nice surprise.
You could see how Erica was a little nervous about going home and wondering what to expect only to find out it's a secret that she enjoyed finding out.
Why exactly she decided to hide her meeting with Kai from Ethan - who had already given Erica the OK to be friends with whoever she wanted - is strange though. On reflection, it probably betrays her true state of mind when it comes to all things Kai.
Friend? Confidant? Secret kisser? Things can only become even more complicated.
Ignorance is bliss. So goes the old saying anyway. When being ignorant is usually perceived as bad, it's a strange thing to say. Then again, there are some things it's better to be ignorant of. After all, what you don't know can't hurt you.
It's the dilemma which faces Erica in an episode dominated by secrets, surprises, and lies. Unfortunately for Erica, she must wrestle with discovering a secret she probably wishes she hadn't.
I remember being shocked the first time we saw Friedkin and Meeri up to no good in the copy room. It was a nice twist by the writers. Although we know Friedkin is hardly the most trustworthy of characters, it certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons.
It also inspires one of the funniest scenes of the season with the metaphorical muffin during the board meeting. The combination of Julianne's ignorance, Meeri's embarrassment, Friedkin's smugness and Erica's annoyance is a great recipe.
Just when you think it can't get any funnier, Brent - having cottoned on to what they're talking about - chips in with his comments about multiple muffins and how often he enjoys them. Brilliant stuff.
My own view is that Meeri really only has herself to blame. If she cared about the job so much then she shouldn't have jeopardised it, as a hard-nosed Erica so rightly pointed out. This is clearly not the same Erica who was afraid of firing Linda in Season 1, Episode 12.
However, although it's easy to feel sorry for Julianne, as Brent comments, a lot of her trouble has been brought on herself. Getting involved with one of her authors was foolish, and typical of her flighty character and habit of making rash decisions without thinking them through.
We see the incredibly embarrassing birthday celebration at River Rock, including Julianne singing on her own to Friedkin as the rest of the office know exactly what's been going on. Having Meeri pop up with the cake really was the icing on the, well, cake, in that scene.
We see more classic Brent in this episode too. Having received praise from Julianne he assures Galvin there are no further concerns. Then he advises Erica to be pragmatic and save her own skin rather than helping Julianne - who is Erica's boss first and friend second.
He's clearly very ruthless, especially in the way he reports her to Galvin at the end and uses the photos to his own advantage. Really, from this episode on, the battle lines at River Rock are drawn for the remainder of the season.
Erica nails her colours firmly to the Julianne mast when deciding to tell her the truth. A decision born out of loyalty if not common sense. As, when the schism occurs, you can't help but feel, as noble as her cause was, that she has attached herself to a sinking ship.
Of course, before that, Erica has some time travelling to do - albeit she appears reluctant at first. In classic Dr. Tom fashion, he forces her to confront a regret - using some nice reverse psychology to have her begging him to send her back in the end.
He also makes a comic appearance as the school mascot, sarcastically praising Erica and trying to get a cheer going for her. Classic Dr. Tom, and there he is back at River Rock when she returns to make her realise what she has to do.
The high school regrets are always good fun on Being Erica, not least because it allows for some good scope with comedy from the likes of Jenny and Zach. Although I couldn't help but ask the question - where was Katie? Bring her back!
It's amazing the things that we said to other people and did to others during our school days. The viciousness of Jenny's attacks on the admittedly very annoying Fiona are something you just don't get in the adult world.
I dare say that most of us look back on embarrassment and regret the way we sometimes behaved during our school days. I guess it's all part of growing up, but still.
The storyline was pretty predictable. I think you could see the chocolate/laxative coming from a mile off, as well as the fact that Mr Callaghan was somehow involved in no good. Erica eventually sees him for what he is and knows she has to expose him - just like she has to with Friedkin.
As Dr. Tom and Erica agree, Jenny's attitude and relationship with men is probably heavily influenced by what happened with him. It's difficult to underestimate just how important those early experiences are for shaping us as adults.
Just one point about the regret - girls playing soccer. Why is it that soccer is seen as primarily a girls sport in North America? Of course I'm totally biased, but it's the biggest sport in the world folks, and that's the men's game.
Away from her time travelling, we see Erica and Kai resolve their differences. I actually think it was good of him to be there to listen to her after her day at work because he realises she needs to be able to talk about it to someone.
It was clever, too, how at the end, Ethan's secret - when we clearly saw him keeping something from Erica in the morning before cancelling drinks with her - actually turned out to be a nice surprise.
You could see how Erica was a little nervous about going home and wondering what to expect only to find out it's a secret that she enjoyed finding out.
Why exactly she decided to hide her meeting with Kai from Ethan - who had already given Erica the OK to be friends with whoever she wanted - is strange though. On reflection, it probably betrays her true state of mind when it comes to all things Kai.
Friend? Confidant? Secret kisser? Things can only become even more complicated.
Shh... Don't Tell
Season 2, Episode 6: Shh... Don't Tell
Episode Guide
Erica is getting ready to go to work in the morning. She calls to Ethan, suggesting that they go and see the new Sandra Bullock movie that evening. She then asks if he's seen her cell phone.
Ethan emerges from the bathroom, brushing his teeth, confused that the name of Sandra Bullock's new movie is "Have You Seen My Cell Phone?" He then finds her cell phone on the kitchen counter under some paperwork.
Erica goes to leave and Ethan gives her a 'maybe' to catching the movie. Once she has gone, he heads straight over to the laptop on the table, opens it up, and begins typing. He then leaves the room and, as he does, Erica returns - having forgotten her key card.
She begins to search for it and Ethan, suddenly anxious that Erica might look around the laptop, returns and finds it for her. She gets ready to go again, guessing that he'll be doing summer school work.
Ethan confirms he will be "rocking it" with Jane Eyre, although Erica seems unconvinced at his explanation. She narrates:
"Ever get that feeling that you've stumbled upon a secret?"
She tells Ethan that Jane Eyre is one of her favourite novels and offers to help him with a lesson plan if he needs it. Ethan insists he doesn't and, keen to get rid of Erica, says that Julianne will be foaming at the mouth if she is late for work.
"They say what you don't know can't hurt you, but is that really true?"
At River Rock, Erica knocks on Julianne's office door. She has her back to the door, arranging some flowers in a vase. Erica asks if she can arrange a meeting with her saying she thinks she's found the perfect author for the sex book.
She is instructed to get Meeri to set up a meeting, but Erica informs Julianne that Meeri isn't at her desk. Julianne then turns around and sets the vase on her desk, with Erica commenting how beautiful the flowers look.
Julianne replies that "Friedy" says in The Secret Of Now that a person's exterior should always match their interior. She then asks Erica if she can keep a secret, and Erica replies that she likes to think she can.
She tells her that it is Friedkin's birthday and, removing a small box from her desk drawer, opens it to reveal a key to her place, explaining she is giving it to him as a present. Erica is surprised and Julianne wonders if she think it's too much too soon but Erica insists it's great.
Julianne puts the box back in her drawer and returns to discussing the author Erica has found, asking about her CV. Erica says she'll photocopy it for Julianne seeing as Meeri is absent and goes to leave - although not before telling Julianne how happy she is for her.
"Secrets, they keep things interesting. Some are the kind we're dying to find out."
Erica heads to the copy room but, when she tries to open the door, finds it locked. She removes the key card and uses it.
"Others are secrets we're straining to keep. And still others..."
She opens the door to find Meeri performing a sexual act on Friedkin. Erica exclaims in shock, explaining she had just come in to do some photocopying. Meeri and Friedkin turn around in shock and embarrassment and Erica quickly leaves the room, shutting the door, stunned.
"...are secrets we wish we didn't know."
Later that morning, Julianne is chairing a boardroom meeting with Erica sitting across from a sheepish-looking Meeri, who avoids making eye contact with her. Julianne is busy giving a visual presentation for Friedkin's new book and discussing the importance of the author photo.
As this happens, Julianne and Meeri, without knowing, both reach out to take the same muffin from a selection in the middle of the table. They both apologise, and Meeri is insistent that Julianne takes the muffin. Julianne tells Meeri to though.
Erica then chips in - sensing the opportunity to make a point about Friedkin - proclaiming that Julianne went for the 'muffin' first. Julianne insists she doesn't care and continues with the presentation. However, Erica continues, stating that Julianne had her hand on it first and everyone had seen it.
Julianne tells her there's no need to be so dramatic, and Friedkin adds that it's not first or last blueberry muffin in the world. Looking to bring an end to the debate, Julianne produces a knife and suggests that her and Meeri share the muffin.
Erica is unimpressed as this, saying they shouldn't share the 'muffin', which Meeri agrees with - explaining how she's no longer interested in it. Knowing what she means, Friedkin asks why Meeri would deny herself the 'muffin' and encourages her to "live it up."
Brent watches on, intrigued, and realises something is going on. Erica then suggests that Meeri "unlocks the mystery of tomorrow" and questions whether the 'muffin' will really make her happy and if she'd be happier with a 'muffin' of her own.
Entering the debate, Brent jokes that he has been known to enjoy multiple 'muffins' two or three times a day, and four times on the weekend. Julianne, oblivious to the real meaning of the discussion, then interrupts, calling for everyone to focus.
Afterwards, Brent goes up to Erica, who is in the coffee lounge. He comment on how juicy the events are and checks with her that Meeri is "eating Friedkin's muffin." Erica is shocked at his choice of words, and he asks whether she saw it, which she confirms she, regretfully, did.
Meeri then joins them, and Brent tries to guide Erica away from her. However, Meeri calls out to her and asks Brent if she can talk to Erica.
Brent doesn't leave though, and Erica informs her that Brent knows about her and Friedkin. Meeri asks Erica not to tell Julianne, describing getting together with Friedkin as a one time thing and huge lapse in judgement, which Brent thinks is putting it mildly.
Meeri says she has wanted to work in publishing forever and explains how Friedkin listens to what she has to say and her ideas whereas all she does for Julianne is make lattes and laminate personal photos in her lunch break.
She shows them some pictures of Julianne and Friedkin, which Brent sarcastically comments are another "worthy business expense." Meeri reminds them that they both know what it's like to be Julianne's assistant.
Erica replies that she remembers perfectly well, telling Meeri that Julianne promotes people based on merit and that she doesn't feel sorry for her. They are then interrupted by Julianne calling from her office door for Meeri to make her a latte.
Brent and Erica go to leave, but Meeri catches Erica's arm and begs her not to say anything, telling her she can't afford to lose her job. Erica is left to think.
Sitting at her desk, Erica texts Ethan, informing him she's had a rough day and suggesting they go out for drinks later. He texts back telling her he can't as he is working late, which Erica is disappointed about.
Meanwhile, Julianne is walking with Brent, explaining how impressed she is with his outline for the origami book. She assures him that his great work at making "an ancient Japanese art sexy" is not going unnoticed. Brent thanks her and she goes.
He then encounters Galvin, who tells Brent how pleased he is to have run into him. Galvin asks him how things are in the Non Fiction department and checks whether he has any more concerns. Brent says he hasn't, and a pleased Galvin leaves.
At lunch, Erica is walking through the city when she bumps into Kai - who is with a couple of friends. She greets him, commenting how it's good to see him outside of Goblins and he jokes that they occasionally let him out.
Keen to go, Kai tries to leave but Erica stops him. He tells her that he knows they can only talk about coffee and therapy and declares himself fine with it, but Erica disagrees and tries to explain how complicated it is.
He points to the fact that she knows his therapist's name without him telling her and tells a speechless Erica that she knows where to find him when she wants to stop with the "bullshit."
When Erica returns to the office she find everyone in the office gathered around with drinks in hand. Julianne calls for their attention, recognising that they are all probably wondering why she's summoned them in the middle of the day when they're incredibly busy.
Erica heads over to stand with Brent, asking him what's going on and Brent replies that Julianne has called in all the staff. Julianne declares that she has a very special announcement, telling them that one of River Rock's most accomplished authors - Friedkin - is celebrating his 45th birthday.
She motions to the coffee lounge where an embarrassed Meeri pops up from behind the counter holding a cake. Erica is shocked as Friedkin smiles, broadly. Julianne begins to say how lucky she is to have found a "great associate" and "great friend."
As she does, people begin to murmur and snigger to themselves, which Erica picks up on. She checks whether Brent has told anyone else with his guilty look telling her all she needs to know.
Meanwhile, Julianne, getting emotional, tells them it's time to "sing for their dessert" and counts down from three. She begins singing For He's A Jolly Good Fellow but finds herself doing it alone.
Erica suddenly snaps, telling Brent she can't just watch what's going on, and begins to move towards Julianne. However, Brent stops her and instead guides her into an empty hallway. She asks him what he's doing and he tells Erica he's saving her from herself.
Brent advises her to stick to doing her job and to mind her own business. Erica can't believe that he's suggesting she should just watch it happen and not do anything though. He reminds her that Julianne is her boss and not her friend.
He says that she will shoot the messenger and that Erica's brutal honesty will only only end up hurting Julianne, ruining Meeri, and making Friedkin her enemy.
Brent makes her realise that it isn't affecting the sex book and recommends she puts it out of her mind before declaring that Julianne is suffering the consequences of mixing business with pleasure.
Erica, calmed down, sighs and concedes that he is probably right and Brent suggests she's welcome before leaving. She then heads to the ladies washroom but, when she pushes the door, finds herself entering Dr. Tom's office.
He is sitting on a chair, opposite the door, reading a celebrity magazine, and informs Erica on her entrance that "Brad is re-connecting with Jen." Erica stops him before he can say anything else, anticipating that he is going to tell her that honesty is the best policy.
Dr. Tom gets out of the chair and moves round to sit on his side of the desk, remarking that finding out in public and being embarrassed wouldn't have been the best way for Julianne to find out. Erica suggests that there's no best way to find out though.
She says that Brent is right, and that it is none of her business. Dr. Tom consults her list and asks her to tell him about the fashion show. Erica replies that she knows where he is going with that regret and tells him that the situation with Julianne is totally different.
He doesn't reply, and simply stares back at her. Erica, realising he isn't going to take 'no' for an answer, sits down and begins to explain that it happened during her final year of high school.
She tells him there was a girl in her class, Fiona, who she describes as being a classic overachiever - annoying but totally harmless. Erica explains that they'd known Fiona for years but barely noticed her. However, for some reason, Jenny decided that year to make Fiona's life a living hell.
Erica admits that, to this day, she doesn't know why Jenny hated her so much, but every chance she got she would go after Fiona like a serial killer. Dr. Tom comments that it sounds ruthless, which Erica agrees with.
She describes how it came to a head at the fashion show where Jenny, who was in charge and had access to everything, had an agenda that everyone knew about. She had swapped Fiona's can of hair moose for hair removal.
Erica explains that it had worked itself in and, when Fiona was on the catwalk, her hair began to fall out. She says it was so unbelievably humiliating that Fiona never came back to school and had a nervous breakdown.
She laments that she didn't do anything to stop it and Dr. Tom takes it that Erica thinks she could have prevented it. Erica admits she could have said something but chose not to because, at the time, she felt it wasn't any of her business.
Hearing this, Dr. Tom picks up her list and begins to scribble over the regret with his pen. Confused, she asks him what he's doing and he replies that he's following her lead, commenting that it wasn't her in the copy room with Friedkin nor was it her bullying Fiona.
He turns the page and suggests they move on. Erica gets out of her chair though and tells him to wait, insisting that the two things are totally different because she just happened to find out about Julianne's situation but she had been in on Jenny's plan for Fiona.
She insists that what happened with Fiona is still very much a regret and, seemingly satisfied with her attitude, Dr. Tom puts down the list, looks up at her, and holds out his pen for her to take.
Erica does so, but as she leans forward she finds herself suddenly falling over and landing on the floor of the hallway back in high school, scattering her books and belongings everywhere. Judith and Jenny watch on, as she tries to compose herself and Judith helps her up off the floor.
Jenny wonders how Erica is supposed to walk down a catwalk if she can't manage a hallway. Erica then spots Fiona walking past them and calls out to her, asking if she's ready for the fashion show that evening.
Fiona confirms she is and Jenny comments that Fiona is going to be their Linda Evangenlista if she "looked like carrot top and was fat." Erica is shocked at this vicious attack and Fiona leaves with Jenny shouting at her that it's not too late to quit and that she won't be upset if she does.
They make their way into chemistry class, and Erica asks Jenny if it was really necessary to be as awful to Fiona as she was, but Jenny finds her attitude amusing. They make their way to their seats, with Erica, Judith, Jenny, and Fiona sharing a table.
Zach then comes up to Erica, telling her he wants to "sex her up." She asks him how he's doing and, when he replies "tight," jokes that's he's still young and it won't last.
The teacher, Mr Callaghan then walks in - which Jenny seems instantly pleased about - and instructs Zach to sit down at his own place before informing the class they'll be doing a pop quiz.
He asks them what the chemical symbol for Silver is and, noticing Erica doesn't put her hand up, asks her. However, Erica can't remember, and Fiona answers "Ag" for her. He then asks what a flame test it.
This time he selects Jenny, who gives a half explained answer - which Fiona picks up on describes it as "inefficient" before giving the full explanation. Mr Callaghan congratulates her, although Jenny and Erica are clearly less impressed by Fiona's smugness.
After class, Erica, Jenny, and Judith are walking down the hallway as Jenny reiterates how much she hates Fiona. Erica fails to understand why she would, just because she is better than Jenny in chemistry.
Judith questions why Erica is defending Fiona though, calling her a loser, and Jenny concurs. Erica denies she's defending her, but says Fiona is harmless and advises Jenny to just ignore her.
Zach then comes running up behind them, and produces the hair removal which a delighted Jenny intends to use. Erica snatches it from her though and says she's stopping her.
She goes over to the trash and proceeds to spray the hair removal saying there will be no hair removal, no third degree burns, and no Fiona having a nervous breakdown and switching schools just because she bugs Jenny.
Jenny can't believe Erica and Zach, suggests she needs to chill out. However, Erica says the rest of them do and wonders whether Fiona has ever done or said anything to hurt Jenny. The mere thought is rejected by Jenny.
Erica offers to go and talk to her, suggesting it would be a better way to resolve their dispute and she goes over to where Fiona is sitting on the floor, her back to the lockers, reading The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers.
She tells Fiona that she is reading a great book, which surprises Fiona that Erica has read it. Erica confirms she has read them all, as well as seeing the movies. She realises the historical inaccuracy of her comment and is relieved when Fiona suggests she means a 1978 animated film.
Erica sits down next to Fiona and says she has something she needs her to do, asking if she can back off Jenny. Fiona suggests it should be the other way around and, although Erica agrees, she asks Fiona to stop making Jenny feel stupid in class.
Fiona wonders whether Erica has considered Jenny might just be stupid which Erica rejects before reiterating her advice for Fiona to stop pushing Jenny's buttons. She warns that Jenny is at breaking point and that Fiona doesn't realise what she's capable of.
They are then joined by Jenny and Judith who sit down next to Erica telling her they're about to go and get changed for gym. Jenny apologises to Fiona for being harsh and tells her she didn't mean anything by it.
Fiona reciprocates the apology, and Erica smiles as they make up. Jenny offers Fiona a piece of a chocolate bar she has, proposing a truce which Fiona accepts. Erica beams at this act, although Judith smiles knowingly to herself as Fiona takes the chocolate and eats it before leaving.
Erica tells Jenny she's proud of her and Judith and Jenny take off. She remains seated on the floor, and stretches her arms out as if to congratulate herself on her mediating.
Outside during gym, the girls are all dribbling soccer balls around cones. After Erica does so, she heads over to a table to get a drink. Standing next to it is the school mascot, a shark.
He tells Erica that if she thinks she's sweaty she should try dancing around in his costume for an hour under the blazing sun. She recognises the voice from within as coming from Dr. Tom and, sure enough, he removes the mascot head to reveal himself to her.
Erica compliments him on his outfit, explaining how some people are actually attracted to stuffed animals. He replies, commenting that the sex book has really opened her eyes. Then Dr. Tom, pointing to Fiona, asks Erica if she is aware of the fate that will befall her.
She tells him that she has already changed fate and remarks that everything is good on that front. Erica says that everything is so intense when you're 17 and suggests Jenny just needed somebody wiser to cut through all the "high school bullshit."
Dr. Tom asks her if that was all it took and Erica explains that she just put it all out there and made it her business. He pretends to be impressed and begins leading a cheer, asking some watching students to give him an "E R I C A" and asking what it spells.
Erica stops him and asks him what he's doing. He replies by telling her he is celebrating her taking a stand and for ending high school bullying single handedly before the last bell.
Dr. Tom puts on his mascot's head joking that, for her next trip into the past, Erica should go back and take on World War II, calling her amazing, before leaving. She is left dumbfounded at his behaviour.
Just then, Fiona begins to feel weird, clutching her stomach, and feeling uncomfortable while trying to dribble the ball. Jenny watches this, smiling broadly and laughing hysterically as Fiona begins to feel worse.
Judith exclaims that Fiona has shit herself and Jenny agrees and everyone laughs as Fiona quickly runs to the bathroom. Annoyed, Erica confronts Jenny and asks her why she finds it funny.
Jenny tells her they're just trying to help Fiona lose a few pounds before the fashion show. Erica goes off, leaving Jenny celebrating.
Later on, Erica finds Jenny at her locker and begins to describe to her the look on Fiona's face as she had to call her parents and tell them what happened, saying she wished Jenny had been there to see it.
Jenny jokes that she just helped Fiona to loosen up but Erica hits back telling her that Fiona has gone home humiliated and physically sick because of her. However, Jenny just pretends to be sorry and insincerely worrying that Fiona may not be able to make the fashion show.
Erica asks Jenny what is wrong with her and why she is enjoying hurting Fiona but Jenny simply tells her that if she wants to go and be best friends with Fiona then she should. She suggests Erica goes around to Fiona's house for a sleepover before adding that Mr Callaghan could go too.
Surprised, Erica now questions why Jenny hates Mr Callaghan too. Jenny asks Erica to go, but Erica then realises that Jenny actually likes Mr Callaghan. She suspects that Jenny is jealous of Fiona because she has a crush on him.
Jenny tells Erica to go once more, but Erica reminds her that Mr Callaghan is a teacher and that she is going to war over her crush for him. Jenny responds by suggesting Erica shuts up and that she doesn't know anything. She slams her locker door shut and leaves Erica who shouts that Jenny is acting crazy.
That evening, the fashion show is taking place. Backstage, Erica, Jenny, and Judith are getting ready to go on. Judith notices that Jenny is blanking Erica and leaves to give them some space to talk.
Erica tells Jenny that she doesn't want to fight with her and that her crush on Mr Callaghan isn't going to go anywhere as he's a teacher and Jenny is a student. She adds that it has nothing to do with Fiona. Jenny simply replies by telling Erica she's not a moron and that she doesn't have a crush.
Judith and Jenny then make their way onto the catwalk and parade down until waiting at the end. Erica then joins them, wearing a dress with a long train behind it. She walks down to the end and then goes to turn around with Jenny and Judith following her.
However, Jenny purposefully steps on Erica's train causing the dress to rip off her leaving Erica on the catwalk in just her underwear. Embarrassed, she quickly runs backstage leaving a gleeful Jenny blowing a kiss to a laughing audience.
The next morning, Erica is wolf-whistled as she makes her way down the hallway. She then bumps into Mr Callaghan who asks her if they can talk before class. He tells Erica he's concerned about the way Jenny has been acting and she agrees Jenny has been acting crazy.
He says that it seems like something is wrong and that Jenny is very emotional. Erica tells him that Jenny doesn't normally hide things and he checks whether they are close and that Jenny tells Erica everything.
Erica admits that Jenny has a crush on him, which she describes as a "big irrational school girl crush." He digests this and explains that, being younger, kids can relate to him and that it is an occupational hazard.
The bell then goes and he suggests they go into class, although he asks Erica to let him know if she thinks he can help with Jenny. They make their way into class, where Zach once again bothers Erica before Mr Callaghan has to instruct him to sit at his own place once more.
Mr Callaghan announces they are going to be doing an acid test and warns them that the hydrochloric acid they're going to be using is highly corrosive.
Jenny then walks into the classroom late and he thanks her for joining them. She apologises insicerely, informing him that she was up all night dealing with her "asshole boyfriend" who dumped her.
Erica and Judith are shocked at this, as the class begins to murmur. Jenny sits down at her place next to Fiona as Mr Callaghan continues explaining the test. However, Jenny takes it upon herself to start pouring the acid into a dish and Fiona reminds her she should be wearing gloves.
Jenny tells Fiona to shut it and Mr Callaghan reminds her that they haven't started yet. Jenny then accidentally drops the acid, breaking the glass container, and spills some on her hand. Mr Callaghan rushes over and turns on the tap, holding Jenny's hand underneath the water.
He instructs her to keep it there for 20 minutes at least. However, Jenny rushes off ignoring his advice to go and see a nurse as she has cut herself and spilled acid on it. Erica goes to follow Jenny.
She catches up with her in the hallway and gets her to stop. Erica states there is something going on between Jenny and Mr Callaghan and Jenny tells her there isn't as he broke up with her the previous night.
Erica says she needs to go to the Principal about it, but Jenny goes to walk off. She says that if Jenny doesn't, she will, but Jenny replies that she will deny it. Erica tells her that what he did was wrong, but Jenny says it wasn't just him and suggests Erica stays out of it as it's none of her business.
Jenny rushes off and, when Erica returns to the class, she finds just Mr Callaghan and Fiona in the room where he is extracting some glass from her hand. She thanks him as he holds her hand and looks into her eyes.
Erica is unimpressed with what she sees, and clears her throat - announcing she has come back to collect her books. Mr Callaghan lets go of Fiona's hand and hurriedly goes to leave to get something to eat.
Fiona asks him whether he still wants her to come by after school to help organise all the chemicals but he suggests she doesn't and allows her finger to heal. He then goes and a sceptical Erica questions why Fiona is volunteering to help.
However, Fiona corrects her, explaining that it was him who asked her. Erica isn't surprised to hear this and Fiona thanks Erica for standing up for her. She then leaves Erica, who contemplates what to do. She then heads straight to speak to Principal Dayton.
Later, she is in the hallway when Principal Dayton marches Mr Callaghan out of the school. Erica then heads outside to the entrance where she finds Jenny sitting on some steps. She sits down beside her and Jenny comments that Fiona can't get Mr Callaghan now.
Erica guesses correctly that Jenny knew what was going on between them. Jenny replies that he was inviting her to stay behind after class and talking to her, which Erica realises were the same things he used to do with her.
Upset, Jenny says she really liked him and that being with Mr Callaghan felt like having a secret that no one knew and it made her so happy. She tells Erica she now feels like an idiot, but Erica assures her that it's not her fault and that he had used her.
Jenny takes this to mean that he didn't want her for her amazing personality and suggests that Mr Callaghan "knew a slut when he saw one." Erica replies by telling Jenny she's wonderful and comforts her as she cries.
She reiterates that none of it is about her and that Mr Callaghan is messed up. At Jenny's request, she then leaves her alone. Erica heads down the steps and pushes the door to the girl's locker room.
Instead though, she finds herself coming out of the men's washroom at River Rock back in the present day. She bumps into a male colleague heading in, trying to explain away in her embarrassment that she had walked into the wrong room.
The drinks party is still going on for Friedkin, and Erica heads back into the office and spots Dr. Tom waiting for her in the boardroom. She joins him, declining his offer of a mimosa. She tells him she had no idea about Jenny and they both agree that it explains a few things.
Erica comments that Mr Callaghan was just the first of many 'Mr Callaghans' in Jenny's life. "There is no shame in not knowing, the shame lies in finding out," he quotes to her, before commenting that Julianne's situation is totally different, agreeing it has nothing to do with secret that just needs to be told.
She tells him she gets it and that Julianne is not going to like hearing it and that she is certainly not going to like saying it. Erica concludes that she has to though, which Dr. Tom questions.
Erica responds by saying that not doing anything will be like betraying Julianne and she will be part of the problem. They watch Julianne in her office handing Friedkin the key to her place as she explains what it is and hug.
Brent watches this too, and Friedkin leaves and walks past Brent, smiling. He then leaves the office and Erica takes this as her cue to go and see Julianne and she strides into her office, closing the door behind her.
Erica apologises and informs Julianne there is something she needs to tell her. Julianne asks if she is OK, and Erica replies that she isn't and says that Julianne isn't going to like hearing what she has to say and that there is no easy to say it.
Julianne suggests Erica's "production" is "overkill" and insists she can handle whatever it is and instructs Erica to just tell her. Erica says that Friedkin is cheating on her and explains how she caught him and Meeri "doing something they shouldn't have been."
Trying to disguise her shock and pain, Julianne thanks Erica and, despite her attempts to comfort her, Erica is thanked once more and asked to leave.
Julianne then makes her way into the office where Brent comes up to her and checks she's all right. She says she's never been better but he tells her he's sorry about Friedkin, branding him a dog, and suggests that she can do much better.
She interrupts him though, shocked that Brent knew about Meeri and Friedkin but didn't tell her. Brent doesn't know what to say and she walks away upset. She heads to the copy room where she breaks down in tears and Erica enters to check up on her.
Julianne wipes away her tears and tries to compose herself. Realising she can't hide it anymore though, she wonders how awful her mascara looks. Erica responds saying that it looks good considering everything, although it does appear as though she's been crying.
Erica assures Julianne she has nothing to feel humiliated about, although she disagrees - pointing to the book cover photos, the mimosas, Meeri with the cake, the key ring, and her crying too. Erica replies saying she is the "victim."
Julianne thanks Erica for telling her the truth and Erica helps her clean up her mascara before Julianne heads back into the office leaving Erica thinking.
Later, Erica and Brent watch on from their desks as Meeri, head bowed, meets with Julianne. Brent comments how bad everything is before Meeri storms out of Julianne's office and confronts Erica.
She thanks her sarcastically and Erica tries to apologise. Meeri reminds her that she begged her to mind her own business and says that the job was her way into publishing. Erica responds by telling Meeri she shouldn't have jeopardised it in the way she did.
Meeri suggests that Erica didn't want anyone to come up behind her and steal her thunder and sarcastically wishes her good luck, telling Erica she is well on the way to becoming the "next Julianne."
Julianne then calls Brent and Erica through to her office. She informs them that Meeri is no longer an employee of River Rock, suggestively commenting that some people just aren't who you think they are.
Brent understands who she is referring to when she states that some people live up to expectations and others disappoint despite having had their back for years. He bows his head at this description.
Erica tries to speak up, but Julianne continues, telling them it takes such events to realise who her friends really are. She says she'll be looking for a new assistant but that, in the meantime, Brent will be back in charge of getting her her latte, which she instructs him to do there and then.
He walks out, unimpressed. Heading straight to Meeri's desk, where she is clearing her things. He picks up the personal photos of Friedkin and Julianne she showed them earlier and asks whether he can borrow them which Meeri, realising what he intends to do, is more than happy to do.
After work, Erica heads into Goblins while leaving a message for Ethan to call her back on her cell phone. She orders a latte from another barista, although Kai spots her and suggests there is a Starbucks down the street that makes lattes too.
Erica wanders over to him and suggests they get past things and sits down at a table. He asks her why she's there and she reiterates that she's ordering a coffee. Kai doesn't believe her though and demands she tells him what she wants from him.
She doesn't reply, but Kai tells her to stop with all the "dumb games" and asks her what the big secret is. Erica explains about how Dr. Tom had given her a do-over day where they hung out. He tells her he has no idea what she is talking about.
Erica confirms that he wouldn't remember and informs him that he kissed her and that is why she has been acting so weird. Kai sits down at her table, intrigued by the fact he kissed her, and Erica says he told her he wanted to know what it would be like.
Kai wonders if she wants him to apologise for doing something he doesn't even remember but Erica replies that she doesn't. She says it's not that they kissed but that the secret and weird thing they share is dangerous and that he is the only person she can talk to about it - which she needs.
However, she states it cannot come between her and Ethan. Kai tells her to pretend that it never happened, which she is relieved to hear and she sighs. He suggests she's had a bad day and, her coffee now delivered, Erica begins to explain about her day and time travelling.
Back at River Rock, Galvin storms into Julianne's office, where is sitting down at her desk, and slams down the photos of her and Friedkin.
Julianne looks surprised and he rages that when he appointed her to Editorial Director of Non Fiction it was because he believed she had the "chops" but says that it's becomingly increasingly evident she's running a "gong show."
She asks for a chance to explain, but he continues to scold her, telling Julianne he was prepared to turn a blind eye but now her indiscretions have become an embarrassment to the company.
Galvin informs her that he will be out of town for two weeks and warns that the situation better be cleared up by the time he gets back. Julianne apologises for any embarrassment she's created and assures him it will be dealt with immediately as he storms off.
She walks into the office, where Friedkin is in the coffee lounge discussing the concept of time with a young female employee. He asks if she understands what he's getting at and, an angry Julianne, calls out that she's not sure anyone understand what he's talking about.
Brent and other employees watch on, intrigued, as Julianne remarks that working from River Rock is clouding Friedkin's judgement and, holding out his bag for him, she suggests that it's time he started working from somewhere else.
Surprised, Friedkin slowly walks over to her, explaining that he loves working at the office, to which Julianne responds that he loves it a little too much and hands him his bag. He then goes to leave, although she tells him she will need her key back.
He hands it back to her, saying he forgot he even had it. He heads to wait for the elevator but, trying not to show her hurt, Julianne says that she wants to "take some of the mystery out of tomorrow" for him.
She informs him she'll be expecting chapters one through six on her desk by the morning before heading back into her office. Friedkin goes into the elevator and shakes his head as the doors close.
Back in her apartment building, Erica walks towards her apartment door and narrates:
"When a secret lurks just around the corner sometimes you have to ask yourself: 'Do you really want to know?'"
She hesitates before opening the door but eventually does so and walks in to find Ethan playing a video game on a new TV. He greets her, explaining that he has bought a new 42 inch LCD TV and a Playstation 3 as their first mutual house warming gift.
Erica realises that this was his big secret from the morning, adding that she now gets to "kick his ass" in High Def. They kiss and he asks her what took her so long, guessing that Julianne kept her late again. Erica hesitates.
"To reveal or not to reveal? It's the hardest question."
Erica confirms that they had some notes to go over and quickly turns attention back to the video game which they begin playing.
"Because our secrets are the invisible burden we carry, some are worth keeping while others just need to be told. And the trick is knowing the difference."
Episode Guide
Erica is getting ready to go to work in the morning. She calls to Ethan, suggesting that they go and see the new Sandra Bullock movie that evening. She then asks if he's seen her cell phone.
Ethan emerges from the bathroom, brushing his teeth, confused that the name of Sandra Bullock's new movie is "Have You Seen My Cell Phone?" He then finds her cell phone on the kitchen counter under some paperwork.
Erica goes to leave and Ethan gives her a 'maybe' to catching the movie. Once she has gone, he heads straight over to the laptop on the table, opens it up, and begins typing. He then leaves the room and, as he does, Erica returns - having forgotten her key card.
She begins to search for it and Ethan, suddenly anxious that Erica might look around the laptop, returns and finds it for her. She gets ready to go again, guessing that he'll be doing summer school work.
Ethan confirms he will be "rocking it" with Jane Eyre, although Erica seems unconvinced at his explanation. She narrates:
"Ever get that feeling that you've stumbled upon a secret?"
She tells Ethan that Jane Eyre is one of her favourite novels and offers to help him with a lesson plan if he needs it. Ethan insists he doesn't and, keen to get rid of Erica, says that Julianne will be foaming at the mouth if she is late for work.
"They say what you don't know can't hurt you, but is that really true?"
At River Rock, Erica knocks on Julianne's office door. She has her back to the door, arranging some flowers in a vase. Erica asks if she can arrange a meeting with her saying she thinks she's found the perfect author for the sex book.
She is instructed to get Meeri to set up a meeting, but Erica informs Julianne that Meeri isn't at her desk. Julianne then turns around and sets the vase on her desk, with Erica commenting how beautiful the flowers look.
Julianne replies that "Friedy" says in The Secret Of Now that a person's exterior should always match their interior. She then asks Erica if she can keep a secret, and Erica replies that she likes to think she can.
She tells her that it is Friedkin's birthday and, removing a small box from her desk drawer, opens it to reveal a key to her place, explaining she is giving it to him as a present. Erica is surprised and Julianne wonders if she think it's too much too soon but Erica insists it's great.
Julianne puts the box back in her drawer and returns to discussing the author Erica has found, asking about her CV. Erica says she'll photocopy it for Julianne seeing as Meeri is absent and goes to leave - although not before telling Julianne how happy she is for her.
"Secrets, they keep things interesting. Some are the kind we're dying to find out."
Erica heads to the copy room but, when she tries to open the door, finds it locked. She removes the key card and uses it.
"Others are secrets we're straining to keep. And still others..."
She opens the door to find Meeri performing a sexual act on Friedkin. Erica exclaims in shock, explaining she had just come in to do some photocopying. Meeri and Friedkin turn around in shock and embarrassment and Erica quickly leaves the room, shutting the door, stunned.
"...are secrets we wish we didn't know."
Later that morning, Julianne is chairing a boardroom meeting with Erica sitting across from a sheepish-looking Meeri, who avoids making eye contact with her. Julianne is busy giving a visual presentation for Friedkin's new book and discussing the importance of the author photo.
As this happens, Julianne and Meeri, without knowing, both reach out to take the same muffin from a selection in the middle of the table. They both apologise, and Meeri is insistent that Julianne takes the muffin. Julianne tells Meeri to though.
Erica then chips in - sensing the opportunity to make a point about Friedkin - proclaiming that Julianne went for the 'muffin' first. Julianne insists she doesn't care and continues with the presentation. However, Erica continues, stating that Julianne had her hand on it first and everyone had seen it.
Julianne tells her there's no need to be so dramatic, and Friedkin adds that it's not first or last blueberry muffin in the world. Looking to bring an end to the debate, Julianne produces a knife and suggests that her and Meeri share the muffin.
Erica is unimpressed as this, saying they shouldn't share the 'muffin', which Meeri agrees with - explaining how she's no longer interested in it. Knowing what she means, Friedkin asks why Meeri would deny herself the 'muffin' and encourages her to "live it up."
Brent watches on, intrigued, and realises something is going on. Erica then suggests that Meeri "unlocks the mystery of tomorrow" and questions whether the 'muffin' will really make her happy and if she'd be happier with a 'muffin' of her own.
Entering the debate, Brent jokes that he has been known to enjoy multiple 'muffins' two or three times a day, and four times on the weekend. Julianne, oblivious to the real meaning of the discussion, then interrupts, calling for everyone to focus.
Afterwards, Brent goes up to Erica, who is in the coffee lounge. He comment on how juicy the events are and checks with her that Meeri is "eating Friedkin's muffin." Erica is shocked at his choice of words, and he asks whether she saw it, which she confirms she, regretfully, did.
Meeri then joins them, and Brent tries to guide Erica away from her. However, Meeri calls out to her and asks Brent if she can talk to Erica.
Brent doesn't leave though, and Erica informs her that Brent knows about her and Friedkin. Meeri asks Erica not to tell Julianne, describing getting together with Friedkin as a one time thing and huge lapse in judgement, which Brent thinks is putting it mildly.
Meeri says she has wanted to work in publishing forever and explains how Friedkin listens to what she has to say and her ideas whereas all she does for Julianne is make lattes and laminate personal photos in her lunch break.
She shows them some pictures of Julianne and Friedkin, which Brent sarcastically comments are another "worthy business expense." Meeri reminds them that they both know what it's like to be Julianne's assistant.
Erica replies that she remembers perfectly well, telling Meeri that Julianne promotes people based on merit and that she doesn't feel sorry for her. They are then interrupted by Julianne calling from her office door for Meeri to make her a latte.
Brent and Erica go to leave, but Meeri catches Erica's arm and begs her not to say anything, telling her she can't afford to lose her job. Erica is left to think.
Sitting at her desk, Erica texts Ethan, informing him she's had a rough day and suggesting they go out for drinks later. He texts back telling her he can't as he is working late, which Erica is disappointed about.
Meanwhile, Julianne is walking with Brent, explaining how impressed she is with his outline for the origami book. She assures him that his great work at making "an ancient Japanese art sexy" is not going unnoticed. Brent thanks her and she goes.
He then encounters Galvin, who tells Brent how pleased he is to have run into him. Galvin asks him how things are in the Non Fiction department and checks whether he has any more concerns. Brent says he hasn't, and a pleased Galvin leaves.
At lunch, Erica is walking through the city when she bumps into Kai - who is with a couple of friends. She greets him, commenting how it's good to see him outside of Goblins and he jokes that they occasionally let him out.
Keen to go, Kai tries to leave but Erica stops him. He tells her that he knows they can only talk about coffee and therapy and declares himself fine with it, but Erica disagrees and tries to explain how complicated it is.
He points to the fact that she knows his therapist's name without him telling her and tells a speechless Erica that she knows where to find him when she wants to stop with the "bullshit."
When Erica returns to the office she find everyone in the office gathered around with drinks in hand. Julianne calls for their attention, recognising that they are all probably wondering why she's summoned them in the middle of the day when they're incredibly busy.
Erica heads over to stand with Brent, asking him what's going on and Brent replies that Julianne has called in all the staff. Julianne declares that she has a very special announcement, telling them that one of River Rock's most accomplished authors - Friedkin - is celebrating his 45th birthday.
She motions to the coffee lounge where an embarrassed Meeri pops up from behind the counter holding a cake. Erica is shocked as Friedkin smiles, broadly. Julianne begins to say how lucky she is to have found a "great associate" and "great friend."
As she does, people begin to murmur and snigger to themselves, which Erica picks up on. She checks whether Brent has told anyone else with his guilty look telling her all she needs to know.
Meanwhile, Julianne, getting emotional, tells them it's time to "sing for their dessert" and counts down from three. She begins singing For He's A Jolly Good Fellow but finds herself doing it alone.
Erica suddenly snaps, telling Brent she can't just watch what's going on, and begins to move towards Julianne. However, Brent stops her and instead guides her into an empty hallway. She asks him what he's doing and he tells Erica he's saving her from herself.
Brent advises her to stick to doing her job and to mind her own business. Erica can't believe that he's suggesting she should just watch it happen and not do anything though. He reminds her that Julianne is her boss and not her friend.
He says that she will shoot the messenger and that Erica's brutal honesty will only only end up hurting Julianne, ruining Meeri, and making Friedkin her enemy.
Brent makes her realise that it isn't affecting the sex book and recommends she puts it out of her mind before declaring that Julianne is suffering the consequences of mixing business with pleasure.
Erica, calmed down, sighs and concedes that he is probably right and Brent suggests she's welcome before leaving. She then heads to the ladies washroom but, when she pushes the door, finds herself entering Dr. Tom's office.
He is sitting on a chair, opposite the door, reading a celebrity magazine, and informs Erica on her entrance that "Brad is re-connecting with Jen." Erica stops him before he can say anything else, anticipating that he is going to tell her that honesty is the best policy.
Dr. Tom gets out of the chair and moves round to sit on his side of the desk, remarking that finding out in public and being embarrassed wouldn't have been the best way for Julianne to find out. Erica suggests that there's no best way to find out though.
She says that Brent is right, and that it is none of her business. Dr. Tom consults her list and asks her to tell him about the fashion show. Erica replies that she knows where he is going with that regret and tells him that the situation with Julianne is totally different.
He doesn't reply, and simply stares back at her. Erica, realising he isn't going to take 'no' for an answer, sits down and begins to explain that it happened during her final year of high school.
She tells him there was a girl in her class, Fiona, who she describes as being a classic overachiever - annoying but totally harmless. Erica explains that they'd known Fiona for years but barely noticed her. However, for some reason, Jenny decided that year to make Fiona's life a living hell.
Erica admits that, to this day, she doesn't know why Jenny hated her so much, but every chance she got she would go after Fiona like a serial killer. Dr. Tom comments that it sounds ruthless, which Erica agrees with.
She describes how it came to a head at the fashion show where Jenny, who was in charge and had access to everything, had an agenda that everyone knew about. She had swapped Fiona's can of hair moose for hair removal.
Erica explains that it had worked itself in and, when Fiona was on the catwalk, her hair began to fall out. She says it was so unbelievably humiliating that Fiona never came back to school and had a nervous breakdown.
She laments that she didn't do anything to stop it and Dr. Tom takes it that Erica thinks she could have prevented it. Erica admits she could have said something but chose not to because, at the time, she felt it wasn't any of her business.
Hearing this, Dr. Tom picks up her list and begins to scribble over the regret with his pen. Confused, she asks him what he's doing and he replies that he's following her lead, commenting that it wasn't her in the copy room with Friedkin nor was it her bullying Fiona.
He turns the page and suggests they move on. Erica gets out of her chair though and tells him to wait, insisting that the two things are totally different because she just happened to find out about Julianne's situation but she had been in on Jenny's plan for Fiona.
She insists that what happened with Fiona is still very much a regret and, seemingly satisfied with her attitude, Dr. Tom puts down the list, looks up at her, and holds out his pen for her to take.
Erica does so, but as she leans forward she finds herself suddenly falling over and landing on the floor of the hallway back in high school, scattering her books and belongings everywhere. Judith and Jenny watch on, as she tries to compose herself and Judith helps her up off the floor.
Jenny wonders how Erica is supposed to walk down a catwalk if she can't manage a hallway. Erica then spots Fiona walking past them and calls out to her, asking if she's ready for the fashion show that evening.
Fiona confirms she is and Jenny comments that Fiona is going to be their Linda Evangenlista if she "looked like carrot top and was fat." Erica is shocked at this vicious attack and Fiona leaves with Jenny shouting at her that it's not too late to quit and that she won't be upset if she does.
They make their way into chemistry class, and Erica asks Jenny if it was really necessary to be as awful to Fiona as she was, but Jenny finds her attitude amusing. They make their way to their seats, with Erica, Judith, Jenny, and Fiona sharing a table.
Zach then comes up to Erica, telling her he wants to "sex her up." She asks him how he's doing and, when he replies "tight," jokes that's he's still young and it won't last.
The teacher, Mr Callaghan then walks in - which Jenny seems instantly pleased about - and instructs Zach to sit down at his own place before informing the class they'll be doing a pop quiz.
He asks them what the chemical symbol for Silver is and, noticing Erica doesn't put her hand up, asks her. However, Erica can't remember, and Fiona answers "Ag" for her. He then asks what a flame test it.
This time he selects Jenny, who gives a half explained answer - which Fiona picks up on describes it as "inefficient" before giving the full explanation. Mr Callaghan congratulates her, although Jenny and Erica are clearly less impressed by Fiona's smugness.
After class, Erica, Jenny, and Judith are walking down the hallway as Jenny reiterates how much she hates Fiona. Erica fails to understand why she would, just because she is better than Jenny in chemistry.
Judith questions why Erica is defending Fiona though, calling her a loser, and Jenny concurs. Erica denies she's defending her, but says Fiona is harmless and advises Jenny to just ignore her.
Zach then comes running up behind them, and produces the hair removal which a delighted Jenny intends to use. Erica snatches it from her though and says she's stopping her.
She goes over to the trash and proceeds to spray the hair removal saying there will be no hair removal, no third degree burns, and no Fiona having a nervous breakdown and switching schools just because she bugs Jenny.
Jenny can't believe Erica and Zach, suggests she needs to chill out. However, Erica says the rest of them do and wonders whether Fiona has ever done or said anything to hurt Jenny. The mere thought is rejected by Jenny.
Erica offers to go and talk to her, suggesting it would be a better way to resolve their dispute and she goes over to where Fiona is sitting on the floor, her back to the lockers, reading The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers.
She tells Fiona that she is reading a great book, which surprises Fiona that Erica has read it. Erica confirms she has read them all, as well as seeing the movies. She realises the historical inaccuracy of her comment and is relieved when Fiona suggests she means a 1978 animated film.
Erica sits down next to Fiona and says she has something she needs her to do, asking if she can back off Jenny. Fiona suggests it should be the other way around and, although Erica agrees, she asks Fiona to stop making Jenny feel stupid in class.
Fiona wonders whether Erica has considered Jenny might just be stupid which Erica rejects before reiterating her advice for Fiona to stop pushing Jenny's buttons. She warns that Jenny is at breaking point and that Fiona doesn't realise what she's capable of.
They are then joined by Jenny and Judith who sit down next to Erica telling her they're about to go and get changed for gym. Jenny apologises to Fiona for being harsh and tells her she didn't mean anything by it.
Fiona reciprocates the apology, and Erica smiles as they make up. Jenny offers Fiona a piece of a chocolate bar she has, proposing a truce which Fiona accepts. Erica beams at this act, although Judith smiles knowingly to herself as Fiona takes the chocolate and eats it before leaving.
Erica tells Jenny she's proud of her and Judith and Jenny take off. She remains seated on the floor, and stretches her arms out as if to congratulate herself on her mediating.
Outside during gym, the girls are all dribbling soccer balls around cones. After Erica does so, she heads over to a table to get a drink. Standing next to it is the school mascot, a shark.
He tells Erica that if she thinks she's sweaty she should try dancing around in his costume for an hour under the blazing sun. She recognises the voice from within as coming from Dr. Tom and, sure enough, he removes the mascot head to reveal himself to her.
Erica compliments him on his outfit, explaining how some people are actually attracted to stuffed animals. He replies, commenting that the sex book has really opened her eyes. Then Dr. Tom, pointing to Fiona, asks Erica if she is aware of the fate that will befall her.
She tells him that she has already changed fate and remarks that everything is good on that front. Erica says that everything is so intense when you're 17 and suggests Jenny just needed somebody wiser to cut through all the "high school bullshit."
Dr. Tom asks her if that was all it took and Erica explains that she just put it all out there and made it her business. He pretends to be impressed and begins leading a cheer, asking some watching students to give him an "E R I C A" and asking what it spells.
Erica stops him and asks him what he's doing. He replies by telling her he is celebrating her taking a stand and for ending high school bullying single handedly before the last bell.
Dr. Tom puts on his mascot's head joking that, for her next trip into the past, Erica should go back and take on World War II, calling her amazing, before leaving. She is left dumbfounded at his behaviour.
Just then, Fiona begins to feel weird, clutching her stomach, and feeling uncomfortable while trying to dribble the ball. Jenny watches this, smiling broadly and laughing hysterically as Fiona begins to feel worse.
Judith exclaims that Fiona has shit herself and Jenny agrees and everyone laughs as Fiona quickly runs to the bathroom. Annoyed, Erica confronts Jenny and asks her why she finds it funny.
Jenny tells her they're just trying to help Fiona lose a few pounds before the fashion show. Erica goes off, leaving Jenny celebrating.
Later on, Erica finds Jenny at her locker and begins to describe to her the look on Fiona's face as she had to call her parents and tell them what happened, saying she wished Jenny had been there to see it.
Jenny jokes that she just helped Fiona to loosen up but Erica hits back telling her that Fiona has gone home humiliated and physically sick because of her. However, Jenny just pretends to be sorry and insincerely worrying that Fiona may not be able to make the fashion show.
Erica asks Jenny what is wrong with her and why she is enjoying hurting Fiona but Jenny simply tells her that if she wants to go and be best friends with Fiona then she should. She suggests Erica goes around to Fiona's house for a sleepover before adding that Mr Callaghan could go too.
Surprised, Erica now questions why Jenny hates Mr Callaghan too. Jenny asks Erica to go, but Erica then realises that Jenny actually likes Mr Callaghan. She suspects that Jenny is jealous of Fiona because she has a crush on him.
Jenny tells Erica to go once more, but Erica reminds her that Mr Callaghan is a teacher and that she is going to war over her crush for him. Jenny responds by suggesting Erica shuts up and that she doesn't know anything. She slams her locker door shut and leaves Erica who shouts that Jenny is acting crazy.
That evening, the fashion show is taking place. Backstage, Erica, Jenny, and Judith are getting ready to go on. Judith notices that Jenny is blanking Erica and leaves to give them some space to talk.
Erica tells Jenny that she doesn't want to fight with her and that her crush on Mr Callaghan isn't going to go anywhere as he's a teacher and Jenny is a student. She adds that it has nothing to do with Fiona. Jenny simply replies by telling Erica she's not a moron and that she doesn't have a crush.
Judith and Jenny then make their way onto the catwalk and parade down until waiting at the end. Erica then joins them, wearing a dress with a long train behind it. She walks down to the end and then goes to turn around with Jenny and Judith following her.
However, Jenny purposefully steps on Erica's train causing the dress to rip off her leaving Erica on the catwalk in just her underwear. Embarrassed, she quickly runs backstage leaving a gleeful Jenny blowing a kiss to a laughing audience.
The next morning, Erica is wolf-whistled as she makes her way down the hallway. She then bumps into Mr Callaghan who asks her if they can talk before class. He tells Erica he's concerned about the way Jenny has been acting and she agrees Jenny has been acting crazy.
He says that it seems like something is wrong and that Jenny is very emotional. Erica tells him that Jenny doesn't normally hide things and he checks whether they are close and that Jenny tells Erica everything.
Erica admits that Jenny has a crush on him, which she describes as a "big irrational school girl crush." He digests this and explains that, being younger, kids can relate to him and that it is an occupational hazard.
The bell then goes and he suggests they go into class, although he asks Erica to let him know if she thinks he can help with Jenny. They make their way into class, where Zach once again bothers Erica before Mr Callaghan has to instruct him to sit at his own place once more.
Mr Callaghan announces they are going to be doing an acid test and warns them that the hydrochloric acid they're going to be using is highly corrosive.
Jenny then walks into the classroom late and he thanks her for joining them. She apologises insicerely, informing him that she was up all night dealing with her "asshole boyfriend" who dumped her.
Erica and Judith are shocked at this, as the class begins to murmur. Jenny sits down at her place next to Fiona as Mr Callaghan continues explaining the test. However, Jenny takes it upon herself to start pouring the acid into a dish and Fiona reminds her she should be wearing gloves.
Jenny tells Fiona to shut it and Mr Callaghan reminds her that they haven't started yet. Jenny then accidentally drops the acid, breaking the glass container, and spills some on her hand. Mr Callaghan rushes over and turns on the tap, holding Jenny's hand underneath the water.
He instructs her to keep it there for 20 minutes at least. However, Jenny rushes off ignoring his advice to go and see a nurse as she has cut herself and spilled acid on it. Erica goes to follow Jenny.
She catches up with her in the hallway and gets her to stop. Erica states there is something going on between Jenny and Mr Callaghan and Jenny tells her there isn't as he broke up with her the previous night.
Erica says she needs to go to the Principal about it, but Jenny goes to walk off. She says that if Jenny doesn't, she will, but Jenny replies that she will deny it. Erica tells her that what he did was wrong, but Jenny says it wasn't just him and suggests Erica stays out of it as it's none of her business.
Jenny rushes off and, when Erica returns to the class, she finds just Mr Callaghan and Fiona in the room where he is extracting some glass from her hand. She thanks him as he holds her hand and looks into her eyes.
Erica is unimpressed with what she sees, and clears her throat - announcing she has come back to collect her books. Mr Callaghan lets go of Fiona's hand and hurriedly goes to leave to get something to eat.
Fiona asks him whether he still wants her to come by after school to help organise all the chemicals but he suggests she doesn't and allows her finger to heal. He then goes and a sceptical Erica questions why Fiona is volunteering to help.
However, Fiona corrects her, explaining that it was him who asked her. Erica isn't surprised to hear this and Fiona thanks Erica for standing up for her. She then leaves Erica, who contemplates what to do. She then heads straight to speak to Principal Dayton.
Later, she is in the hallway when Principal Dayton marches Mr Callaghan out of the school. Erica then heads outside to the entrance where she finds Jenny sitting on some steps. She sits down beside her and Jenny comments that Fiona can't get Mr Callaghan now.
Erica guesses correctly that Jenny knew what was going on between them. Jenny replies that he was inviting her to stay behind after class and talking to her, which Erica realises were the same things he used to do with her.
Upset, Jenny says she really liked him and that being with Mr Callaghan felt like having a secret that no one knew and it made her so happy. She tells Erica she now feels like an idiot, but Erica assures her that it's not her fault and that he had used her.
Jenny takes this to mean that he didn't want her for her amazing personality and suggests that Mr Callaghan "knew a slut when he saw one." Erica replies by telling Jenny she's wonderful and comforts her as she cries.
She reiterates that none of it is about her and that Mr Callaghan is messed up. At Jenny's request, she then leaves her alone. Erica heads down the steps and pushes the door to the girl's locker room.
Instead though, she finds herself coming out of the men's washroom at River Rock back in the present day. She bumps into a male colleague heading in, trying to explain away in her embarrassment that she had walked into the wrong room.
The drinks party is still going on for Friedkin, and Erica heads back into the office and spots Dr. Tom waiting for her in the boardroom. She joins him, declining his offer of a mimosa. She tells him she had no idea about Jenny and they both agree that it explains a few things.
Erica comments that Mr Callaghan was just the first of many 'Mr Callaghans' in Jenny's life. "There is no shame in not knowing, the shame lies in finding out," he quotes to her, before commenting that Julianne's situation is totally different, agreeing it has nothing to do with secret that just needs to be told.
She tells him she gets it and that Julianne is not going to like hearing it and that she is certainly not going to like saying it. Erica concludes that she has to though, which Dr. Tom questions.
Erica responds by saying that not doing anything will be like betraying Julianne and she will be part of the problem. They watch Julianne in her office handing Friedkin the key to her place as she explains what it is and hug.
Brent watches this too, and Friedkin leaves and walks past Brent, smiling. He then leaves the office and Erica takes this as her cue to go and see Julianne and she strides into her office, closing the door behind her.
Erica apologises and informs Julianne there is something she needs to tell her. Julianne asks if she is OK, and Erica replies that she isn't and says that Julianne isn't going to like hearing what she has to say and that there is no easy to say it.
Julianne suggests Erica's "production" is "overkill" and insists she can handle whatever it is and instructs Erica to just tell her. Erica says that Friedkin is cheating on her and explains how she caught him and Meeri "doing something they shouldn't have been."
Trying to disguise her shock and pain, Julianne thanks Erica and, despite her attempts to comfort her, Erica is thanked once more and asked to leave.
Julianne then makes her way into the office where Brent comes up to her and checks she's all right. She says she's never been better but he tells her he's sorry about Friedkin, branding him a dog, and suggests that she can do much better.
She interrupts him though, shocked that Brent knew about Meeri and Friedkin but didn't tell her. Brent doesn't know what to say and she walks away upset. She heads to the copy room where she breaks down in tears and Erica enters to check up on her.
Julianne wipes away her tears and tries to compose herself. Realising she can't hide it anymore though, she wonders how awful her mascara looks. Erica responds saying that it looks good considering everything, although it does appear as though she's been crying.
Erica assures Julianne she has nothing to feel humiliated about, although she disagrees - pointing to the book cover photos, the mimosas, Meeri with the cake, the key ring, and her crying too. Erica replies saying she is the "victim."
Julianne thanks Erica for telling her the truth and Erica helps her clean up her mascara before Julianne heads back into the office leaving Erica thinking.
Later, Erica and Brent watch on from their desks as Meeri, head bowed, meets with Julianne. Brent comments how bad everything is before Meeri storms out of Julianne's office and confronts Erica.
She thanks her sarcastically and Erica tries to apologise. Meeri reminds her that she begged her to mind her own business and says that the job was her way into publishing. Erica responds by telling Meeri she shouldn't have jeopardised it in the way she did.
Meeri suggests that Erica didn't want anyone to come up behind her and steal her thunder and sarcastically wishes her good luck, telling Erica she is well on the way to becoming the "next Julianne."
Julianne then calls Brent and Erica through to her office. She informs them that Meeri is no longer an employee of River Rock, suggestively commenting that some people just aren't who you think they are.
Brent understands who she is referring to when she states that some people live up to expectations and others disappoint despite having had their back for years. He bows his head at this description.
Erica tries to speak up, but Julianne continues, telling them it takes such events to realise who her friends really are. She says she'll be looking for a new assistant but that, in the meantime, Brent will be back in charge of getting her her latte, which she instructs him to do there and then.
He walks out, unimpressed. Heading straight to Meeri's desk, where she is clearing her things. He picks up the personal photos of Friedkin and Julianne she showed them earlier and asks whether he can borrow them which Meeri, realising what he intends to do, is more than happy to do.
After work, Erica heads into Goblins while leaving a message for Ethan to call her back on her cell phone. She orders a latte from another barista, although Kai spots her and suggests there is a Starbucks down the street that makes lattes too.
Erica wanders over to him and suggests they get past things and sits down at a table. He asks her why she's there and she reiterates that she's ordering a coffee. Kai doesn't believe her though and demands she tells him what she wants from him.
She doesn't reply, but Kai tells her to stop with all the "dumb games" and asks her what the big secret is. Erica explains about how Dr. Tom had given her a do-over day where they hung out. He tells her he has no idea what she is talking about.
Erica confirms that he wouldn't remember and informs him that he kissed her and that is why she has been acting so weird. Kai sits down at her table, intrigued by the fact he kissed her, and Erica says he told her he wanted to know what it would be like.
Kai wonders if she wants him to apologise for doing something he doesn't even remember but Erica replies that she doesn't. She says it's not that they kissed but that the secret and weird thing they share is dangerous and that he is the only person she can talk to about it - which she needs.
However, she states it cannot come between her and Ethan. Kai tells her to pretend that it never happened, which she is relieved to hear and she sighs. He suggests she's had a bad day and, her coffee now delivered, Erica begins to explain about her day and time travelling.
Back at River Rock, Galvin storms into Julianne's office, where is sitting down at her desk, and slams down the photos of her and Friedkin.
Julianne looks surprised and he rages that when he appointed her to Editorial Director of Non Fiction it was because he believed she had the "chops" but says that it's becomingly increasingly evident she's running a "gong show."
She asks for a chance to explain, but he continues to scold her, telling Julianne he was prepared to turn a blind eye but now her indiscretions have become an embarrassment to the company.
Galvin informs her that he will be out of town for two weeks and warns that the situation better be cleared up by the time he gets back. Julianne apologises for any embarrassment she's created and assures him it will be dealt with immediately as he storms off.
She walks into the office, where Friedkin is in the coffee lounge discussing the concept of time with a young female employee. He asks if she understands what he's getting at and, an angry Julianne, calls out that she's not sure anyone understand what he's talking about.
Brent and other employees watch on, intrigued, as Julianne remarks that working from River Rock is clouding Friedkin's judgement and, holding out his bag for him, she suggests that it's time he started working from somewhere else.
Surprised, Friedkin slowly walks over to her, explaining that he loves working at the office, to which Julianne responds that he loves it a little too much and hands him his bag. He then goes to leave, although she tells him she will need her key back.
He hands it back to her, saying he forgot he even had it. He heads to wait for the elevator but, trying not to show her hurt, Julianne says that she wants to "take some of the mystery out of tomorrow" for him.
She informs him she'll be expecting chapters one through six on her desk by the morning before heading back into her office. Friedkin goes into the elevator and shakes his head as the doors close.
Back in her apartment building, Erica walks towards her apartment door and narrates:
"When a secret lurks just around the corner sometimes you have to ask yourself: 'Do you really want to know?'"
She hesitates before opening the door but eventually does so and walks in to find Ethan playing a video game on a new TV. He greets her, explaining that he has bought a new 42 inch LCD TV and a Playstation 3 as their first mutual house warming gift.
Erica realises that this was his big secret from the morning, adding that she now gets to "kick his ass" in High Def. They kiss and he asks her what took her so long, guessing that Julianne kept her late again. Erica hesitates.
"To reveal or not to reveal? It's the hardest question."
Erica confirms that they had some notes to go over and quickly turns attention back to the video game which they begin playing.
"Because our secrets are the invisible burden we carry, some are worth keeping while others just need to be told. And the trick is knowing the difference."
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